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Wiremock servlet classpath issue on Meizu devices

This project reproduces a bug in the following scenario:

  • An application performs a simple GET /hello/world request on a server
  • Wiremock is configured to respond to this request with a simple text/plain string response consisting of a string of XXXXXX characters
  • When the response is 256 characters or longer, and the instrumentation test is run on a Meizu Note 5 (Android 7.0) device, wiremock fails to provide the matched response. We see in the client logs an exception message:
No interface method isAsyncStarted()Z in class Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest; or its super classes (declaration of 'javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest' appears in /system/framework/meizu2_jcifs.jar)

Note: this issue has been found to occur with the following request libraries:

  • volley
  • retrofit (this project example)
  • okhttp3 directly (without retrofit)

Root cause summary

Both wiremock and Meizu embed javax.servlet classes, without package relocation. The versions of the two sets of classes are not the same, resuling exceptions about missing methods.

The test

The test launches an activity which:

  • Performs the network request
  • Updates a TextView with the response result (the content if successful, an error message otherwise)

The test then verifies that the TextView contains the expected response.

Steps to reproduce the problem

On a Meizu Note 5:

./gradlew cAT
  • Expected behavior: the test passes
  • Actual behavior: the test fails

Change the value of responseBodyCharacterCount in ExampleInstrumentedTest to verify that the test fails on the Meizu if it's 256 or larger, and passes for values 0-255.


When the size of the response is larger than 256 characters, we end up here, in, in version 9.2 of jetty:

    public void flush() throws IOException
        if (_out == null || _bOut != null)
            long length=_wrapper.getContentLength();
            if (length > 0 && length < _wrapper.getMinCompressSize())
                doCompress();     <-------- HERE


Inside doCompress(), we end up here (code decompiled by Android Studio, as this code doesn't appear in version 9.2 of jetty, but is what's actually executed...):

                String prefix = "";
                if (this._request.getDispatcherType() == DispatcherType.INCLUDE) {
                    prefix = "";

getDispatcherType() doesn't exist, so we end up with this error:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No interface method getDispatcherType()Ljavax/servlet/DispatcherType; in class Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest; or its super classes (declaration of 'javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest' appears in /system/framework/meizu2_jcifs.jar)
	at com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.servlet.WireMockHandlerDispatchingServlet.writeAndTranslateExceptions(

This is caught by ServletHandler.doHandle(), which ends up here:

            // Complete async errored requests
            if (th!=null && request.isAsyncStarted())  <--------------- HERE

isAsyncStarted() is also not available on the Meizu, which is what causes the request to fail (with the message about this missing method).