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File metadata and controls

178 lines (123 loc) · 5.72 KB

Unix - Advanced I

This session focuses on plain text file data extraction/modification using built-in Unix tools.

Pattern search & regular expressions

grep -E is a useful tool to search for patterns using a mini-language called regular expressions. You can use the egrep shorthand, which means the same.

^A         # match A at the beginning of line
A$         # match A at the end of line
[0-9]      # match numerical characters
[A-Z]      # match alphabetical characters
[ATGC]     # match A or T or G or C
.          # match any character
A*         # match A letter 0 or more times
A{2}     # match A letter exactly 2 times
A{1,}    # match A letter 1 or more times
A+         # match A letter 1 or more times (extended regular expressions)
A{1,3}   # match A letter at least 1 times but no more than 3 times
\s         # match whitespace (also TAB)


You can check file permissions by typing ll instead of ls. rwx stand for Read, Write, eXecute, and are repeated three times, for User, Group, and Others. The two names you see next to the permissions are file's owner user and group.

You can change the permissions - if you have the permission to do so - by e.g. chmod go+w - "add write permission to group and others".

  1. Count the number of variants in the file
< /data-shared/vcf_examples/luscinia_vars_flags.vcf.gz zcat |
grep -v '^#' |
wc -l
  1. Count the number of variants passing/failing the quality threshold
< /data-shared/vcf_examples/luscinia_vars_flags.vcf.gz zcat |
grep -v '^#' |
grep 'PASS' |
wc -l

< /data-shared/vcf_examples/luscinia_vars_flags.vcf.gz zcat |
grep -v '^#' |
grep 'FAIL' |
wc -l
  1. Count the number of variants on the chromosome Z passing the quality threshold
< /data-shared/vcf_examples/luscinia_vars_flags.vcf.gz zcat |
grep -v '^#' |
grep 'PASS' |
grep '^chrZ\s' |
wc -l

Cutting out, sorting and replacing text

We are going to use these commands: cut, sort, uniq, tr, sed.


sed -r (text Stream EDitor) can do a lot of things, however, pattern replacement is the best thing to use it for. The 'sed language' consists of single character commands, and is no fun to code and even less fun to read (what does sed 'h;G;s/\n//' do?;). Use awk for more complex processing.

General syntax:

sed 's/pattern/replacement/'

# Replace one or more A or C or G or T by N
sed 's/^[AGCT]\{1,\}/N/'

# The same thing using extended regular expressions:
sed -r 's/^[AGCT]+/N/'

Use nightingale variant call file (VCF)

  1. Which chromosome has the highest and the least number of variants?
< data-shared/luscinia_vars_flags.vcf grep -v '^#' |
cut -f 1 |
sort |
uniq -c |
sed -r 's/^ +//' |
tr " " "\t" |
sort -k1,1nr
  1. What is the number of samples in the VCF file?
< data-shared/luscinia_vars_flags.vcf grep -v '^##' |
head -n1 |
cut --complement -f 1-9 |
tr "\t" "\n" |
wc -l

Figure out alternative solution for exercise 2.


Difference between sed and tr:

tr (from TRansliterate) replaces (or deletes) individual characters: Ideal for removing line ends (tr -d "\n") or replacing some separator to TAB (tr ";" "\t").

sed replaces (or deletes) complex patterns.


How many bases were sequenced?

wc can count characters (think bases) as well. But to get a reasonable number, we have to get rid of the other lines that are not bases.

One way to do it is to pick only lines comprising of letters A, C, G, T and N. There is a ubiquitous mini-language called regular expressions that can be used to define text patterns. A line comprising only of few possible letters is a text pattern. grep is the basic tool for using regular expressions:

cat *.fastq | grep '^[ACGTN]*$' | less -S

Check if the output looks as expected. This is a very common way to work - build a part of the pipeline, check the output with less or head and fix it or add more commands.

Now a short explanation of the ^[ACGTN]*$ pattern (grep works one line a time):

  • ^ marks beginning of the line - otherwise grep would search anywhere in the line
  • the square brackets ([]) are a character class, meaning one character of the list, [Gg]rep matches Grep and grep
  • the * is a count suffix for the square brackets, saying there should be zero or more of such characters
  • $ marks end of the line - that means the whole line has to match the pattern

To count the bases read, we extend our pipeline:

cat *.fastq | grep '^[ACGTN]*$' | wc -c

The thing is that this count is not correct. wc -c counts every character, and the end of each line is marked by a special character written as \n (n for newline). To get rid of this character, we can use another tool, tr (transliterate). tr can substitute one letter with another (imagine you need to lowercase all your data, or mask lowercase bases in your Fasta file). Additionally tr -d (delete) can remove characters:

cat *.fastq | grep '^[ACGTN]*$' | tr -d "\n" | wc -c


If you like regular expressions, you can hone your skills at