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479 lines (353 loc) · 13.5 KB

Genomic tools session

Genome feature arithmetics & summary

Explore bedtools & bedops functionality

Prepare files - we work with mouse genome data:

mkdir projects/bed_examples
cp /data/bed_examples/* projects/bed_examples/.
cd projects/bed_examples
  1. Merge the overlapping open chromatin regions in encode.bed file

In this first exercise we will work with open chromatin regions based on DNaseI hypersensitive sites in file encode.bed obtained from ENCODE database. As this database contains open chromatin regions from multiple experiments, the open chromatin regions may overlap. In our analysis we want to merge these regions so that the same/similar regions is present only once. You can use bedtools merge tool:

# Explore the encode.bed file
less encode.bed

# Count the number of regions before merging
wc -l encode.bed

# The data has to be sorted: use subshell to sort data before merging
bedtools merge -i <( sortBed -i encode.bed ) > encode-merged.bed

# Count the number of regions after merging
wc -l encode-merged.bed
  1. Count the number of open chromatin regions in merged file overlapping with genes

In the second exercise we would like to parse and count those open chromatin regions which overlap with known genes retrieved from Ensembl database or are within 1000 bp on each side of a gene.

# Explore the Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed file
less Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed

# Count the number of open chromatin regions overlapping with genes
# or are within 1000 bp window on each side of a gene
bedtools window -w 1000 \
-a <( sortBed -i encode-merged.bed ) \
-b <( sortBed -i Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed ) |
wc -l

# Count the number of open chromatin regions overlapping with genes
bedtools intersect \
-a <( sortBed -i encode-merged.bed ) \
-b <( sortBed -i Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed ) |
wc -l
  1. Count the number of merged open chromatin regions file overlapping with genes

Here, we are supposed to do right the opposite, i.e. count the number of genes containing open chromatin region from the ENCODE dataset.

bedtools intersect \
-a <( sortBed -i encode-merged.bed ) \
-b <( sortBed -i Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed ) -wb |
cut -f 7 |
sort -u |
wc -l

4. Make three sets of sliding windows across mouse genome (1 Mb, 2.5 Mb, 5 Mb) with the step size 0.2 by the size of the window and obtain gene density within these sliding windows. To speed up the process we focus only on chromosome X.

# Explore fasta index file
less genome.fa.fai

# Make 1Mb sliding windows (step 200kb)
bedtools makewindows \
-g <( grep '^X' genome.fa.fai ) \
-w 1000000 \
-s 200000 \
-i winnum \
> windows_1mb.bed

# Make 2.5Mb sliding windows (step 500kb)
bedtools makewindows \
-g <( grep '^X' genome.fa.fai ) \
-w 2500000 \
-s 500000 \
-i winnum \
> windows_2-5mb.bed

# Make 5Mb sliding windows (step 1Mb)
bedtools makewindows \
-g <( grep '^X' genome.fa.fai ) \
-w 5000000 \
-s 1000000 \
-i winnum \
> windows_5mb.bed

# Obtain densities of genes within individual windows
bedtools coverage \
-a <( sortBed -i Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed ) \
-b windows_1mb.bed \

bedtools coverage \
-a <( sortBed -i Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed ) \
-b windows_2-5mb.bed \

bedtools coverage \
-a <( sortBed -i Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed ) \
-b windows_5mb.bed \

The gene density can be visualized in R-Studio.


Explore vcftools functionality

Prepare data files into ~projects/diff directory:

mkdir projects/diff

cp /data/mus_mda/00-popdata/* projects/diff/.

cd projects/diff

# View and explore the files within the 'vcf' directory

Obtaining the basic file statistics (number of variants & number of samples):

vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz

Viewing and printing out the content of the VCF file:

# To print out the content of the VCF file

vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz --recode --out new_vcf

# To view the content directly

vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz --recode --stdout | less -S

Basic data filtering - use of appropriate flags:

--keep ind.txt # Keep these individuals
--remove ind.txt # Remove these individuals
--snps snps.txt # Keep these SNPs
--snps snps.txt –-exclude # Remove these SNPs

To select a subset of samples:

vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz \
--keep euro_samps.txt \
--recode \
--stdout |
less -S

Select subset of samples and SNPs based on physical position in genome:

# Flags you can use:
--chr 11 # Keep just this chromosome
--not-chr 11 # Remove this chromosome
--not-chr 11 –not-chr 2 # Remove these two chromosomes
--from-bp 20000000 # Keep SNPs from this position
--to-bp 22000000 # Keep SNPs to this position
--bed keep.bed # Keep only SNPs overlapping with locations listed in a file
--exclude-bed remove.bed # The opposite of the previous
vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz \
--chr 11 \
--from-bp 22000000 \
--to-bp 23000000 \
--keep euro_samps.txt \
--recode \
--stdout |
less -S

Select subset of samples and then select SNPs with no missing data and with minor allele frequency (MAF) no less than 0.2:

# Flags you can use:
--maf 0.2 # Keep just variants with Minor Allele Freq higher than 0.2
--hwe 0.05 # Keep just variants which do not deviate from HW equilibrium (p-value = 0.05)
--max-missing (0-1) # Remove SNPs with given proportion of missing data (0 = allowed completely missing, 1 = no missing data allowed)
--minQ 20 # Minimal quality allowed (Phred score)
vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz \
--keep euro_samps.txt \
--recode \
--stdout |
vcftools \
--vcf - \
--max-missing 1 \
--maf 0.2 \
--recode \
--stdout |
less -S

vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz \
--keep euro_samps.txt \
--recode \
--stdout |
vcftools --vcf - \
--max-missing 1 \
--maf 0.2 \
--recode \
--stdout \
> popdata_mda_euro.vcf

Use the newly created popdata_mda_euro.vcf representing variants only for a subset of individuals and variants to calculate Fst index. In order for vcftools to calculate Fst index the populations have to be specified in the output - each one with a separate file (--weir-fst-pop pop1.txt and --weir-fst-pop pop2.txt).

# Flags you can use:
--site-pi # Calculates per-site nucleotide diversity (π)
--window-pi 1000000 --window-pi-step 250000 # Calculates per-site nucleotide diversity for windows of 1Mb with 250Kb step
--weir-fst-pop pop1.txt --weir-fst-pop pop2.txt # Calculates Weir & Cockerham's Fst
--fst-window-size 1000000 –-fst-window-step 250000 # Calculates Fst for windows of 1Mb with 250Kb step
vcftools --vcf popdata_mda_euro.vcf \
--weir-fst-pop musculus_samps.txt \
--weir-fst-pop domesticus_samps.txt \
--stdout |
less -S


Get a population differentiation calculated as Fst between M. m. musculus and M. m. domesticus within a given sliding window and find candidate genes within highly differentiated regions:

  1. use vcftools to filter data and calculate Fst for individual SNPs

  2. use bedtools makewindows to create sliding windows of three sizes:

    1. 100 kb + 10 kb step
    2. 500 kb + 50 kb step
    3. 1 Mb + 100 kb step
  3. calculate average Fst for each window

  4. use R-Studio and ggplot2 to plot Fst values across the genome

  5. use R or tabtk to obtain the 99th percentile and use it to obtain a set of candidate genomic regions

  6. use bedtools intersect to get a list of candidate genes

Extract genotype data for European mouse individuals and filter out variants having more than one missing genotype and minor allele frequency 0.2 (we have already started - you should have prepared VCF file with European samples and filtered out variants with missing genomes and low minor allele frequency).

cd ~/projects/diff

vcftools --gzvcf popdata_mda.vcf.gz \
--keep euro_samps.txt \
--recode --stdout |
vcftools --vcf - \
--max-missing 1 \
--maf 0.2 \
--recode \
--stdout \
> popdata_mda_euro.vcf

Calculate Fst values for variants between M. m. musculus and M. m. domesticus populations (populations specified in musculus_samps.txt and domesticus_samps.txt):

vcftools --vcf popdata_mda_euro.vcf \
--weir-fst-pop musculus_samps.txt   \
--weir-fst-pop domesticus_samps.txt \
--stdout |
tail -n +2 |
awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}{print $1,$2-1,$2,$1":"$2,$3}' \
> popdata_mda_euro_fst.bed

Make the three sets of sliding windows (100 kb, 500 kb, 1 Mb) and concatenate them into a single file:

cp /data/mus_mda/02-windows/genome.fa.fai .

## Create windows of 1 Mb with 100 kb step
bedtools makewindows -g <(grep '^2\|^11' genome.fa.fai) \
-w 1000000 \
-s 100000  \
-i winnum |
awk '{print $0":1000kb"}' \
> windows_1000kb.bed

## Create windows of 500 kb with 500 kb step
bedtools makewindows -g <(grep '^2\|^11' genome.fa.fai) \
-w 500000 \
-s 50000  \
-i winnum |
awk '{print $0":500kb"}' \
> windows_500kb.bed

## Create windows of 100 kb with 10 kb step
bedtools makewindows -g <(grep '^2\|^11' genome.fa.fai) \
-w 100000 \
-s 10000  \
-i winnum | \
awk '{print $0":100kb"}' \
> windows_100kb.bed

## Concatenate windows of all sizes
cat windows_*.bed > windows.bed

Calculate average Fst within the sliding windows:

## Input files for bedtools groupby need to be sorted

# Join Fst values and the 'windows.bed' file
bedtools intersect \
  -a <( sortBed -i windows.bed ) \
  -b <( sortBed -i popdata_mda_euro_fst.bed ) -wa -wb \

# Run bedtools groupby command to obtain average values of Fst
bedtools groupby -i <( sort -k4,4 ) \
-g 1,2,3,4 \
-c 9 \
-o mean |
tr ":" "\t" >

Visualize the average Fst values within the sliding windows of the three sizes between the two house mouse subspecies in R-Studio. Plot the distribution of the Fst values for the three window sizes and also plot the average Fst values along the chromosomes.


R ggplot2 commands to plot population differentiation



fst <- read.table("", header=F, sep="\t")

# shorthand for TAB separated files
fst <- read.delim("", header=F)

names(fst) <- c("chrom", "start", "end", "win_id","win_size", "avg_fst" )

# the 'old' way
fst$win_size <- factor(fst$win_size, levels=c("100kb", "500kb", "1000kb"))

# dplyr version of the command above
fst %>%
  mutate(win_size = factor(win_size, levels=c("100kb", "500kb", "1000kb")) ->

ggplot(fst, aes(avg_fst)) +
        geom_density(fill=I("blue")) +
ggplot(fst, aes(y=avg_fst, x=start, colour=win_size)) +
        geom_line() +
        facet_wrap(~chrom, nrow=2) +
        scale_colour_manual(name="Window size", values=c("green", "blue","red"))

q <- quantile(subset(fst,win_size=="500kb",select="avg_fst")[,1],prob=0.99)[[1]]

ggplot(fst, aes(y=avg_fst, x=start, colour=win_size)) +
        geom_line() +
        facet_wrap(~chrom, nrow=2) +
        geom_hline(yintercept=q, colour="black") +
        scale_colour_manual(name="Window size", values=c("green", "blue","red"))

Find the 99th percentile of genome-wide distribution of Fst values in order to guess possible outlier genome regions. 99th percentile can be obtained running R as command line or by using tabtk. The output would be a list of windows having Fst higher than or equal to 99% of the data.

## Use of variables: var=value
## Use $() to pass the output of command/pipeline to a variable

# Calculate 99th percentile by R
q500=$( grep 500kb |
  cut -f 6 |
  Rscript -e 'quantile(as.numeric(readLines("stdin")),probs=0.99)[[1]]' |
  cut -d " " -f 2 )

# Calculate 99th percentile by tabtk
q500=$( grep 500kb |
  tabtk num -c 6 -Q |
  cut -f 13 )

## Inspect the variable
echo $q500

grep 500kb |
  awk -v a=$q500 -F $'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}{if($6 >= a){print $1,$2,$3}}' |
  sortBed |
  bedtools merge -i stdin \
> signif_500kb.bed

Use the mouse gene annotation file to retrieve genes within the windows of high Fst (i.e. putative reproductive isolation loci).

</data/mus_mda/05-fst2genes/Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.67.gtf.gz zcat > Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.67.gtf

bedtools intersect \
    -a signif_500kb.bed \
    -b Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.67.gtf -wa -wb |
  grep protein_coding |
  cut -f 1,2,3,4,12 |
  cut -d ' ' -f 1,3,9 |
  tr -d '";' |
  sort -u \