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Course materials preparation

This section contains the steps that we did to produce the materials that course participants got ready-made. That is the linux machine image, online documentation and the slide deck.

Online documentation

Login to Create a new project called ngs-course, with a default readme file.

Clone the project to local machine and initialize sphinx docs. Choose SSH clone link in GitHub.

git clone

cd ngs-course

# use default answers to all the questions
# enter project name and version 1.0

Now track all files created by sphinx-quickstart in current directory with git and publish to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m 'empty sphinx project'

# ignore _build directory in git
echo _build >> .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m 'ignore _build directory'

# publish the first docs
# setting up argument less git pull with '-u'
git push -u origin master

To get live view of the documents, login to Your GitHub account can be paired with Read the Docs account in Edit Profile/Social Accounts, then you can simply 'import' new projects from your GitHub with one click. Import the new project and wait for it to build. After the build the docs can be found at (or click the View button).

Now write the docs, commit and push. Rinse and repeat. Try to keep the commits small, just one change a time.

git add _whatever_new_files_
git commit -m '_your meaningful description of what you did here_'
git push

References that may come handy:

Use to shorten a link to, to get a tracking counter url for the network connectivity test.

VirtualBox image

Create new VirtualBox machine

  • Linux/Debian (32 bit)
  • 1 GB RAM - this can be changed at the users machine, if enough RAM is available
  • 12 GB HDD as system drive (need space for basic system, gcc, rstudio and some data)
  • setup port forwarding
    • 2222 to 22 (ssh, avoiding possible collisions on linux machines with sshd running)
    • 8787 to 8787 (rstudio server)
    • 5690 to 5690 (rstudio + shiny)

Install Debian

Download Debian net install image - use i386 so there is as few problems with virtualization as possible. Not all machines can virtualize x64.

Connect the iso to IDE in the virtual machine. Start the machine. Choose Install.

Mostly the default settings will do.

  • English language (it will cause less problems)
  • Pacific time zone (it is connected with language, no easy free choice;)
  • hostname node, domain vbox
  • users: root:debian, user:user
  • simple partitioning (all in one partition, no LVM)
  • Czech mirror to get fast installer file downloads
  • pick only SSH server and Standard system utilities

Log in as root:

apt-get install sudo
usermod -a -G sudo user

Login as user (can be done by su user in root shell):

# colrize prompt - uncomment force_color_prompt=yes
# add ll alias - uncomment alias ll='ls -l'
# fast sort and uniq
# export LC_ALL=C
# maximal width of man
# export MANWIDTH=120
# # wget impersonating normal browser
# # good for being tracked with for example
# alias wgets='H="--header"; wget $H="Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" $H="Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" $H="Connection: keep-alive" -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2" --referer=/ '
nano ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc

# set timezone so the time is displayed correctly
echo "TZ='Europe/Prague'; export TZ" >> ~/.profile

# some screen settings
cat >~/.screenrc << 'EOF'
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kG}[%{G}%H%? %1`%?%{g}][%= %{= kw}%-w%{+b yk} %n*%t%?(%u)%? %{-}%+w %=%{g}][%{B}%m/%d %{W}%C%A%{g}]'

defscrollback 20000

startup_message off

# everyone likes git and screen
sudo apt-get install git screen pv curl wget

# add important stuff to python - this also installs GCC
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-virtualenv

# java because of fastqc
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless

This is what it takes to create a basic usable system in VirtualBox. We can shut it down now with sudo shutdown -h now and take a snapshot of the machine. If any installation goes haywire from now on, it's easy to revert to this basic system.

Install additional software

R is best used in RStudio - server version can be used in web browser.

mkdir sw
cd sw

# install latest R
sudo bash -c "echo 'deb jessie-cran3/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 381BA480
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base

sudo R
> update.packages(.libPaths(), checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=F)
> install.packages(c("ggplot2", "dplyr", "reshape2", "GGally", "stringr", "vegan", "svd", "tsne", "tidyr", "shiny"))

# RStudio with prerequisities
sudo apt-get install gdebi-core
sudo gdebi rstudio-server-0.99.491-i386.deb

There are packages that are not in the standard repos, or the versions in the repos is very obsolete. It's worth it to install such packages by hand, when there is not much dependencies.

# pipe viewer
cd ~/sw
wget -O - | tar xvj
cd pv-1.5.7/
sudo make install

# parallel
cd ~/sw
wget -O -|tar xvj
cd parallel-*/
sudo make install

# tabtk
cd ~/sw
git clone
cd tabtk/
# no configure in the directory
# no installation procedure defined in makefile
# just copy the executable to a suitable location
sudo cp tabtk /usr/local/bin

# fastqc
cd ~/sw
chmod +x FastQC/fastqc

# vcftools
cd ~/sw
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
wget -O - | tar xvz
cd vcftools*
sudo make install

# and some more:
# bcftools, samtools, vcftools, htslib

Check what are the largest packages:

dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n

Sample datasets

Pull some data from SRA. This is prety difficult;)

sraget () { wget -O $1.sra$1 ;}

Use data from my nightingale project, subset the data for two selected chromosomes.

# see read counts for chromosomes
samtools view 41-map-smalt/alldup.bam | mawk '{cnt[$3]++;} END{for(c in cnt) print c, cnt[c];}' | sort --key=2rn,2
# extract readnames that mapped to chromosome 1 or chromosome Z
mkdir -p kurz/00-reads
samtools view 41-map-smalt/alldup.bam | mawk '($3 == "chr1" || $3 == "chrZ"){print $1;}' | sort > kurz/readnames
parallel "fgrep -A 3 -f kurz/readnames {} | grep -v '^--$' > kurz/00-reads/{/}" ::: 10-mid-split/*.fastq

# reduce the genome as well
perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){$c=grep{/^$1$/}qw(chr1 chrZ)}print if $c' 51-liftover-all/lp2.fasta > kurz/20-genome/luscinia_small.fasta

# subset the vcf file with grep
# [the command got lost;]

Prepare the /data folder.

sudo mkdir /data

Transfer the files to the VirtualBox image, /data directory using WinSCP.

Do the quality checks:

cd /data/slavici
~/sw/FastQC/fastqc -o 04-read-qc --noextract 00-reads/*

# update the file database
sudo updatedb

Packing the image

Now shut down the VM and click in VirtualBox main window File > Export appliance. Upload the file to a file sharing service, and use the url shortener to track the downloads.

Slide deck

Libor's slide deck was created using Adobe InDesign (you can get the CS2 version almost legally for free). Vasek's slide deck was created with Microsoft Powerpoint. Images are shamelessly taken from the internet, with the 'fair use for teaching' policy ;)