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Additional exercises

These are tasks that do not fit any particular session, but we still consider them interesting enough to share them with you.


The most classical of all programmer interview tasks. Print the numbers form 1 to 100, but replace numbers divisible by 3 with Fizz, numbers divisible by 5 with Buzz and numbers divisible by both 3 and 5 by FizzBuzz.

Counting heads

This is a nice example where bash can be used to solve a combinatorial problem by enumerating all the possibilities. And it is a long pipeline, so you have a lot of code to examine;)

Eight people are sitting around a circular table. Each has a coin. They all flip their coins. What is the probability that no two adjacent people will get heads?

The basic idea is that there is not much possibilities (only 2 to the power of 8, that is 256). We can just enumerate all the combinations and check if there is two adjacent heads.

This is the final solution, take your time to take it apart to see what each piece does.

(echo "obase=2;"; printf "%d\n" {0..255}) | bc |  # generate numbers 0-255 in binary
  sed 's/^/0000000/' | egrep -o '.{8}$' |         # pad the output to 8 characters
  sed 'h;G;s/\n//' |                              # double the pattern on each line to simulate ring
  grep -v 11 |                                    # ignore all patterns where two heads (1) are next to each other
  wc -l                                           # count the rest

To get a more understandable code, we can split it to functional parts. Then we can just play and try different implementations of the parts:

generate () { (echo "obase=2;"; printf "%d\n" {0..255}) | bc ;}
pad () { sed 's/^/0000000/' | egrep -o '.{8}$' ;}
ring () { sed p | paste - - | tr -d "\t" ;}

generate | pad | ring | grep -v 11 | wc -l

These are alternative solutions - you can paste them one by one, and check if the pipe is still working.

generate () { (echo "obase=2;"; echo {0..255} | tr " " "\n") | bc ;}
generate () { (echo "obase=2;"; echo {0..255} | xargs -n1) | bc ;}
generate () { (echo "obase=2;"; printf "%d\n" {0..255}) | bc ;}

pad () { awk '{print substr(sprintf("0000000%s", $0), length);}' ;}
pad () { sed 's/^/0000000/' | rev | cut -c-8 | rev ;}
pad () { sed 's/^/0000000/' | egrep -o '.{8}$' ;}

ring () { sed p | paste - - | tr -d "\t" ;}
ring () { sed 'h;G;s/\n//' ;}

generate | pad | ring | grep -v 11 | wc -l

The question was asking for the probability, thats one more division:

echo "scale=3;$( generate | pad | ring | grep -v 11 | wc -l ) / 256" | bc

Solutions by participants

One way to get a shorter (but much slower) solution is to ignore the binary conversion altogether, just use a huge list of decimal numbers and filter out anything that does not look like binary. Few variants follow:

seq -w 0 11111111 | grep ^[01]*$ | awk '!/11/ && !/^1.*1$/' | wc -l
seq -w 0 11111111 | grep ^[01]*$ | grep -v -e 11 -e ^1.*1$ | wc -l
seq -w 0 11111111 | awk '/^[01]*$/ && !/11/ && !/^1.*1$/' | wc -l
seq -w 0 11111111 | awk '!/[2-9]/ && !/11/ && !/^1.*1$/' | wc -l
seq -w 0 11111111 | grep -v -e [2-9] -e 11 -e ^1.*1$ | wc -l

I believe there are still a few ways to make it shorter;)

Dimensionality reduction

Methods like PCA and MDS (sometimes called PCoA to increase the confusion) are usually regarded as black box by many. Here we try to present a simple example that should help with getting a better idea on what are these magic boxes actually doing.

Load and visualize your data set

Now you can go to R and load the data:

d <- read.csv("webapp/data/rotated.csv")

Plot the data to look what we've got:

ggplot(d, aes(x, y)) + geom_point() + coord_equal()

Correct the distortion

Maybe you can already recognize what's in your data. But it appears to be a bit .. rotated. Here is a code for 3d rotation of points, copy, paste and run it in your R session:

# create a 3d rotation matrix
rotX <- function(t) matrix(c(cos(t), sin(t), 0, -sin(t), cos(t), 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow=3)
rotY <- function(t) matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, cos(t), sin(t), 0, -sin(t), cos(t)), nrow=3)
rotZ <- function(t) matrix(c(cos(t), 0, -sin(t), 0, 1, 0, sin(t), 0, cos(t)), nrow=3)
rot3d <- function(tx, ty, tz) rotX(tx) %*% rotY(ty) %*% rotZ(tz)

# rotate a data frame with points in rows
rot3d_df <- function(df, tx, ty, tz) {
  rmx <- rot3d(tx, ty, tz)
  res <- data.frame(t(apply(df, 1, function(x) rmx %*% as.numeric(x))))
  colnames(res) <- colnames(df)

Now try to rotate the object a bit, so we can see it better. Try to find good values for the rotation yourself (numbers are in radians, 0..2*PI makes sense):

dr <- rot3d_df(d, .9, .1, 2)
ggplot(dr, aes(x, y)) + geom_point() + coord_equal()

Enter PCA. It actually finds the best rotation for you. Even in a way that the first axis has the most variability (longest side of the object), the second axis has the maximum of the remaining variability etc.

pc <- prcomp(as.matrix(dr))
ggplot(data.frame(pc$x), aes(PC1, PC2)) + geom_point() + coord_equal()
ggplot(data.frame(pc$x), aes(PC1, PC3)) + geom_point() + coord_equal()
ggplot(data.frame(pc$x), aes(PC2, PC3)) + geom_point() + coord_equal()


Metric MDS (multidimensional scaling) with euclidean distance equals to PCA. We will use the non-metric variant here, which tries to keep only the order of pairwise distances, not the distances themselves. You prefer MDS when you want to use a different distance than euclidean - we're using manhattan (taxicab) distance here:

dmx <- dist(dr, "manhattan")
mds <- isoMDS(dmx)
ggplot(data.frame(mds$points), aes(X1, X2)) + geom_point() + coord_equal()


And now there is something you definitely wanted, while you were trying to find the good values for rotation of your object:


Now File > Open, and open server.R. There should be a green Run App button at the top right of the editor window. Click that button!