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libreliodev edited this page Nov 4, 2014 · 3 revisions

Start screen tile

A explained in the Dev Center, a tile is an app's representation on the Start screen. Tapping or clicking the tile launches the app. Tiles come in two sizes: square and wide. The wide size contains the latest magazine cover and its description. The square size contains an app logo on a customizable color. The following elements need to be provided:

  • Logo inside tile:
  • logo.scale-80.png - 120 x 120 px
  • logo.scale-100.png - 150 x 150 px
  • logo.scale-140.png - 210 x 210 px
  • logo.scale-180.png - 270 x 270 px
  • Wide Tile:
  • WideLogo.scale-80.png - 248 x 120 px
  • WideLogo.scale-100.png - 310 x 150 px
  • WideLogo.scale-140.png: 434 x 210 px
  • WideLogo.scale-180.png - 558 x 270 px
  • Small Tile:
  • icon.scale-80.png - 24 x 24 px
  • icon.scale-100.png - 30 x 30 px
  • icon.scale-140.png - 42 x 42 px
  • icon.scale-180.png - 54 x 54 px
  • Store Logo:
  • StoreLogo.scale-100.png - 50 x 50 px - madatory
  • StoreLogo.scale-140.png - 70 x 70 px
  • StoreLogo.scale-180.png - 90 x 90 px

Splash Screen

The splash screen appears briefly when the app is launched. Unlike on iOS or Android, there exists only one version, which is build with a png image and a background color, so the following elements should be provided:

  • startup_background.scale-100.png - 620 x 300 px - mandatory
  • startup_background.scale-140.png - 868 x 420 px
  • startup_background.scale-180.png - 1116 x 540 px
  • background color: hex value, for example #d40005

More detailed specifications are available on the Windows Store dev center.

Grid background

As specified on the Dev Center, the background image should be provided in as least in 1366x768 px, plus other recommended sizes:

  • background.png - 1366 x 768 px
  • backgroundMin.png - 1024 x 768 px - optional
  • backgroundLarge.png - 1920 x 1200 px - optional
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