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libsbmljs Webpack example

If you are building modern web apps, chances are you are using Webpack. Webpack normally bundles all of your JavaScript code into one big *.js file that you publish along with your website. Emscripten-compiled modules like libsbmljs are a little bit tricky to get working with Webpack because they contain a *.js file and a *.wasm (WebAssembly) file.

Webpack handles the *.js file just fine, but it needs some special instructions for handling the *.wasm file. In addition, Emscripten is not designed to work with systems like Webpack. It assumes the *.js file and *.wasm file will always be in the same directory - which they generally won't because Webpack combines all JavaScript files into a single bundle.

Using this repository

This repository is a working Webpack example. You can generate the output site in the dist directory by running:

npx webpack --mode production

See the "Using Webpack" section below for more usage information.


To follow this example, begin by cloning the repository and running

git clone
cd webpack-example
npm install

This will install all of the npm dependencies for this example, including libsbmljs, Babel, and Webpack.

When creating a Webpack project, you need to create a file called webpack.config.js to tell Webpack what options to use. In this repository, one is already created for you. Refer to the official Webpack tutorial for an explanation of the fields in this file. We will cover only the parts that are required for using libsbmljs.

There are four requirements to using Emscripten-generated modules in Webpack, and they are listed below.

1. Ignore Plugin

By default, Emscripten will try to to use the Node.js fs module (which doesn't exist in the browser). Tell Webpack to disable this by using the Webpack Ignore Plugin in your webpack.config.js file.

plugins: [
  new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^fs$/),

2.Public Path

Webpack needs to know where you want to host your *.wasm files. In this example, we will host them at the root of the site by setting Webpack's public path to '/' in your webpack.config.js file.

output: {
  publicPath: '/'

3. Webpack Dev Server

Webpack contains a development server that allows you to test your code before deploying it. The dev server will host the *.wasm file so it needs to know where it is. We need to point Webpack to the node_modules/libsbmljs_stable directory where the *.wasm file resides.

devServer: {
  contentBase: [

4. Copying *.wasm Files with the Copy Plugin

When you are ready to deploy your site, you will need Webpack to copy your *.wasm files to the output directory for you. You can do this with the Webpack Copy Plugin.

const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
new CopyPlugin([
  {from: '**/*.wasm', to: './', flatten: true}

Using Webpack

Webpack can be used as either a development serer (which allows you to make incremental changes and test the result), or for deployment, which writes out JavaScript bundles for you site that can then be uploaded to a hosting service.

  • To run the Webpack dev server:
npx webpack-dev-server --mode development

Then connect to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.


  • To run Webpack in production mode to produce *.js bundles for your site:
npx webpack --mode production

In the dist directory, you should see three files:

index.html  libsbml.wasm  main.js

You can try hosting this page with Python. Navigate to the dist directory and run:

python3 -m http.server 8090

Then go to in your browser. You should see the following output in your browser:



A Webpack example for libsbmljs






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