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Welcome to the Coherence wiki!

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Coherence’s objective is to improve security in L7, helping to build private transactions systems.

Coherence is a software focused to reduce data breaches on business. On 2017 less than 4% of data breaches the cryptography became the data stolen into data useless [1]. But the technology to solve this problem has not been adopted because is not accessible either by price, lack of features, lack of knowledge or by complex integration. Coherence address this issues with a complete open source software cryptographic toolkit, simple API integration and extensive documentation.

Coherence is a TCP server which provides you an json interface to perform cryptographic operations like encrypt, digital signatures, key exchange, message authentication code, random numbers, hash functions.

There is a couple of good reasons to use Coherence:

  • Offload, you have an specialized software dedicated entirely for cryptographic operations. Cryptographic operations like encrypting and decrypting is a very CPU-intensive task for webapps, so offload alleviates CPU-intensive encryption and decryption tasks from your webapp, boosting application performance.

  • Interoperability, it doesn’t depend on a language programming, it depends on standards tcp and json, so you can integrate with homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.

  • Flexibility, it gives you a complete cryptographic toolkitto implement stream ciphers, block ciphers, RSA, Elliptic curves, Post quantum cryptography. So it gives you all that you need to create your own cryptographic protocol.

  • Open source, you can inspect, modify, and enhance.

  • Free of charges, you don’t have to pay.


This index starts from easy to more complex json and algorithms, you can find some external useful resources on each page.

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