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Install client and server packages in RStudio

Sido Haakma edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

You can both maintain client and server packages in RStudio.

Prepare development environment

You need a devtools package to install sources from github in RStudio.

# install the development tools for RStudio

DataSHIELD client packages (RStudio for instance)

You can use install.packages("datashield/dsBetaTestClient") to upgrade. You do not need to remove the package.

DataSHIELD server packages (Opal RServer)

You can install the packages client-side on the opal instance (check You have to login as administrator on Opal in RStudio. So use the same credentials as you login to the Opal webinterface.

Allright so the code snippets that I used are:

# load opaladmin package

# setup credential object
server <- c("opal")
url <- c("")
username <- c("user")
password <- c("password")
table <- c("TEST.expirement")
logindata <- data.frame(server,url,username,password,table)
#logout just in case
#log in
opals <- datashield.login(logins=logindata,assign=TRUE)

# install serverside package
dsadmin.install_package(opals, 'dsBetaTest', githubusername='datashield', ref = 'master')

You can also use other refs. You need to quote all parameters except the "opals" object. You can check the version of the package in Administration --> DataSHIELD. You can also upgrade the package without delete them on the serverside.