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Skeletal Animation Update

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@lifelandman lifelandman released this 04 Aug 20:37
· 13 commits to main since this release

omUlete now supports skeletal animation. When "Export Armatures and Animations is selected on the export screen, you will see a list of actions the plugin detects in the file. From there, you can chose whether an action is exported as a panda3d animation, as well as whether it will be in the same file as your model or in it's own file.

A Safeguard has been put in place to prevent a plugin crash when attempting to export animations with selected objects only mode without any mesh selected. This doesn't necessarily fix the bug, but the user is now informed on what is going wrong.

Please note that animations will not process correctly when "Collapse Character Nodes" is not checked, unless the origin of all deformed mesh is the same as that of the armature.