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35 lines (22 loc) · 1.04 KB

File metadata and controls

35 lines (22 loc) · 1.04 KB

import statements and require calls should be at the top (imports-first)

This rule enforces that import statements and require calls — henceforth referred to as just "imports" — appear at the top of the file, before other statements.

Rule Details

This rule complains if it finds an import preceded in a file by any non-import statement. Because this is expected to be relatively rare, no auto-fix is provided.

An exception to this rule are require calls that occur below the top-level scope (for example, inside functions).

See also the related rules for ordering imports in relation to one another (sort-imports) and for organizing them into groups (group-imports).


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

const NAME = 'thing';

import x from './x';

Examples of correct code for this rule:

import x from './x';

const NAME = 'thing';

function init() {
	// This require() is fine, because
	// it is not at the top-level.