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Everywhere: Renamed ApplicationWebSocket.policies (the RUDict) to App…
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…licationWebSocket.prefs to more accurately reflect what it holds.

Changed some version strings from 1.1 to 1.2.
gateone.js:  Fixed a bug with GateOne.Logging.setLevel() where it would fail to set the level if given a string instead of an integer (because of "use strict").  Removed the 'help' plugin from the list of plugins that should get moved inside the terminal application.
Help plugin:  Moved it back to the old location in <gateone dir>/plugins/  Added .git and .gitignore to the list of excludes.
stdeb.cfg:  Removed python-pam from the list of recommends (since "I wrote my own damned PAM module" we don't need that mess of a module anymore).  Renamed WATCHER to SESSION_WATCHER to better indicate what it is for.  The SESSION_WATCHER will now reload after the last session has timed out.  This should keep Gate One's memory consumption really tight after a while of being idle.  While rather obscure, if you want you can now control the SESSION_WATCHER's check interval with the 'session_timeout_check_interval' 'gateone' setting.  The default of 30 seconds should be fine in 99.99% of situations.  Added a new PeriodicCallback that watches files for changes and calls registered functions if modified:  ApplicationWebSocket.file_watcher.  Added a new classmethod to handle check files for changes:  ApplicationWebSocket.file_checker().  It checks all the files in ApplicationWebSocket.watched_files (by calling file_watcher()) every 5 seconds by default but this can be overridden with the 'file_check_interval' 'gateone' setting.  Added a function that gets registered in ApplicationWebSocket.watched_files that will broadcast any text that's written to <session_dir>/broadcast (configurable with the 'broadcast_file' 'gateone' setting):  ApplicationWebSocket.broadcast_file_update().  So if you want to send a message to all users connected to Gate One from *outside* of Gate One on the host in question you can do something like this:  echo "This server will be rebooting to apply a kernel update in 10 minutes.  Please save your work." > /tmp/gateone/broadcast  Added a convenience function for registering files to watch:  ApplicationWebSocket.watch_file().  GOApplications can use it to register files and respective call-on-modify functions like so:, func)  Removed PluginCSSTemplateHandler since it is no longer being used.
gateone.js:  Removed CSSPluginAction() and the related "load_css" WebSocket action since it is no longer being used.  Added a memoize() function that will cache function calls to provide a speedup.  The kind of memoization it uses covers multiple and unhashable arguments so it should be very useful for functions that get passed things like dicts.  The applicable_policies() function is now using the new @memoize decorator.  Since this function gets called regularly it really speeds it up quite a bit without interfering with it's power to provide applications/plugins with updated prefs/policy information.
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liftoff committed Jan 5, 2013
1 parent e5c1190 commit bc1ca60
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Showing 12 changed files with 158 additions and 118 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
include LICENSE.txt
include README.rst
include AGPLv3.txt
include babel_gateone.cfg
include *.rst
graft scripts
graft gateone
exclude .gitignore
global-exclude *.kate-swp
global-exclude *.pyc
global-exclude *.pyc
global-exclude *.git
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions gateone/applications/terminal/
Expand Up @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ def terminal_policies(cls):
'char_handler': policy_char_handler
user = instance.current_user
policy = applicable_policies('terminal', user,
policy = applicable_policies('terminal', user,
if not policy: # Empty RUDict
return True # A world without limits!
# Start by determining if the user can even login to the terminal app
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ def authenticate(self):
if isinstance(term, int): # Only terminals are integers in the dict
self.policy = applicable_policies(
'terminal', self.current_user,
'terminal', self.current_user,
# Check for any dtach'd terminals we might have missed
if self.policy['dtach']:
session_dir =['session_dir']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ def new_multiplex(self, cmd, term_id, logging=True):
* *logging* - If False, logging will be disabled for this instance of Multiplex (even if it would otherwise be enabled).
policies = applicable_policies(
'terminal', self.current_user,
'terminal', self.current_user,
user_dir = self.settings['user_dir']
user = self.current_user['upn']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ def _send_refresh(self, term, full=False):
multiplex = term_obj['multiplex']
scrollback, screen = multiplex.dump_html(
if [a for a in screen if a]:
if [a for a in screen if a]: # Checking for non-empty lines here
output_dict = {
'termupdate': {
'term': term,
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions gateone/
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@

# Meta
__version__ = '1.1'
__version__ = '1.2'
__license__ = "AGPLv3 or Proprietary (see LICENSE.txt)"
__version_info__ = (1.1)
__version_info__ = (1.2)
__author__ = 'Dan McDougall <>'

__doc__ = """\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@

# Import our own stuff
from utils import mkdir_p, generate_session_id, noop, RUDict
from utils import get_translation
from utils import get_translation, memoize

# 3rd party imports
import tornado.web
Expand All @@ -88,10 +88,11 @@

# Globals
GATEONE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
SETTINGS_CACHE = {} # Lists of settings files and their modification times
# The security stuff below is a work-in-progress. Likely to change all around.

# Authorization stuff
# TODO: Get this memoizing or caching or something like that
def applicable_policies(application, user, policies):
Given an *application* and a *user* object, returns the merged/resolved
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gateone/
Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@

# Meta
__version__ = '1.0'
__license__ = "AGPLv3 or Proprietary (see LICENSE.txt)"
__version_info__ = (1, 0)
__license__ = "AGPLv3 or Proprietary (see LICENSE.txt)"
__doc__ = """
This authentication module is built on top of which is included with
Gate One.
Expand Down
201 changes: 116 additions & 85 deletions gateone/
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@

# Meta
__version__ = '1.1.0'
__version__ = '1.2.0'
__version_info__ = (1, 2, 0)
__license__ = "AGPLv3 or Proprietary (see LICENSE.txt)"
__version_info__ = (1, 1, 0)
__author__ = 'Dan McDougall <>'

# NOTE: Docstring includes reStructuredText markup for use with Sphinx.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,7 +233,6 @@
the following tasks in relation to plugins:
* Imports Python plugins and connects their hooks.
* Creates symbolic links inside ./static/ that point to each plugin's respective /static/ directory and serves them to clients.
* Serves the index.html that includes plugins' respective .js and .css files.
Class Docstrings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,9 +311,9 @@ def _(string):
SESSIONS = {} # We store the crux of most session info here
CMD = None # Will be overwritten by options.command
TIMEOUT = timedelta(days=5) # Gets overridden by options.session_timeout
# WATCHER be replaced with a tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback that watches for
# SESSION_WATCHER be replaced with a tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback that watches for
# sessions that have timed out and takes care of cleaning them up.
GATEONE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# PERSIST is a generic place for applications and plugins to store stuff in a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,10 +722,24 @@ def timeout_sessions():
if not SESSIONS: # Last client has timed out"All user sessions have terminated."))
global WATCHER
WATCHER.stop() # Stop ourselves
WATCHER = None # Reset so authenticate() will know to start it
SESSION_WATCHER.stop() # Stop ourselves
SESSION_WATCHER = None # So authenticate() will know to start it
# Reload to free up memory (CPython can be a bit
# overzealous in keeping things cached). In theory this isn't
# necessary due to Gate One's prodigous use of dynamic imports but
# in reality people will see an idle eating up 30 megs of
# RAM and wonder, "WTF... No one has connected in weeks.""The last idle session has timed out. Reloading..."))
os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv)
except OSError:
# Mac OS X versions prior to 10.6 do not support execv in
# a process that contains multiple threads.
os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, sys.executable,
[sys.executable] + sys.argv)
for session in list(SESSIONS.keys()):
if "last_seen" not in SESSIONS[session]:
# Session is in the process of being created. We'll check it
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -926,38 +939,6 @@ def get(self):

class PluginCSSTemplateHandler(BaseHandler):
Renders plugin CSS template files, passing them the same *prefix* and
*container* variables used by the StyleHandler. This is so we don't need a
CSS template rendering function in every plugin that needs to use {{prefix}}
or {{container}}.
gateone.js will automatically load all \*.css files in plugin template
directories using this method.
# Had to disable authentication for this for the embedded stuff to work.
# Not a big deal... Just some stylesheets. To an attacker it's like
# peering into a window and seeing the wallpaper.
def get(self):
container = self.get_argument("container")
prefix = self.get_argument("prefix")
plugin = self.get_argument("plugin")
templates_path = os.path.join(GATEONE_DIR, 'templates')
plugin_templates_path = os.path.join(templates_path, plugin)
plugin_template = os.path.join(plugin_templates_path, "%s.css" % plugin)
self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/css')
except IOError:
# The provided plugin/template combination was not found
logging.error(_("%s.css was not found" % plugin_template))

class GOApplication(object):
The base from which all Gate One Applications will inherit. Applications
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1065,7 +1046,11 @@ class ApplicationWebSocket(WebSocketHandler):
directly callable over the WebSocket.
instances = set()
#watched_files = set()
# These three attributes handle watching files for changes:
watched_files = {} # Format: {<file path>: <modification time>}
file_update_funcs = {} # Format: {<file path>: <function called on update>}
file_watcher = None # Will be replaced with a PeriodicCallback
prefs = {} # Gets updated with every call to open()
def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs):
self.user = None
self.commands = {
Expand All @@ -1084,23 +1069,65 @@ def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs):
self.origin_denied = True # Only allow valid origins
self.file_cache = FILE_CACHE # So applications and plugins can reference
self.persist = PERSIST # So applications and plugins can reference
self.policies = {} # Gets filled out in authenticate()
self.apps = [] # Gets filled up by self.initialize()
# The security dict stores applications' various policy functions = {}
WebSocketHandler.__init__(self, application, request, **kwargs)

# NOTE: This is a work in progres... Just some experimentation. Probably not sticking around in the current form
#def file_watcher(cls):
#for fname in cls.watched_files:
#message = open(fname).read()
#if message:
#print("got message: %s" % message)
#message_dict = {'notice': message}
#cls._deliver(message_dict, upn="AUTHENTICATED")
#open(fname, 'w').write('') # Empty it out
def file_checker(cls):
if not SESSIONS:
# No connected sessions; no point in watching files
# Also remove the broadcast file so we know to start up the
# file_watcher again if a user connects.
session_dir = cls.prefs['*']['gateone']['session_dir']
broadcast_file = os.path.join(session_dir, 'broadcast') # Default
broadcast_file = cls.prefs['*']['gateone'].get(
'broadcast_file', broadcast_file) # If set, use that
del cls.watched_files[broadcast_file]
del cls.file_update_funcs[broadcast_file]
for path, mtime in cls.watched_files.items():
if os.stat(path).st_mtime == mtime:
except Exception as e:
"Exception encountered trying to execute the file update "
"function for %s..." % path))

def watch_file(cls, path, func):
Registers the given file *path* and *func* in
`ApplicationWebSocket.watched_files`. The *func* will be called if the
file at *path* is modified.
cls.watched_files.update({path: os.stat(path).st_mtime})
cls.file_update_funcs.update({path: func})

def broadcast_file_update(cls):
Called when there's an update to the 'broadcast_file', broadcasts its
contents to all connected users.
session_dir = cls.prefs['*']['gateone']['session_dir']
broadcast_file = os.path.join(session_dir, 'broadcast')
broadcast_file = cls.prefs['*']['gateone'].get(
'broadcast_file', broadcast_file)
with open(broadcast_file) as f:
message =
if message:
message = message.rstrip()"Broadcast (via broadcast_file): %s" % message)
message_dict = {'notice': message}
cls._deliver(message_dict, upn="AUTHENTICATED")
open(broadcast_file, 'w').write('') # Empty it out

def initialize(self, apps=None, **kwargs):
Expand All @@ -1120,17 +1147,6 @@ def initialize(self, apps=None, **kwargs):
logging.debug("Initializing %s" % instance)
if hasattr(instance, 'initialize'):
# Playing around with a file watcher process that could be hooked into by apps/plugins... Definitely changing but I like it so far so you can expect a feature along these lines soon.
#cls = ApplicationWebSocket
#if not cls.watched_files:
#fname = '/tmp/gateone_messaging'
#check_time = 2000
#open(fname, 'w').write('') # Touch file
#io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
#scheduler = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(
#cls.file_watcher, check_time, io_loop=io_loop)

def on(self, events, callback, times=None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1230,7 +1246,8 @@ def open(self):
Called when a new WebSocket is opened. Will deny access to any
origin that is not defined in self.settings['origin'].
cls = ApplicationWebSocket
valid_origins = self.settings['origins']
if 'Origin' in self.request.headers:
origin_header = self.request.headers['Origin']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1274,16 +1291,14 @@ def open(self):
message = {'reauthenticate': True}
self.close() # Close the WebSocket
# Make sure we have all policies ready for checking
self.policies = get_settings(os.path.join(GATEONE_DIR, 'settings'))
# NOTE: The above will eventually be rolled into self.settings once the
# conversion of all settings to the new JSON format is completed.
# NOTE: By getting the policies with each call to open() we're enabling
# the ability to make changes inside the settings dir without
# Make sure we have all prefs ready for checking
cls.prefs = get_settings(os.path.join(GATEONE_DIR, 'settings'))
# NOTE: By getting the prefs with each call to open() we make
# it possible to make changes inside the settings dir without
# having to restart Gate One (just need to wait for users to
# eventually re-connect).
# Call applications' open() functions (if any)
for app in self.apps:
# eventually re-connect or reload the page).
# NOTE: Why store prefs in the class itself? No need for redundancy.
for app in self.apps: # Call applications' open() functions (if any)
if hasattr(app, 'open'):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1330,8 +1345,6 @@ def on_message(self, message):
def on_close(self):
Called when the client terminates the connection.
.. note:: Normally self.refresh_screen() catches the disconnect first and this method won't end up being called.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1652,13 +1665,32 @@ def authenticate(self, settings):
# This is just so the client has a human-readable point of reference:
message = {'set_username': self.current_user['upn']}
# Startup the watcher if it isn't already running
global WATCHER
if not WATCHER:
interval = 30*1000 # Check every 30 seconds
WATCHER = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(timeout_sessions,interval)

# Startup the session watcher if it isn't already running
interval = self.prefs['*']['gateone'].get(
'session_timeout_check_interval', 30*1000) # 30s default
SESSION_WATCHER = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(
timeout_sessions, interval)
# Startup the file watcher if it isn't already running and get it
# watching the broadcast file.
cls = ApplicationWebSocket
broadcast_file = os.path.join(self.settings['session_dir'], 'broadcast')
broadcast_file = self.prefs['*']['gateone'].get(
'broadcast_file', broadcast_file)
if broadcast_file not in cls.watched_files:
# No broadcast file means the file watcher isn't running
open(broadcast_file, 'w').write('') # Touch file
check_time = self.prefs['*']['gateone'].get(
'file_check_interval', 5000)
cls.watch_file(broadcast_file, cls.broadcast_file_update)
io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
cls.file_watcher = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(
cls.file_checker, check_time, io_loop=io_loop)

# TODO: Make this more generic so it can load stylesheets for anything.
def get_style(self, settings):
Sends the CSS stylesheets matching the properties specified in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2072,7 +2104,6 @@ def __init__(self, settings):
ApplicationWebSocket, dict(apps=APPLICATIONS)),
(r"%sauth" % url_prefix, AuthHandler),
(r"%sdownloads/(.*)" % url_prefix, DownloadHandler),
(r"%scssrender" % url_prefix, PluginCSSTemplateHandler),
(r"%sdocs/(.*)" % url_prefix, tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {
"path": docs_path,
"default_filename": "index.html"
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.

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