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Device for deep relaxation and spiritual advancement


Set overview

The RainbowVail is made up of two parts. The first part is the goggle set, which contains the actual lights and the Arduino Nano board. In the prototype the Nano board is attached to the goggles along with the set of two Adafruit addressable LEDs. The Nano board contains a definition of the basic light patterns, the building blocks of the light sequence. These light patterns are activated in a configurable sequence by the sequencer run from Raspberry Pi. The configuration of the sequence would determine parameters such as flicker frequency or level.

Reinstating Python environment

In order for the Sequencer to function properly the Python envronment needs to be reinstated. Create a directory RainbowVail in a desired place. Within that direcory create directory repo. Clone git repository into that directory:

cd repo
git clone

Copy the requrements.txt from repo/Sequencer to RainbowVail. Further find out the path to the python3:

which python3

Create Python virtual environment:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 .

Enter virtual environment:

source bin/activate

Reinstate all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuring accessing the USB port

Initially the script may display:

Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied

In order to reoslve this issue add the user to the dialout group with the following command:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>

Simple Sequencer usage

Once the goggles are connected to the USB port, the sequencer can be invoked with the following commands:

cd Sequencer
python Sequences/RainbowVail_Seq005_20161014.csv

Interface commands

s - Start sequence
Arrow Down - Make bookmark: Elapsed time: ... Step no.: ...
q - Quit sequencer