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Lightmos Hub (empyrean)


Project Status: Active -- The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

The Lightmos Hub is a interconnected blockchains that comprise the Cosmos Network.

🤔 — Why should you be interested in the Lightmos Hub

The Lightmos Hub is built using the Cosmos SDK and compiled to a binary called empyreand (empyrean Daemon). The Cosmos Hub and other fully sovereign Cosmos SDK blockchains interact with one another using a protocol called IBC that enables Inter-Blockchain Communication. In order to understand what the Cosmos Hub is you can read this introductory explanation.

⚡ — Documentation & Introduction

Cosmos Hub is a blockchain network that operates on Proof-of-Stake consensus. You can find an introduction to the Cosmos Hub and how to use the empyreand binary as a delegator, validator or node operator as well as how governance on the Cosmos Hub works in the documentation.

Alternatively, whether you're new to blockchain technology or interested in getting involved, the Cosmos Network Course will guide you through everything. The course walks you through the basics of blockchain technology, to staking, setting up your own node, and beyond.

🗣️ — Validators

If you want to participate and help secure Cosmos Hub, check out becoming a validator. Information on what a validator is and how to participate as one can be found at the Validator FAQ. If you're running a validator node on the Cosmos Hub, reach out to a Janitor on the Cosmos Developers Discord to join the #cosmos-hub-validators-verified channel.

👥 — Delegators

If you still want to participate on the Cosmos Hub, check out becoming a delegator. Information on what a delegator is and how to participate as one can be found at the Delegator FAQ.


empyrean is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Ignite CLI.

Get started

ignite chain serve

serve command installs dependencies, builds, initializes, and starts your blockchain in development.


Your blockchain in development can be configured with config.yml. To learn more, see the Ignite CLI docs.


To release a new version of your blockchain, create and push a new tag with v prefix. A new draft release with the configured targets will be created.

git tag v0.1
git push origin v0.1

After a draft release is created, make your final changes from the release page and publish it.


To install the latest version of your blockchain node's binary, execute the following command on your machine:

curl! | sudo bash

username/empyrean should match the username and repo_name of the Github repository to which the source code was pushed. Learn more about the install process.

Learn more


No releases published


