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Lightstep @ KubeCon NA 22 Demo

This describes how to run demo scenarios for Lightstep.

k8s 1.25+ Tracing (k3s)


  • DigitalOcean Account w/PAT
  • Terraform
  • Lightstep Observability Account
  1. Create a DigitalOcean account and generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) with read/write access to the API. This will be used to create necessary resources for the demo. You will also need to upload your public SSH key to DigitalOcean with the name terraform.
  2. Create a Lightstep Observability account. You will need your project access token, as well as an API key with member or admin access.
  3. In k8s-tracing, create terraform.tfvars and populate the following variables:
    • do_token - DigitalOcean PAT
    • pvt_key - Path to the terraform private key, locally.
    • ls_access_token - Lightstep project access token
    • ls_project - Lightstep project name
    • ls_org - Lightstep organization name (case-sensitive)
    • ls_api_key - Lightstep API key (member or admin)
  4. In k8s-tracing, run terraform init to initialize the Terraform environment.
  5. In k8s-tracing, run terraform apply to create the necessary resources.

This will create a k3s cluster with API Server, containerd, etcd, and kubelet tracing enabled. You can view these traces in Lightstep.

Unified Observability for k8s w/OpenTelemetry


  • DigitalOcean Account w/PAT and doctl installed
  • kubectl to access the k8s cluster if desired
  • Helm
  • Terraform
  • Lightstep Observability Account
  1. Create a DigitalOcean account and generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) with read/write access to the API.
  2. Create a Lightstep Observability account. You will need your project access token, as well as an API key with member or admin access.
  3. In otel-demo, create a terraform.tfvars file and populate the following variables:
    • do_token - DigitalOcean PAT
    • ls_access_token - Lightstep project access token
    • ls_org - Lightstep organization name (case-sensitive)
    • ls_api_key - Lightstep API key (member or admin)
    • ls_project - Lightstep project name
    • k8s_cluster_name - Name of the k8s cluster to create
  4. In otel-demo, run terraform init to initialize the Terraform environment.
  5. In otel-demo, run terraform apply to create the necessary resources.

To enable interesting failure scenarios, connect to the Feature Flag service pod with kubectl port-forward on port 8081 and enable one or both flags.


Unified Observability for Kubernetes at KubeCon NA '22






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