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A php client for the openhab2 rest api generate by swagger codegen


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This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\BindingsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$accept_language = "accept_language_example"; // string | language

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getAll($accept_language);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BindingsApi->getAll: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\BindingsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$binding_id = "binding_id_example"; // string | service ID

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getConfiguration($binding_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BindingsApi->getConfiguration: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\BindingsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$binding_id = "binding_id_example"; // string | service ID
$body = new \Swagger\Client\Model\map(); // map[string,object] | 

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->updateConfiguration($binding_id, $body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BindingsApi->updateConfiguration: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /rest

Class Method HTTP request Description
BindingsApi getAll GET /bindings Get all bindings.
BindingsApi getConfiguration GET /bindings/{bindingId}/config Get binding configuration for given binding ID.
BindingsApi updateConfiguration PUT /bindings/{bindingId}/config Updates a binding configuration for given binding ID and returns the old configuration.
ChannelTypesApi getAll GET /channel-types Gets all available channel types.
ChannelTypesApi getByUID GET /channel-types/{channelTypeUID} Gets channel type by UID.
ChannelTypesApi getLinkableItemTypes GET /channel-types/{channelTypeUID}/linkableItemTypes Gets the item types the given trigger channel type UID can be linked to.
ConfigDescriptionsApi getAll GET /config-descriptions Gets all available config descriptions.
ConfigDescriptionsApi getByURI GET /config-descriptions/{uri} Gets a config description by URI.
DefaultApi getAll GET /iconsets
DefaultApi getRoot GET /
DiscoveryApi getDiscoveryServices GET /discovery Gets all bindings that support discovery.
DiscoveryApi scan POST /discovery/bindings/{bindingId}/scan Starts asynchronous discovery process for a binding and returns the timeout in seconds of the discovery operation.
ExtensionsApi getById GET /extensions/{extensionId} Get extension with given ID.
ExtensionsApi getExtensions GET /extensions Get all extensions.
ExtensionsApi getTypes GET /extensions/types Get all extension types.
ExtensionsApi installExtension POST /extensions/{extensionId}/install Installs the extension with the given ID.
ExtensionsApi installExtensionByURL POST /extensions/url/{url}/install Installs the extension from the given URL.
ExtensionsApi uninstallExtension POST /extensions/{extensionId}/uninstall
HabotApi chat POST /habot/chat Send a query to HABot to interpret.
HabotApi createCard POST /habot/cards Creates a new card in the card deck.
HabotApi createCard_0 GET /habot/cards/recent Creates a new card in the card deck.
HabotApi createCard_1 POST /habot/compat/cards Creates a new card in the card deck (compatibility endpoint).
HabotApi deleteCard DELETE /habot/cards/{cardUID} Deletes a card from the card deck.
HabotApi deleteCardPost POST /habot/compat/cards/{cardUID}/delete Deletes a card from the card deck (compatibility endpoint).
HabotApi getAllCards GET /habot/cards Gets all cards of the card deck.
HabotApi getAttributes GET /habot/attributes Gets all item named attributes.
HabotApi getCardByUid GET /habot/cards/{cardUID} Gets a card from the card deck by its UID.
HabotApi greet GET /habot/greet Retrieves a first greeting message from the bot in the specified or configured language.
HabotApi setCardBookmark PUT /habot/cards/{cardUID}/bookmark Sets a bookmark on a card.
HabotApi unsetCardBookmark DELETE /habot/cards/{cardUID}/bookmark Removes the bookmark on a card.
HabotApi unsetCardBookmarkCompat POST /habot/compat/cards/{cardUID}/unbookmark Removes the bookmark on a card (compatibility endpoint).
HabotApi updateCard PUT /habot/cards/{cardUID} Updates a card in the card deck.
HabotApi updateCardTimestamp PUT /habot/cards/{cardUID}/timestamp Updates the timestamp on a card to the current time
HabotApi updateCard_0 POST /habot/compat/cards/{cardUID} Updates a card in the card deck (compatibility endpoint).
HabotApi webPushConfig GET /habot/notifications/vapid Gets or generates the public VAPID key used for push notifications.
HabotApi webPushSubscribe POST /habot/notifications/subscribe Subscribes a new client for push notifications.
HabpanelApi getGalleryWidgetList GET /habpanel/gallery/{galleryName}/widgets Gets the list of widget gallery items.
HabpanelApi getGalleryWidgetsItem GET /habpanel/gallery/{galleryName}/widgets/{id} Gets the details about a widget gallery item.
InboxApi approve POST /inbox/{thingUID}/approve Approves the discovery result by adding the thing to the registry.
InboxApi delete DELETE /inbox/{thingUID} Removes the discovery result from the inbox.
InboxApi getAll GET /inbox Get all discovered things.
InboxApi ignore POST /inbox/{thingUID}/ignore Flags a discovery result as ignored for further processing.
InboxApi unignore POST /inbox/{thingUID}/unignore Removes ignore flag from a discovery result.
ItemsApi addMember PUT /items/{itemName}/members/{memberItemName} Adds a new member to a group item.
ItemsApi addMetadata PUT /items/{itemname}/metadata/{namespace} Adds metadata to an item.
ItemsApi addTag PUT /items/{itemname}/tags/{tag} Adds a tag to an item.
ItemsApi createOrUpdateItem PUT /items/{itemname} Adds a new item to the registry or updates the existing item.
ItemsApi createOrUpdateItems PUT /items Adds a list of items to the registry or updates the existing items.
ItemsApi getItemData GET /items/{itemname} Gets a single item.
ItemsApi getItems GET /items Get all available items.
ItemsApi getPlainItemState GET /items/{itemname}/state Gets the state of an item.
ItemsApi postItemCommand POST /items/{itemname} Sends a command to an item.
ItemsApi putItemState PUT /items/{itemname}/state Updates the state of an item.
ItemsApi removeItem DELETE /items/{itemname} Removes an item from the registry.
ItemsApi removeMember DELETE /items/{itemName}/members/{memberItemName} Removes an existing member from a group item.
ItemsApi removeMetadata DELETE /items/{itemname}/metadata/{namespace} Removes metadata from an item.
ItemsApi removeTag DELETE /items/{itemname}/tags/{tag} Removes a tag from an item.
LinksApi getAll GET /links Gets all available links.
LinksApi getLink GET /links/{itemName}/{channelUID} Retrieves links.
LinksApi isAutomatic GET /links/auto Tells whether automatic link mode is active or not
LinksApi link PUT /links/{itemName}/{channelUID} Links item to a channel.
LinksApi unlink DELETE /links/{itemName}/{channelUID} Unlinks item from a channel.
PersistenceApi httpDeletePersistenceServiceItem DELETE /persistence/items/{itemname} Delete item data from a specific persistence service.
PersistenceApi httpGetPersistenceItemData GET /persistence/items/{itemname} Gets item persistence data from the persistence service.
PersistenceApi httpGetPersistenceServiceItems GET /persistence/items Gets a list of items available via a specific persistence service.
PersistenceApi httpGetPersistenceServices GET /persistence Gets a list of persistence services.
PersistenceApi httpPutPersistenceItemData PUT /persistence/items/{itemname} Stores item persistence data into the persistence service.
ProfileTypesApi getAll GET /profile-types Gets all available profile types.
ServicesApi deleteConfiguration DELETE /services/{serviceId}/config Deletes a service configuration for given service ID and returns the old configuration.
ServicesApi getAll GET /services Get all configurable services.
ServicesApi getById GET /services/{serviceId} Get configurable service for given service ID.
ServicesApi getConfiguration GET /services/{serviceId}/config Get service configuration for given service ID.
ServicesApi getMultiConfigServicesByFactoryPid GET /services/{serviceId}/contexts Get existing multiple context service configurations for the given factory PID.
ServicesApi updateConfiguration PUT /services/{serviceId}/config Updates a service configuration for given service ID and returns the old configuration.
SitemapsApi createEventSubscription POST /sitemaps/events/subscribe Creates a sitemap event subscription.
SitemapsApi getPageData GET /sitemaps/{sitemapname}/{pageid} Polls the data for a sitemap.
SitemapsApi getSitemapData GET /sitemaps/{sitemapname} Get sitemap by name.
SitemapsApi getSitemapEvents GET /sitemaps/events/{subscriptionid} Get sitemap events.
SitemapsApi getSitemaps GET /sitemaps Get all available sitemaps.
ThingTypesApi getAll GET /thing-types Gets all available thing types without config description, channels and properties.
ThingTypesApi getByUID GET /thing-types/{thingTypeUID} Gets thing type by UID.
ThingsApi create POST /things Creates a new thing and adds it to the registry.
ThingsApi getAll GET /things Get all available things.
ThingsApi getByUID GET /things/{thingUID} Gets thing by UID.
ThingsApi getConfigStatus GET /things/{thingUID}/config/status Gets thing's config status.
ThingsApi getFirmwareStatus GET /things/{thingUID}/firmware/status Gets thing's firmware status.
ThingsApi getFirmwares GET /things/{thingUID}/firmwares Get all available firmwares for provided thing UID
ThingsApi getStatus GET /things/{thingUID}/status Gets thing's status.
ThingsApi remove DELETE /things/{thingUID} Removes a thing from the registry. Set 'force' to true if you want the thing te be removed immediately.
ThingsApi setEnabled PUT /things/{thingUID}/enable Sets the thing enabled status.
ThingsApi update PUT /things/{thingUID} Updates a thing.
ThingsApi updateConfiguration PUT /things/{thingUID}/config Updates thing's configuration.
ThingsApi updateFirmware PUT /things/{thingUID}/firmware/{firmwareVersion} Update thing firmware.
UuidApi getInstanceUUID GET /uuid A unified unique id.
VoiceApi getInterpreter GET /voice/interpreters/{id} Gets a single interpreters.
VoiceApi getInterpreters GET /voice/interpreters Get the list of all interpreters.
VoiceApi interpret POST /voice/interpreters Sends a text to the default human language interpreter.
VoiceApi interpret_0 POST /voice/interpreters/{id} Sends a text to a given human language interpreter.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.



A php client for the openhab2 rest api generate by swagger codegen








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