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ROS Tutorial Step-by-Step

Program List

0. Useful Terminal Command

  • roscore initialize a ROS master
  • rostopic list published topics
  • rosnode info
  • rqt_graph
  • rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
  • rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key

1. Creating a workspace and a package

ROS initialization:

source /opt/ros/knitic/setup.bash 

1.1 Creating and building and catkin workspace:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws

This gives you a CMakeLists.txt in your 'src' folder, as well as a 'build' and 'devel' folder.

1.2 Creating a catkin package

Run from the 'src' directory:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg <package_name>

This gives you a CMakelists.txt and a package.xml file.

  • package.xml: the manifest
  • CMakeLists.txt: it contains a list of build instructions including what executables should be created, what source files to use to build each of them, and where to find the include files and libraries needed for those executables.
  • POS package names allows only lowercase letters, digits and underscores.

1.3 Hello, ROS!

1.3.1 Compiling Before compiling the program, you need to declaring dependencies and decalring an executable. Start roscore first.

We need to modify CMakeLists.txt and package.xml before catkin_make. For examplem, if you are using a message type from the geometry_msgs package, we must declare a dependency on that package. We modify the find_package line in CMakeLists.txtto mention geometry_msgs in addi- tion to roscpp:

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp geometry_msgs)

1.3.2 Building and Excuting

Building the workspace catkin_make compiling all of the executables in all of its packages. Because it's designed to build all of the packages in your workspace, this command must be run from from your workspace directory.

Sourcing setup.bash source devel/setup.bash Unless the directory structure changes, you only need to run this once in each terminal.

Executing the program rosrun <program_name>

2. Publisher and Subscriber

2.1 A Publisher Program

Creating a publisher object

The work of actually publishing the messages is done by an object of class ros::Publisher.

ros::Publisher pub = node_handle.advertise<message_type>(topic_name, queue_size);

If you want to publish messages on multiple topics from the same node, you’ll need to create a separate ros::Publisher object for each topic.

Creating and filling in the message object

Use rosmsg show to see that certain message type's fields and sub-fields. For example, geometry_msgs/Twist message type has two top-level fields ( linear and angular ), each of which contains three sub-fields ( x , y , and z ).

To create a a message class, and fill in the contents of the message:

geometry_msgs::Twist msg;
msg.linear.x = 1.0;
msg.angullar.z = 0.0;

Publishing the message using the publish method of the ros::Publisher object:


This method adds the given msg the publisher’s outgoing message queue, from which it will be sent as soon as possible to any subscribers of the corresponding topic.

2.2 The Publishing Loop

To construct a publishing while loop, we check for node shutdown:


It will return true , until the node has some reason to shut down. There are a few ways to get ros::ok() to return false:

  • you can use rosnode kill on the node.
  • You can send an interrupt signal ( Ctrl-C ) to the program.
  • You can call, somewhere in the program itself, ros::shutdown(). This function can be a useful way to signal that your node’s work is complete from deep within your code.
  • You can start another node with the same name. This usually happens if you start a new instance of the same program.

To control the publishing rate:

ros:Rate rate(2);

This object controls how rapidly the loop runs in Hz. Near the end of each loop iteration, we call the sleep method of this object:


Each call to the this method causes a delay in the program. The duration of the delay is calculated to prevent the loop from iterating faster than the specified rate.

2.3 A Subscriber Program

Writing a callback function A subscriber node doesn’t know when messages will arrive. We must place any code that responds to incoming messages inside a callback function, which ROS calls once for each arriving message.

void function_name(const package_name::type_name &msg) {

Notice that subscriber callback functions have a void return type.

Creating a subscriber object

ros::Subscriber sub = node_handle.subscribe(topic_name, queue_size, pointer_to_callback_function);

When we construct a ros::Subscriber , our node establishes connections with any publishers of the named topic.

Giving ROS control The final complication is that ROS will only execute our callback function when we give it explicit permission to do so. Does your program have any repetitive work to do, other than responding to callbacks?

  • ros::spin() if the answer is “No";
  • ros::spinOnce() if the answer is “Yes,” then a reasonable option is to write a loop that does that other work and calls ros::spinOnce() periodically to process callbacks.

4. Parameters

In addition to the messages that we’ve studied so far, ROS provides another mechanism called parameters to get information to nodes. The idea is that a centralized parameter server keeps track of a collection of values—things like integers, floating point numbers, strings, or other data—each identified by a short string name. Because parameters must be actively queried by the nodes that are interested in their values, they are most suitable for configuration information that will not change (much) over time.

4.0 Code References

4.1 Accessing Parameters from the Command Line

  • rosparam list Listing parameters
  • rosparam get parameter_name Querying the parameter sever for the value of a parameter.
    rosparam get namespace retrieve the values of every parameter in a namespace.
    rosparam get / by asking about the global namespace, we can see the values of every parameter all at once
  • rosparam set parameter_name parameter_value assign a value to a parameter. This command can modify the values of existing parameters or create new ones.

The important thing to notice here is that updated parameter values are not automatically “pushed” to nodes. Instead, nodes that care about changes to some or all of their parameters must explicitly ask the parameter server for those values.

4.2 Accessing Parameters from C++

  • void ros::param::set(parameter_name, input_value);
  • bool ros::param::get(parameter_name, output_value);

In both cases, the parameter name is a string, which can be a global, relative, or private name. The input value for set can be a std::string , a bool , an int , or a double ; the output value for get should be a variable (which is passed by reference) of one of those types. The get function returns true if the value was read successfully and false if there was a problem, usually indicating that the requested parameter has not been assigned a value.

Here's an example of C++ parameter set:

Here's an example of C++ parameter get: this program requires a value for a parameter called max_vel in its private name- space, which must be set before the program starts:

rosparam set /publish_velocity/max_vel 0.1

If that parameter is not available, the program generates a fatal error and terminates.

4.3 Setting Parameters in Launch Files

5. Service

Messages are the primary method for communication in ROS, but they do have some limitations. A alternativel method of communication called service calls. Service calls differ from messages in two ways.

  • Service calls are bi-directional: one node sends info to another node and waits for a repsonse.
  • Service calls implement one-to-one communication. Each service call is initiated by one node, and the response goes back to that same node.

A service call includes that a clieny node sends some data called a request node and waits for a reply. The server, having received this request, takes some action (computing some- thing, configuring hardware or software, changing its own behavior, etc.) and sends some data called a response back to the client.

5.1 Calling Services from the Command Line

  • rosservice list: listing all services.
  • rosnode info node-name: listing services by node.
  • rosservice node service-name: finding the node offering a service, that is, to see which node offers a given service.
  • rosservice info service-name: finding the data type of a service.
  • rossrv show service-data-type-name: inspecting service data types. In this case, the data before the dashes ( --- ) are the elements of the request. This is the information that the client node sends to the server node. Everything after the dashes is the response, or information that the server sends back from the client when the server has finished acting on the request.
  • rosservice call service-name request-content: calling services from the command line.

5.2 A Client Program

Deaclaring the Request and Response Types

Every service data has an associate C++ header file that we must include, for example, to include the definition of a class called turtlesim::Spawn, which defines the data types for both request and repsonse: #include <turtlesim/Spawn.h>

Create a Client Object

After initialization by ros::init and creating a NideHandle object, we must create an object of type ros::ServiceClient , whose job is to actually carry out the service call:

ros::ServiceClient client = node_handle.serviceClient<service_type>(service_name);

for example:

ros::ServiceClient teleportAbsClient = nh.serviceClient<turtlesim::TeleportAbsolute>("turtle1/teleport_absolute");
  • The node_handle is the usual ros::NodeHandle object. We’re calling its service-Client method.

  • The service_type is the name of the service object defined in the header file we included above. In the example, it’s turtlesim::Spawn.

  • The service_name is a string naming the service that we want to call. This should be a relative name, but can also be a global name. The example uses the relative name "spawn" .

  • Create the request and response objects

turtlesim::TeleportAbsolute::Request reqt;
turtlesim::TeleportAbsolute::Response respt;
  • Assign value to request variables
reqt.x = 10*double(rand())/double(RAND_MAX);
reqt.y = 10*double(rand())/double(RAND_MAX);
reqt.theta = 0;
  • Actually call the service. This won't return until the service is complete.
bool success =,respt);

The complete service call program:

6. Turtlebot

6.0 Code source
  • Right wall following: to make the Turtlebot simulator work, we need to publish Twist messages to a topic named cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop. That is, we need to remap our cmd_vel message so that they are published on that topic instead. We can use the ROSremapping syntax to do this on the command line, without changing our source code: run this code by
$ python cmd_vel:=cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop

  • FPV: robot first-person-view using opencv
6.1 Turtlebot installation

Install Turtlebot for ros kinetic:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot ros-kinetic-turtlebot-apps 
ros-kinetic-turtlebot-interactions ros-kinetic-turtlebot-simulator 
$ echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
$ export TURTLEBOT_GAZEBO_WORLD_FILE=/opt/ros/kinetic/share/turtlebot_gazebo/worlds/
6.2 Wanderbot

In a new terminal, start Turtlebot simulation:

$ roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch

then run the program above.

6.3 Followbot

In the root folder of Turtlebot workspace, source devel/setup.bash and then start Turtlebot simulation:

$ roslaunch followbot course.launch


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