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OpenGL ES 3.0 Programming Guide

This repository contains the sample code for the OpenGL ES 3.0 Programming Guide by Addison-Wesley Professional (


The sample code for the OpenGL ES 3.0 Programming Guide currently builds on the following platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Linux X11
  • Android 4.3+ NDK (C/C++)
  • Android 4.3+ SDK (Java)
  • iOS7

Instructions for building for each platform are provided in Chapter 16, "OpenGL ES Platforms".


Dan Ginsburg
Budirijanto Purnomo
Previous contributions: Dave Shreiner, Aaftab Munshi

Reader Contributions

We would like to thank the following people for their contributions to the source code:

  • Javed Rabbani Shah for contributing the Android SDK port as well as helping with the NDK port
  • Jarkko Vatjus-Anttila for contributing the original Linux/X11 port for the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide
  • Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart and Darryl Gough for contributing the Blackberry Native SDK port for the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide (we have not yet ported the ES 3.0 book to a Blackberry platform)


  1. 电脑是64位的,下载64位版本的cmake。
  2. 下载64位版本的
  3. 打开cmake-gui.exe,选择电脑上安装的visual studio的版本,选择opengles源码, 在源码下面新建一个build文件夹保存cmake后的结果。点击configure,会报错误,根据报错修改错误, 其实就是修改Common/cmakelist里面egl相关lib的名字,用相对路径修改,如下: set ( common_src Source/esShader.c Source/esShapes.c Source/esTransform.c Source/esUtil.c )

Win32 Platform files

if(WIN32) set( common_platform_src Source/Win32/esUtil_win32.c ) add_library( Common STATIC ${common_src} ${common_platform_src} ) target_link_libraries( Common gles/lib/libGLESv2.lib gles/lib/libEGL.lib ) else() find_package(X11) find_library(M_LIB m) set( common_platform_src Source/LinuxX11/esUtil_X11.c ) add_library( Common STATIC ${common_src} ${common_platform_src} ) target_link_libraries( Common gles/lib/libGLESv2.lib gles/lib/libEGL.lib ${X11_LIBRARIES} ${M_LIB} ) endif()

4.再次点击configure不报错,然后点击genarate成功。 5.工程中打开之前我们新建的build文件夹下面的ES3_Book.sln。编译成功,然后把hello_triangle设置为启动 工程,编译会报错找不到gles的库,这里需要修改工程库目录以及导入库文件libGLESv2.lib和libEGL.lib。 6.编译正常后,启动又报错找不到build\Chapter_2\Hello_Triangle\RelWithDebInfo\openglessl,我们直接把Mali_OpenGL_ES_Emulator-v3.0.2.g694a9-Windows-64bit里面这个文件夹里面相关的东西copy过来就好了。 7.总算正常啦,真不容易。还有需要注意的就是你设置编译的是64位,一定要注意哦,很重要。