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Trice user guide

(Read this)

1. Get started

  • Download latest release assets for your system: Source code and compressed binaries.
  • Place the trice binary somewhere in your PATH.
  • In a console type trice help
  • Copy 3 files to your embedded project:
    • ./pkg/src/trice.h
    • ./pkg/src/trice.c
    • ./test/.../triceConfig.h
  • In your source.c files add line #include "trice.h"
  • In a function write: TRICE( "Year of writing this: %d\n", 2021 );
  • In project root:
    • Create empty file: touch til.json.
    • Run trice u should:
      • patch source.c to TRICE( Id(12345), "Year of writing this: %d\n", 2021 );
      • extend til.json
      • It will also add a line #define TRICE_FILE Id(54321) after the #include "trice.h" line in your source.c files.

2. Build trice tool from Go sources option

  • Install Go.
  • On Windows you need to install TDM-GCC * recommendation: Minimal online installer.
    • GCC is only needed for ./pkg/src/src.go, what gives the option to test the C-code on the host.
    • Make sure TDM-GCC is found first in the path.
    • Other gcc variants could work also but not tested.
  • Open a console inside the trice directory.
  • Check and install:
go vet ./...
go test ./...
go install ./...

Afterwards you should find an executable trice inside $GOPATH/bin/ and you can modify its source code.

3. Embedded system code setup

  • Each project gets its own triceConfig.h file.
  • Modify triceConfig.h acording your needs. Choose the trice mode here:
    • Immediate mode: Straight output inside TRICE macro at the cost of the time it takes.
    • Deferred mode: Outside TRICE macro background output some milliseconds later at the cost of RAM buffer needed.
    • With #define TRICE_MODE 0 (immediate mode) just provide a putchar() function.
    • Recommended is a deferred mode which allows to use TRICE macros also inside interrupts.
  • Set Options:
    • Target timestamps and their time base
    • Cycle counter
    • Allow TRICE usage inside interrupts
    • Buffer size
  • All compiler and hardware specific adaption should be possible inside triceConfig.h
  • Compile, load and start your app.
  • In project root a command like trice l -p COM1 -baud 57600 should show Coming soon: 2022! after app start.
  • Look in ./pkg/src/triceCheck.c for examples.
  • The used serial Go driver package is Linux & Windows tested but should work on MacOS soon too.
  • It is sufficient for most cases just to use the TRICE macro with max 0 to 12 parameters as a replacement for printf and to use the default settings.

4. Adapt your legacy source code

For example change the legacy source code line

printf( "%d Kelvin\n", k );


TRICE( "%d Kelvin\n", k );

This you could do automatically using a word processor. Care must be taken in the following cases:

  • More than 12 printf parameters: use several printf-calls
  • float numbers: surround each with aFloat()
  • double numbers: surround each with aDouble and use the TRICE64 macro
  • runtime generated strings: Each needs its own TRICE_S macro: TRICE_S( Id(11223), "Entered name is %20s\n", "Paul" );

A trice update (run it later automatically in the tool chain) inserts the Trice IDs

TRICE( Id(12345), "%d Kelvin\n", k );

and adds for example the ID 12345 together with "%d Kelvin\n" into a trice ID list, a JSON reference file named til.json. The 12345 is a random or policy generated ID not used so far. During compilation the TRICE macro is translated to only a 12345 reference and the variable k. The format string never sees the target.

When you compare the needed FLASH size before and after you probably will see more free space afterwards, because the Trice code is less than 1 KB, no format strings anymore inside the target and you do not need a printf library anymore.

A trice instruction is avoiding all the internal overhead (space and time) of a printf() statement but is easy to use. For example instead of writing

printf("time is %d:%d:%d\n", hour, min, sec);

you can write

TRICE8("time is %d:%d:%d\n", hour, min, sec);

into a source file of your project. The 8 stands here for 8 bit values (0, 16, 32 and 64 also possible). Only values of the same size are allowed in one TRICE* statement, but you can use TRICE consequently to match most cases for the prize of little overhead.

When performing trice update the source (tree) is parsed and in result this line changes to

TRICE8( Id(12345), "time is %d:%d:%d\n", hour, min, sec);


TRICE8_3( Id(12345), "time is %d:%d:%d\n", hour, min, sec);

as you like where 12345 is an as ID generated 16-bit random (upward|downward also possible) number not used so far. The TRICE8_3 means 3 parameters in this example and allows efficient code and a compile time check. Variadic macros are usable. Per default the macro name TRICE8 is not changed for a slightly more readable code. If you wish a compile time parameter count check use -addParamCount to the update command line to convert a TRICE8 into a TRICE8_3 in the above example. Legacy code with valid IDs is not modified (You can use sub-command zeroSourceTreeIds to go around that.)

The total amount of data is currently limited to 12 parameters but this is easy to extend if needed.

When the embedded project is compiled, only the ID goes to the binary but not the format string, what results in a smaller memory footprint.

On execution the ID is pushed into a buffer together with the optional trice parameters and that is the real fast and important part which could be finished within 6-6 processor clocks (measured on a ARM M0+). At 64 MHz in the time needed light travels about 30 meters. Slightly delayed in the background the Trice goes to the communication port, what is also fast compared to all the actions behind a printf() statement.

Please understand, that when debugging code containing TRICEmacros, during a TRICE step-over only one ore more 32 bit values go into the internal buffer and no serial output immediately is visible because of the stopped target. But the SEGGER debug probe reads out the RTT memory and this way also during debug stepping real-time trice output is visible. That is (right now) not true for the ST-Link interface because there is only one USB endpoint.

5. trice tool

Executing trice update at the root of your project source updates in case of changes, the trice statements inside the source code and the ID list. The -src switch can be used multiple times to keep the amount of parsed data small for better speed.

With trice log -port COM12 -baud 115200 you can visualize the trices on the PC, if for example COM12 is receiving the data from the embedded device.

The following capture output comes from an example project inside../test


See triceCheck.c for reference. The trices can come mixed from inside interrupts (light blue ISR:...) or from normal code. For usage with a RTOS trices are protected against breaks (TRICE_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION, TRICE_LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION). Regard the differences in the read SysTick values inside the GIF above These differences are the MCU clocks needed for one trice (~0,25µs@48MHz).

Use the -color off switch for piping output in a file.

6. Setup

6.1. Project structure

name info
cmd/trice trice tool command Go sources
docs/ documentation
internal/ trice tool internal Go packages
pkg/ trice tool common Go packages
pkg/src/ C sources for trice instrumentation
test/ example target projects
third_party/ external components

6.3. Instrument a target source code project (How to use trice in your project)

Look at one of the appropriate test projects as example. In general:

Next steps:

  • Add #include "trice.h" to your project files where to use TRICE macros and put TRICE0( "msg:Hello world!\n" ); after your initialization code.

  • Run trice u at the root of your source code. Afterwards:

    • It should have changed into TRICE0( Id(12345), "msg:Hello world!\n" ); as example. (The 12345 stays here for a 20-bit non-zero random number).
    • A file til.json (trace id list) should have been generated.
  • Set up timer and UART interrupt and main loop in the right way. Analyze the test example projects for advice.

  • For help have a look at the differences between these 2 projects:

    • ../test/MDK-ARM_LL_generatedDemo_STM32F030R8-NUCLEO-64 * It is just the STM32 CubeMX generated code.
    • ../test/MDK-ARM_LL_UART_RTT0_FLEX_STM32F030R8-NUCLEO-64 * It is a copy of the above enhanced with trice check code.
  • Add your compiler definitions to trice/pkg/src/intern/triceConfigCompiler.h

  • Make a copy of trice/pkg/src/intern/triceUART_LL_STM32.h, rename the copy appropriate an fill these 4 functions with the hardware specific code:

TRICE_INLINE uint32_t triceTxDataRegisterEmpty(void){

TRICE_INLINE void triceTransmitData8(uint8_t v) {

TRICE_INLINE void triceEnableTxEmptyInterrupt(void) {

TRICE_INLINE void triceDisableTxEmptyInterrupt(void) {

Quick workaround:

* Leave these definitions empty: 
  * triceTxDataRegisterEmpty()
  * triceEableTxEmptyInterrupt()
  * triceDisableTxEmptyInterrupt()
* Use:
  * void triceTransmitData8( uint8_t d ){
    my_putchar( (char)d); // your code
  Call TxStart();TxContinue(); cyclically in sufficient long intervals like 1 ms
  • After compiling and flashing run trice -port COMn -baud m with n and m set to correct values
  • Now start your device and you should see the hello world message coming from your target. In fact the hello-world string never went to the embedded device, only the ID comes from there and the string is found in the til.json file of your project.
  • If you use a legacy project containing printf() statements you can simply transform them to TRICE* statements. TRICE32 will do in most cases but for better performance take TRICE8 or TRICE16 where possible.
  • printf(...) statements containing string format specifier are quickly portable by using TRICE_P(...) but without the trice space and speed advantage. The TRICE_P() is intended only for the few dynamic strings in a ported project. Enable TRICE_PRINTF_ADAPTER increases the needed code size by a few KB.
  • It could be helpful to add trice u ... as prebuild step into your toolchain for each file or for the project as a whole. This way you cannot forget the update step, it performs automatically.

7. Encryption

  • You can deliver your device with encrypted trices. This way only the service is able to read the Trices.
  • Implemented is XTEA but this is easy exchangeable.
  • The 8 byte blocks can get encrypted by enabling #define ENCRYPT... inside triceConfig.h. You need to add -key test as log switch and you're done.
  • Any password is usable instead of test. Simply add once the -show switch and copy the displayed passphrase into the config.h file.

8. Options for trice tool

The trice tool is very easy to use even it has a plenty of options. Most of them normally not needed. The trice tool can be started in several modes (sub-commands), each with several mandatory or optional switches. Switches can have parameters or not.

trice sub-command -switch1 -switch2 parameter -switch3 ...

Which sub-command switches are usable for each sub-command is shown with trice help -all. This gives also information about their default values.

Output of trice h -all: (Actual version could slightly differ)

$ trice h -all
syntax: 'trice sub-command' [params]
sub-command 'ds|displayServer': Starts a display server.
        Use in a separate console. On Windows use wt ( or a linux shell like git-bash to avoid ANSI color issues.
        Running "trice ds" inside a console opens a display server to be used for displaying the TRICE logs remotely.
        Several instances of 'trice l -ds -port ...' (for different ports) will send output there in parallel.
  -color string
        The format strings can start with a lower or upper case channel information.
        See for examples. Color options:
        "off": Disable ANSI color. The lower case channel information is kept: "w:x"-> "w:x"
        "none": Disable ANSI color. The lower case channel information is removed: "w:x"-> "x"
        "default|color": Use ANSI color codes for known upper and lower case channel info are inserted and lower case channel information is removed.
         (default "default")
  -ipa string
        IP address like ''.
        You can specify this switch if you intend to use the remote display option to show the output on a different PC in the network.
         (default "localhost")
  -ipp string
        16 bit IP port number.
        You can specify this switch if you want to change the used port number for the remote display functionality.
         (default "61497")
  -logfile string
        Append all output to logfile. Options are: 'off|none|filename|auto':
        "off": no logfile (same as "none")
        "none": no logfile (same as "off")
        "auto": Use as logfile name "2006-01-02_1504-05_trice.log" with actual time.
        "filename": Any other string than "auto", "none" or "off" is treated as a filename. If the file exists, logs are appended.
        All trice output of the appropriate subcommands is appended per default into the logfile trice additionally to the normal output.
        Change the filename with "-logfile myName.txt" or switch logging off with "-logfile none".
         (default "off")
example: 'trice ds': Start display server.
sub-command 'h|help': For command line usage.
        "trice h" will print this help text as a whole.
        Show all help.
        Show ds|displayserver specific help.
        Show ds|displayserver specific help.
  -h    Show h|help specific help.
        Show h|help specific help.
  -l    Show l|log specific help.
        Show l|log specific help.
  -logfile string
        Append all output to logfile. Options are: 'off|none|filename|auto':
        "off": no logfile (same as "none")
        "none": no logfile (same as "off")
        "auto": Use as logfile name "2006-01-02_1504-05_trice.log" with actual time.
        "filename": Any other string than "auto", "none" or "off" is treated as a filename. If the file exists, logs are appended.
        All trice output of the appropriate subcommands is appended per default into the logfile trice additionally to the normal output.
        Change the filename with "-logfile myName.txt" or switch logging off with "-logfile none".
         (default "off")
  -r    Show r|refresh specific help.
        Show r|refresh specific help.
        Show renew specific help.
  -s    Show s|scan specific help.
        Show s|scan specific help.
        Show sd|shutdown specific help.
        Show sd|shutdown specific help.
  -u    Show u|update specific help.
        Show u|update specific help.
  -v    short for verbose
        Show ver|version specific help.
        Gives more informal output if used. Can be helpful during setup.
        For example "trice u -dry-run -v" is the same as "trice u -dry-run" but with more descriptive output.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
        Show ver|version specific help.
  -z    Show zeroSourceTreeIds specific help.
        Show zeroSourceTreeIds specific help.
example 'trice h': Print short help.
example 'trice h -all': Print all help.
example 'trice h -log': Print log help.
sub-command 'l|log': For displaying trice logs coming from port. With "trice log" the trice tool display mode is activated.
  -args string
        Use to pass port specific parameters. The "default" value depends on the used port:
        port "COMn": default="", use "TARM" for a different driver. (For baud rate settings see -baud.)
        port "J-LINK": default="-Device STM32F030R8 -if SWD -Speed 4000 -RTTChannel 0 -RTTSearchRanges 0x20000000_0x1000",
                The -RTTSearchRanges "..." need to be written without "" and with _ instead of space.
                For args options see JLinkRTTLogger in SEGGER UM08001_JLink.pdf.
        port "ST-LINK": default="-Device STM32F030R8 -if SWD -Speed 4000 -RTTChannel 0 -RTTSearchRanges 0x20000000_0x1000",
                The -RTTSearchRanges "..." need to be written without "" and with _ instead of space.
                For args options see JLinkRTTLogger in SEGGER UM08001_JLink.pdf.
        port "BUFFER": default="0 0 0 0", Option for args is any byte sequence.
         (default "default")
  -ban value
        Channel(s) to ignore. This is a multi-flag switch. It can be used several times with a colon separated list of channel descriptors not to display.
        Example: "-ban dbg:wrn -ban diag" results in suppressing all as debug, diag and warning tagged messages. Not usable in conjunction with "-pick".
  -baud int
        Set the serial port baudrate.
        It is the only setup parameter. The other values default to 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, one stopbit).
         (default 115200)
  -color string
        The format strings can start with a lower or upper case channel information.
        See for examples. Color options:
        "off": Disable ANSI color. The lower case channel information is kept: "w:x"-> "w:x"
        "none": Disable ANSI color. The lower case channel information is removed: "w:x"-> "x"
        "default|color": Use ANSI color codes for known upper and lower case channel info are inserted and lower case channel information is removed.
         (default "default")
  -dc int
        Dumped bytes per line when "-encoding DUMP" (default 32)
        Show additional debug information
  -defaultTRICEBitwidth string
        The expected value bit width for TRICE macros. Must be in sync with setting is triceConfig.h (default "32")
        Send trice lines to displayserver @ ipa:ipp.
        Example: "trice l -port COM38 -ds -ipa" sends trice output to a previously started display server in the same network.
        Short for '-displayserver'.
  -e string
        Short for -encoding. (default "COBS")
  -encoding string
        The trice transmit data format type, options: '(CHAR|COBS|DUMP|ESC|FLEX)'. Target device encoding must match.
                          CHAR prints the received bytes as characters.
                          COBS expects 0 delimited byte sequences.
                          DUMP prints the received bytes as hex code (see switch -dc too).
                          ESC is a legacy format and will be removed in the future.
                          FLEX is a legacy format and will be removed in the future.
         (default "COBS")
  -i string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idList string
        Alternate for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idlist string
        The trice ID list file.
        The specified JSON file is needed to display the ID coded trices during runtime and should be under version control.
         (default "til.json")
  -ipa string
        IP address like ''.
        You can specify this switch if you intend to use the remote display option to show the output on a different PC in the network.
         (default "localhost")
  -ipp string
        16 bit IP port number.
        You can specify this switch if you want to change the used port number for the remote display functionality.
         (default "61497")
  -logfile string
        Append all output to logfile. Options are: 'off|none|filename|auto':
        "off": no logfile (same as "none")
        "none": no logfile (same as "off")
        "auto": Use as logfile name "2006-01-02_1504-05_trice.log" with actual time.
        "filename": Any other string than "auto", "none" or "off" is treated as a filename. If the file exists, logs are appended.
        All trice output of the appropriate subcommands is appended per default into the logfile trice additionally to the normal output.
        Change the filename with "-logfile myName.txt" or switch logging off with "-logfile none".
         (default "off")
  -p string
        short for -port (default "J-LINK")
  -password string
        The decrypt passphrase. If you change this value you need to compile the target with the appropriate key (see -showKeys).
        Encryption is recommended if you deliver firmware to customers and want protect the trice log output. This does work right now only with flex and flexL format.
  -pick value
        Channel(s) to display. This is a multi-flag switch. It can be used several times with a colon separated list of channel descriptors only to display.
        Example: "-pick err:wrn -pick default" results in suppressing all messages despite of as error, warning and default tagged messages. Not usable in conjunction with "-ban".
  -port string
        receiver device: 'ST-LINK'|'J-LINK'|serial name.
        The serial name is like 'COM12' for Windows or a Linux name like '/dev/tty/usb12'.
        Using a virtual serial COM port on the PC over a FTDI USB adapter is a most likely variant.
         (default "J-LINK")
  -prefix string
        Line prefix, options: any string or 'off|none' or 'source:' followed by 0-12 spaces, 'source:' will be replaced by source value e.g., 'COM17:'. (default "source: ")
  -pw string
        Short for -password.
  -s    Short for '-showInputBytes'.
  -showID string
        Format string for displaying first trice ID at start of each line. Example: "debug:%7d ". Default is "". If several trices form a log line only the first trice ID ist displayed.
        Show incoming bytes, what can be helpful during setup.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
        Show encryption key. Use this switch for creating your own password keys. If applied together with "-password MySecret" it shows the encryption key.
        Simply copy this key than into the line "#define ENCRYPT XTEA_KEY( ea, bb, ec, 6f, 31, 80, 4e, b9, 68, e2, fa, ea, ae, f1, 50, 54 ); //!< -password MySecret" inside triceConfig.h.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
  -suffix string
        Append suffix to all lines, options: any string.
  -tLocFmt string
        Target location format string at start of each line, if target location existent (configured). Use "" to suppress existing target location. If several trices form a log line only the location of f
irst trice ist displayed. (default "%12s:%4d ")
  -targetEndianess string
        Target endianness trice data stream. Option: "bigEndian". (default "littleEndian")
        Generate testTable output and ignore -prefix, -suffix, -ts, -color. This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
  -til string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -ts string
        PC timestamp for logs and logfile name, options: 'off|none|UTCmicro|zero'
        This timestamp switch generates the timestamps on the PC only (reception time), what is good enough for many cases.
        "LOCmicro" means local time with microseconds.
        "UTCmicro" shows timestamps in universal time.
        When set to "off" no PC timestamps displayed.
        If you need target timestamps you need to get the time inside the target and send it as TRICE* parameter.
         (default "LOCmicro")
  -ttsf string
        Target timestamp format string at start of each line, if target timestamps existent (configured). Use "" to suppress existing target timestamps. If several trices form a log line only the timestam
p of first trice ist displayed. (default "time:%9d ")
  -u    Short for '-unsigned'. (default true)
        Hex, Octal and Bin values are printed as unsigned values. (default true)
  -v    short for verbose
        Gives more informal output if used. Can be helpful during setup.
        For example "trice u -dry-run -v" is the same as "trice u -dry-run" but with more descriptive output.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
example: 'trice l -p COM15 -baud 38400': Display trice log messages from serial port COM15
example: 'trice l': Display flexL data format trice log messages from default source J-LINK over Segger RTT protocol.
example: 'trice l -port ST-LINK -v -s': Shows verbose version information and also the received raw bytes.
sub-command 'r|refresh': For updating ID list from source files but does not change the source files.
        "trice refresh" will parse source tree(s) for TRICE macros, and refresh/generate the JSON list.
        This command should be run on adding source files to the project before the first time "trice update" is called.
        If the new source files contain TRICE macros with IDs these are added to til.json if not already used.
        Already used IDs are reported, so you have the chance to remove them from til.son and then do "trice u" again.
        This way you can make sure to get the new sources unchanged in your list.
        Already used IDs are replaced by new IDs during the next "trice update", so the old IDs in the list will survive.
        If you do not refresh the list after adding source files and perform an "trice update" new generated IDs could be equal to
        IDs used in the added sources with the result that IDs in the added sources could get changed what you may not want.
        Using "trice u -IDMethod random" (default) makes the chance for such conflicts very low.
        The "refresh" sub-command has no mandatory switches. Omitted optional switches are used with their default parameters.
        No changes applied but output shows what would happen.
        "trice refresh -dry-run" will change nothing but show changes it would perform without the "-dry-run" switch.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
  -i string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idList string
        Alternate for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idlist string
        The trice ID list file.
        The specified JSON file is needed to display the ID coded trices during runtime and should be under version control.
         (default "til.json")
  -s value
        Short for src.
  -src value
        Source dir or file, It has one parameter. Not usable in the form "-src *.c".
        This is a multi-flag switch. It can be used several times for directories and also for files.
        Example: "trice refresh -dry-run -v -src ./test/ -src pkg/src/trice.h" will scan all C|C++ header and
        source code files inside directory ./test and scan also file trice.h inside pkg/src directory.
        Without the "-dry-run" switch it would create|extend a list file til.json in the current directory.
         (default "./")
  -til string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -v    short for verbose
        Gives more informal output if used. Can be helpful during setup.
        For example "trice u -dry-run -v" is the same as "trice u -dry-run" but with more descriptive output.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
example: 'trice refresh': Update ID list from source tree.
sub-command 'renew': It is like refresh, but til.json is cleared first, so all 'old' trices are removed. Use with care.
        No changes applied but output shows what would happen.
        "trice renew -dry-run" will change nothing but show changes it would perform without the "-dry-run" switch.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
  -i string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idList string
        Alternate for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idlist string
        The trice ID list file.
        The specified JSON file is needed to display the ID coded trices during runtime and should be under version control.
         (default "til.json")
  -s value
        Short for src.
  -src value
        Source dir or file, It has one parameter. Not usable in the form "-src *.c".
        This is a multi-flag switch. It can be used several times for directories and also for files.
        Example: "trice renew -dry-run -v -src ./test/ -src pkg/src/trice.h" will scan all C|C++ header and
        source code files inside directory ./test and scan also file trice.h inside pkg/src directory.
        Without the "-dry-run" switch it would create|extend a list file til.json in the current directory.
         (default "./")
  -til string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -v    short for verbose
        Gives more informal output if used. Can be helpful during setup.
        For example "trice u -dry-run -v" is the same as "trice u -dry-run" but with more descriptive output.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
example: 'trice renew': Rebuild ID list from source tree, discard old IDs.
sub-command 's|scan': Shows available serial ports)
example: 'trice s': Show COM ports.
sub-command 'sd|shutdown': Ends display server at IPA:IPP, works also on a remote machine.
  -ipa string
        IP address like ''.
        You can specify this switch if you intend to use the remote display option to show the output on a different PC in the network.
         (default "localhost")
  -ipp string
        16 bit IP port number.
        You can specify this switch if you want to change the used port number for the remote display functionality.
         (default "61497")
example: 'trice sd': Shut down remote display server.
sub-command 'ver|version': For displaying version information.
        "trice v" will print the version information. If trice is not versioned the build time will be displayed instead.
  -logfile string
        Append all output to logfile. Options are: 'off|none|filename|auto':
        "off": no logfile (same as "none")
        "none": no logfile (same as "off")
        "auto": Use as logfile name "2006-01-02_1504-05_trice.log" with actual time.
        "filename": Any other string than "auto", "none" or "off" is treated as a filename. If the file exists, logs are appended.
        All trice output of the appropriate subcommands is appended per default into the logfile trice additionally to the normal output.
        Change the filename with "-logfile myName.txt" or switch logging off with "-logfile none".
         (default "off")
  -v    short for verbose
        Gives more informal output if used. Can be helpful during setup.
        For example "trice u -dry-run -v" is the same as "trice u -dry-run" but with more descriptive output.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
sub-command 'u|update': For updating ID list and source files.
        "trice update" will parse source tree(s) for new or changed TRICE macros, modify them appropriate and update/generate the JSON list.
        The "update" sub-command has no mandatory switches. Omitted optional switches are used with their default parameters.
  -IDMax value
        Upper end of ID range for normal trices. (default 65535)
  -IDMethod string
        Search method for new ID's in range- Options are 'upward', 'downward' & 'random'. (default "random")
  -IDMin value
        Lower end of ID range for normal trices. (default 32768)
        Extend TRICE macro names with the parameter count _n to enable compile time checks.
        No changes applied but output shows what would happen.
        "trice update -dry-run" will change nothing but show changes it would perform without the "-dry-run" switch.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
  -i string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idList string
        Alternate for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -idlist string
        The trice ID list file.
        The specified JSON file is needed to display the ID coded trices during runtime and should be under version control.
         (default "til.json")
  -s value
        Short for src.
        ID policy:
        true: TriceFmt's without TriceID get equal TriceID if an equal TriceFmt exists already.
        false: TriceFmt's without TriceID get a different TriceID if an equal TriceFmt exists already.
  -src value
        Source dir or file, It has one parameter. Not usable in the form "-src *.c".
        This is a multi-flag switch. It can be used several times for directories and also for files.
        Example: "trice update -dry-run -v -src ./test/ -src pkg/src/trice.h" will scan all C|C++ header and
        source code files inside directory ./test and scan also file trice.h inside pkg/src directory.
        Without the "-dry-run" switch it would create|extend a list file til.json in the current directory.
         (default "./")
  -til string
        Short for '-idlist'.
         (default "til.json")
  -v    short for verbose
        Gives more informal output if used. Can be helpful during setup.
        For example "trice u -dry-run -v" is the same as "trice u -dry-run" but with more descriptive output.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
example: 'trice update -src ../A -src ../../B': Parse ../A and ../../B with all subdirectories for TRICE IDs to update and adjusts til.json
sub-command 'zeroSourceTreeIds': Set all Id(n) inside source tree dir to Id(0).
        Avoid using this sub-command normally. The switch "-src" is mandatory and no multi-flag here.
        This sub-command is mainly for testing. For several source directories you need several runs.
        No changes applied but output shows what would happen.
        "trice zeroSourceTreeIds -dry-run" will change nothing but show changes it would perform without the "-dry-run" switch.
        This is a bool switch. It has no parameters. Its default value is false. If the switch is applied its value is true.
  -src string
        Zero all Id(n) inside source tree dir, required.
example: 'trice zeroSourceTreeIds -src ../A': Sets all TRICE IDs to 0 in ../A. Use with care!

9. Trice command line examples

  • The trice tool has many command line options, but is easy to use with default values.
  • No config file implemented yet. But the command history is usable for example inside the bash, simply enter CTRL-R and start typing trice... and you can select from the history.

9.1. Cheat sheet

  • trice h -all shows all options of the current version.
  • trice ver prints version information.
  • trice u in the root of your project parses all source files for TRICE macros, adds automatically ID´s if needed and updates a file named til.json containing all ID´s with their format string information. To start simply generate an empty file named til.json in your project root. You can add trice u to your build process and need no further manual execution.
  • trice s shows you all found serial ports for your convenience.
  • trice l -p COM18 listens and displays trice logs on serial port COM18 at default baud rate 115200. It uses the til.json file.
    • Use the additional log witch -showInputBytes to check if any bytes are received from the trice tool.
    • With -debug you can see the COBS and decoded and single Trice packages.
  • trice ds starts a display server listening on default ip address or any specified value, so also on a remote device, lets say with ip address
  • trice l -p COM18 -ds sends the log strings to a display server with default ip address or any specified value, if for example -ipa the trice logs go to the remote device. You can start several trice log instances, all transmitting to the same display server.

9.2. Further examples

9.2.1. Automated pre-build update command

  • Scan directories ../src, ../lib/src and ./ to update the IDs there and extend list file ../../../til.json
trice u -v -i ../../../til.json -src ../src -src ../lib/src -src ./

This is a typical line you can add to your project as an automatic pre-compile step.

  • Log trice messages on COM3 8N1 115200 baud
trice log -i ./myProject/til.json -p=COM3
  • Log trice messages on COM3 8N1 9600 baud and use default til.json
trice l -s COM3 -baud=9600
  • Start displayserver on ip (localhost) and port 61497
trice ds
  • Log trice messages on SEGGER J-Link RTT channel 2 and display on display server
trice l -ds -JLRTT -p="-Device STM32F030R8 -if SWD -RTTChannel 2"

The -p switch contains the needed Segger JLinkRTTLogger.exe command line switches as string.

  • Shutdown remote display server on IP port 45678
trice sd -r

10. Additional hints

10.1. Logfile viewing

trice generated logfiles with sub-command switch -color off are normal ASCII files. If they are with color codes, these are ANSI escape sequences.

  • One easy view option is less -R trice.log. The Linux command less is also available inside the windows git bash.
  • Under Windows one could also download and use ansifilter for logfile viewing. A monospaced font is recommended.

Color issues under Windows

11. Target side Trice On-Off

  • If your code works well after checking, you can add #define TRICE_OFF just before the #include "trice.h" line and no trice code is generated anymore for that file, so no need to delete or comment out TRICE macros.
  • No runtime On-Off switch is implemented for several reasons:
    • Would need a control channel to the target.
    • Would add little performance and code overhead.
    • Would sligtly change target timing (testing).
    • User can add its own switches anywhere.
    • The short TRICE macro code is negligible.
    • The trice output is encryptable, if needed.
  • Because of the low Trice bandwidth needs and to keep the target code as clear as possible the runtime On-Off decision should be done by the trice tool.
  • See also issue #243.

12. Host side Trice On-Off

  • The PC trice tool offers command line switches to -pick or -ban for trice channels and will be extended with display switches.
  • A trice tool logLevel switch is usable too (Issue #236).

13. Using a different encoding

It is possible to exchange the code behind the TRICE macros with a different encoding and to add an appropriate decoder to the trice tool. The ID assignment is adjustable with -IDMin and -IDMax.

14. Sub-command check (Not implemented!)

  • trice check will check the JSON list and emit all TRICE statements inside the list once with a dataset.

14.1. check switch '-dataset' (Not implemented!)

  • This is a string switch. It has one parameter. Its default value is position. That means each parameter has a different value. This is useful for testing.
  • The negative value is uses a dataset with negative values for testing.
  • Running trice check should show your message, indicating everything is fine so far.