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Run Terra pipelines via command line

You can run Terra pipelines via the command line by installing the Altocumulus package (version 2.0.0 or later is required).

Install Altocumulus

  1. Make sure you have conda installed. If you haven't installed conda, use the following commands to install it on Linux:

    wget .
    bash -p /home/foo/miniconda3
    mv /home/foo/miniconda3

    where /home/foo/miniconda3 should be replaced by your own folder holding Miniconda3.

Or use the following commdands for MacOS installation:

curl -O curl -O
bash -p /Users/foo/miniconda3
mv /Users/foo/miniconda3

where ``/Users/foo/miniconda3`` should be replaced by your own folder holding Miniconda3.
  1. Create a conda environment named "alto" and install Altocumulus:

    conda create -n alto -y pip
    source activate alto
    pip install altocumulus

When the installation is done, type alto -h in terminal to see if you can see the help information.

Set up Google Cloud Account

Install gcloud CLI on your local machine.

Then type the following command in your terminal

gcloud auth application-default login

and follow the pop-up instructions to set up your Google cloud account.

Run workflows on Terra

alto terra run submits workflows to Terra for execution. Features:

  • Uploads local files/directories in your inputs to a Google Cloud bucket updates the file paths to point to the Google Cloud bucket.

    Your sample sheet can point to local file paths. In this case, alto terra run will take care of uploading directories smartly (e.g. only upload necessary files in BCL folders) and modifying the sample sheet to point to a Google Cloud bucket.

  • Creates or uses an existing workspace.

  • Uses the latest version of a method unless the method version is specified.


Required options are in bold.

Name Description
\-\-method <METHOD>
Specify a Terra workflow <METHOD> to use.
<METHOD> is of format Namespace/Name (e.g. cumulus/cellranger_workflow).
Workflow name. The workflow can come from either Dockstore or Broad Methods Repository. If it comes from Dockstore, specify the name as organization:collection:name:version (e.g. broadinstitute:cumulus:cumulus:1.5.0) and the default version would be used if version is omitted. If it comes from Broad Methods Repository, specify the name as namespace/name/version (e.g. cumulus/cumulus/43) and the latest snapshot would be used if version is omitted.
\-\-workspace <WORKSPACE>
Specify which Terra workspace <WORKSPACE> to use.
<WORKSPACE> is also of format Namespace/Name (e.g. foo/bar). The workspace will be created if it does not exist.
\-\-inputs <WDL_INPUTS>
Specify the WDL input JSON file to use.
It can be a local file, a JSON string, or a Google bucket URL directing to a remote JSON file.
\-\-bucket-folder <folder>
Store inputs to <folder> under workspace's google bucket.
-o <updated_json>
\-\-upload <updated_json>
Upload files/directories to Google bucket of the workspace, and generate an updated input JSON file (with local paths replaced by Google bucket URLs) to <updated_json> on local machine.
Disable Terra cache calling

Example run on Terra

This example shows how to use alto terra run to run cellranger_workflow to extract gene-count matrices from sequencing output.

  1. Prepare your sample sheet example_sample_sheet.csv as the following:


    where /my-local-path is the top-level directory of your BCL files on your local machine.

    Note that sample_1, sample_2, sample_3, and sample_4 are sequenced on 2 flowcells.

  2. Prepare your JSON input file inputs.json for cellranger_workflow:

        "cellranger_workflow.input_csv_file" : "/my-local-path/sample_sheet.csv",
        "cellranger_workflow.output_directory" : "gs://url/outputs",
        "cellranger_workflow.delete_input_bcl_directory": true

    where gs://url/outputs is the folder on Google bucket of your workspace to hold output.

  3. Run the following command to kick off your Terra workflow:

    alto terra run -m cumulus/cellranger_workflow -i inputs.json -w myworkspace_namespace/myworkspace_name -o inputs_updated.json

    where myworkspace_namespace/myworkspace_name should be replaced by your workspace namespace and name.

Upon success, alto terra run returns a URL pointing to the submitted Terra job for you to monitor.

If for any reason, your job failed. You could rerun it without uploading files again via the following command:

alto terra run -m cumulus/cellranger_workflow -i inputs_updated.json -w myworkspace_namespace/myworkspace_name

because inputs_updated.json is the updated version of inputs.json with all local paths being replaced by their corresponding Google bucket URLs after uploading.

Run workflows on a Cromwell server

alto cromwell run submits WDL jobs to a Cromwell server for execution. Features:

  • Uploads local files/directories in your inputs to an appropriate location depending on backend chosen and updates the file paths to point to the bucket information.
  • Uses the method parameter to pull in appropriate worflow to import and run.


Required options are in bold.

Name Description
\-\-server <SERVER>
Server hostname or IP address.
-p <PORT>
\-\-port <PORT>
Port number for Cromwell service. The default port is 8000.
\-\-method <METHOD_STR>
Workflow name from Dockstore, with name specified as organization:collection:name:version (eg. broadinstitute:cumulus:cumulus:1.5.0). The default version would be used if version is omitted.
-i <INPUT>
\-\-input <INPUT>
Path to a local JSON file specifying workflow inputs.
-o <updated_json>
\-\-upload <INPUT>
Upload files/directories to the workspace cloud bucket and output updated input json (with local path replaced by cloud bucket urls) to <updated_json>.
-b <[s3|gs]://<bucket-name>/<bucket-folder>>
\-\-bucket <[s3|gs]://<bucket-name>/<bucket-folder>>
Cloud bucket folder for uploading local input data. Start with 's3://' if an AWS S3 bucket is used, 'gs://' for a Google bucket. Must be specified when '-o' option is used.
Disable SSL verification for web requests. Not recommended for general usage, but can be useful for intra-networks which don't support SSL verification.

Example import of any Cumulus workflow

This example shows how to use alto cromwell run to run demultiplexing workflow on any backend.

  1. Prepare your sample sheet demux_sample_sheet.csv as the following:

  2. Prepare your JSON input file cumulus_inputs.json for cellranger_workflow:

       "demultiplexing.input_sample_sheet" : "demux_sample_sheet.csv",
       "demultiplexing.output_directory" : "gs://url/outputs",
       "demultiplexing.zones" : "us-west1-a us-west1-b us-west1-c",
       "demultiplexing.backend" : "gcp",
       "demultiplexing.genome" : "GRCh38-2020-A"

    where gs://url/outputs is the folder on Google bucket of your workspace to hold output.

  3. Run the following command to kick off your run on a chosen backend:

    alto cromwell run -s -p 3000 -m broadinstitute:cumulus:Demultiplexing:master \
                      -i cumulus_inputs.json