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David Whitehead edited this page May 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Generation Functions


This function generates the 256 bit AES CBC key and returns it in base64 string format.


string CreateAESStringKey()

Normal Example

// Generates the AES key for the example
string key = AES.CreateAESStringKey();


This function generates the 256 bit AES CBC key and returns it in a byte array format.


byte[] CreateAESByteKey()

Normal Example

// Generates the AES key for the example
byte[] key= AES.CreateAESByteKey();


This function generates the IV for the AES CBC algorithm and returns it in a base64 string format.


string CreateAESStringIV()

Normal Example

// Generates a AES CBC IV for the example
string iv = AES.CreateAESStringIV();


This function generates an IV for the AES CBC algorithm and returns it in a byte array format.


byte[] CreateAESByteIV()

Normal Example

// Generates a AES CBC IV for the example
byte[] iv = AES.CreateAESByteIV();

Encryption Functions

NOTE: All encryption functions will accept the key and IV in either base64 string or byte array formats.


This function encrypts a specified object into a base64 encrypted string.


string EncryptToString(object data, object key, object IV)

Example Usage

AES AES = new AES();

string exampleString = "this is a test string.";

//Generates a key and IV for the example
string key = AES.CreateAESStringKey();
string IV = AES.CreateAESStringIV();

//Encrypts the string
string encryptedString = AES.EncryptToString(exampleString, key, IV);


This function encrypts a specified object into a byte array.


byte[] EncryptToBytes(object data, object key, object IV)

Example Usage

AES AES = new AES();

string exampleString = "this is a test string.";

//Generates a key and IV for the example
string key = AES.CreateAESStringKey();
string IV = AES.CreateAESStringIV();

//Encrypts the string into bytes
byte[] encryptedBytes = AES.EncryptToBytes(exampleString, key, IV);

Decryption Functions

NOTE: All decryption functions will accept the key, IV and encrypted data in either base64 string or byte array formats.


This function decrypts the supplied encryption string or byte array into a specified object type.

Note: The type for the decryption MUST be the original type the data was before it was encrypted.


T DecryptToType<T>(object data, object key, object IV)

Example Usage

AES AES = new AES();

string exampleString = "this is a test string.";

//Generates a key and IV for the example
string key = AES.CreateAESStringKey();
string IV = AES.CreateAESStringIV();

//Encrypts the string
string encryptedString = AES.EncryptToString(exampleString, key, IV);

//Decrypts the string base64 encrypted string back into a string format
string decryptedString = AES.DecryptToType<string>(encryptedString, key, IV);

Object Example

//NOTE: for a class object to be encrypted it has to have the Serializable flag on it as thats how we process the data before encryption
public class TestUser
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public int Age { get; set; }

private static bool ObjectEncryption()
        AES AES = new AES();

        //Generates a key and IV for the example
        string key = AES.CreateAESStringKey();
        string IV = AES.CreateAESStringIV();

	//Creates an object
	TestUser user = new TestUser()
		Name = "David",
		Age = 99

	//Encrypts the user object into a string
	string encryptedString = AES.EncryptToString(user, key, IV);

	//Decrypts the it back into a user object
	TestUser decryptedObject = AES.DecryptToType<TestUser>(encryptedString, key, IV);