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What is this?

An attempt to provide (fairly limited) Sublime-Text-like multi cursor support for text editors in the Eclipse IDE (3.7 and later).

Currently not seeing any active development from me & could do with a more committed maintainer - see below.

Build Status

What works?

  • Alt+J (OSX: Ctrl+G): "Select Next Occurrence" of the selected text & start editing it. Repeat to select remaining occurrences.
  • Alt+F3 (OSX: Ctrl+Cmd+G): "Select All Occurrences" of the selected text & start editing all of them at once.

(If you haven't got anything selected, it'll expand your selection to the word under the cursor, or to the whole line if the cursor is in whitespace.)

This is implemented using Eclipse linked mode editing (similar to existing "rename in file" functionality), so you can't go outside the initial edit area.

What's next?

Honestly, not much: I'm not using Eclipse at all these days. I'd like to hand the metaphorical torch of this project over to someone else, as I still believe it's very doable to create a real implementation (i.e. not using Eclipse linked mode) which allows editing outside the initially selected string.

However, one thing that's more annoying than coming across a not very actively maintained project is coming across several similar successors to a not very actively maintained project. I see 2 obvious future directions from this codebase: keep support for the ancient Eclipse 3.6.x series and focus on making the linked mode editing support more solid (e.g. fixing #16), or drop support for old Eclipse versions and implement a custom multiple-cursor mode from scratch (includes probably drawing your own cursor onto the editor canvas, and eventually tackling interesting use-cases like multiple-selection copy-paste).

Anyway, shoot me an email with your plans if you're interested.

Getting and installing it

Get the latest release from the [releases page] and follow the install instructions below.

You have 2 options for installing (pick one):

Option 1: Download the P2 update site (i.e., then in Eclipse choose Help >> Install New Software >> Add >> Archive >> choose the downloaded P2 update site >> tick the box to select Eclipse Multicursor >> go through the rest of the wizard >> ignore any warnings about unsigned content (just click OK) >> restart Eclipse when prompted. You can uninstall it later by going to Help >> About Eclipse >> Installation Details >> select "Eclipse Multicursor" >> Uninstall >> restart Eclipse when prompted.

Option 2: Download com.asparck.eclipse.multicursor.plugin_X.Y.Z.jar and put it in eclipse/plugins/dropins, then restart Eclipse. You can uninstall it by shutting down Eclipse and deleting the jar from the dropins directory.

The former is the official recommended way of installing plugins & the latter is the quick and dirty way.

After installing, look at the what works? section above to use it.

Building from source

Uses Tycho for building via Maven 3:

mvn verify


  • looks at to find the repo to get Eclipse OSGi dependency bundles from
  • builds the plugin, feature, and update site in the target directories of c.a.e.m.plugin, c.a.e.m.feature, and c.a.e.m.p2updatesite
  • runs the tests in c.a.e.m.tests

Installing after building

After building, point your Eclipse at the update site in c.a.e.m.p2updatesite\target and install the feature contained therein.


Using Eclipse, with the Plugin Development Environment (PDE) plugins installed:

  1. Import the projects from the repo as Existing Eclipse projects
  2. Open and click the "activate this target platform" link on the top right of the editor that opens
  3. Right click on c.a.e.m.plugin and choose Debug As >> Eclipse Application
  4. You can also right click on tests in c.a.e.m.tests to run them as either plugin tests or normal JUnit tests.

Note that the target platform you activate this way is more restricted than the target platform that Tycho will build with when you mvn verify. Tycho only uses the .target file to find which P2 repo it should search, and it ignores any restrictions in the enabled features of the target platform.


Multiple cursor support for Eclipse IDE









  • Java 74.0%
  • Shell 26.0%