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Blazor components that use MathJax


MathJax changes the DOM. Blazor does NOT like this. As such, there are limitations to using this library.

Demo (WASM) (updated to NET6)

To use

Requires MathJax v3. Add the following to your html doc header:

<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async


  • v2.0.0 - Updated package to net6. Uses javascript isolation and fixes any issues with MathJax javascript errors.
  • v1.0.4 - Updated wasm demo to Blazor 3.2.0, removed demo dependency on BlazorFluentUI/BlazorFabric
  • v1.0.3 - Fixed Equation so that null Value does not crash Blazor.
  • v1.0.2 - Added ChildContent to MathContentComponent so you can stick it anywhere on a page.


MathJaxContentComponent Component

This component can be used as a base class for a page or by itself. Anything wrapped with this component will have the text parsed for MathJax-parsable content. By default, MathJax will parse equations surrounded by \( ... \), \[ ... \], and $$ ... $$. If you want to change the parsing markers, see the MaxJaxSettings component below.


  • You can ONLY parse LaTeX type equations with this component. It will currently NOT work with MathML as MathJax is doing something extra when processing MathML that I haven't figured out yet.
  • It's also a bit clunky and might have performance issues. For every state change in Blazor, we must revert to the original text or else Blazor will either get rid of the html completely or just crash. This is just how Blazor works.
@page "/"
@inherits MathJaxContentComponent

$$ a/c=1000 $$

\( a + b = c \)

\frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x).    

Equation Component

This one works just fine in Blazor because you're not adding anything directly to the DOM. Instead, you place your LaTeX or MathML code in the Equation's Value property and the component will render it as a MarkupString. As per Microsoft guidance, using MarkupString is a security risk if somehow the MathJax output is intercepted.

To output html directly:

<Equation Value="\frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x)" />

You can also use Equation with the Template property. This will allow you to customize the output yourself. Instead of MarkupString, it will only output the string representation of the html so you'll have to handle the conversion yourself.

<Equation Value="\frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x)" >
    <SomeComponent SomeProperty="Context" />

MathJaxSettings Component

To modify the TeX input settings, just stick a MathJaxSettings anywhere in your app (preferrably somewhere that won't get updated much). There is a TexInputSettings class with default values that match MathJax's default values. Create a new class and adjust the settings however you'd like. The demo has an example where the delimiters for Tex have an added single dollar sign $..$ delimiter for inlineMath.

  • currently only InlineMath and DisplayMath properties work
<MathJaxSettings Tex="texSettings"/>


    TexInputSettings texSettings = new TexInputSettings();

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        texSettings.InlineMath.Add(new string[] { "$", "$" });
        return base.OnInitializedAsync();



Blazor components that use MathJax







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