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  1. 安装项目
composer create-project limingxinleo/thrift-go-phalcon-project
  1. 使用Composer安装Thrift扩展后,把go的扩展包拷贝到GOPATH中(或建立软连接)。
ln -s  /your/path/to/thrift-go-phalcon-project/vendor/apache/thrift/lib/go/thrift thrift
  1. 编译服务
  • Go 使用 thrift -r --gen go:thrift_import=thrift App.thrift
  • Php 使用 thrift -r --gen php:server,psr4 App.thrift
  1. Go服务安装
从GO官网下载编译好的压缩包 例如 go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ mv go /usr/local/go/1.8.3
$ vim /etc/profile 
export GOROOT='/usr/local/go/1.8.3' # 没有文件夹则新建
export GOPATH='/usr/local/go/libs/' # 没有文件夹则新建
export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
$ go get -u
$ cd /usr/local/go/libs/src/
$ go build
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ ln -s /usr/local/go/libs/src/ govendor

Go&Swoole RPC 服务

  • Go thrift/gen-go/main.go
# RPC服务注册方法
server.RegisterProcessor("app", service.NewAppProcessor(&impl.App{}));
  • Swoole app/tasks/Thrift/Service.php
$handler = new AppHandler();
$processor->registerProcessor('app', new AppProcessor($handler));


  • Swoole app/thrift/Services/AppHandle.php
namespace App\Thrift\Services;

use MicroService\AppIf;

class AppHandler extends Handler implements AppIf
    public function version()
        return $this->config->version;



  • Nginx Stream负载均衡已经十分强大了,自带健康检查。TCP负载均衡


  1. 项目本人已内置基于Thrift的注册中心功能
  • 已实现Swoole服务注册中心
  • 已实现Go服务注册中心
  1. 或者配合注册中心一起使用 app/tasks/Thrift/ServiceTask.php
protected function beforeServerStart(swoole_server $server)
    parent::beforeServerStart($server); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub

    // 增加服务注册心跳进程
    $worker = new swoole_process(function (swoole_process $worker) {
        $client = new swoole_client(SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP);
        if (!$client->connect(env('REGISTRY_IP'), env('REGISTRY_PORT'), -1)) {
            exit("connect failed. Error: {$client->errCode}\n");
        swoole_timer_tick(5000, function () use ($client) {
            $service = env('REGISTRY_SERVICE', 'github');
            $data = [
                'service' => $service,
                'ip' => env('SERVICE_IP'),
                'port' => env('SERVICE_PORT'),
                'nonce' => time(),
                'register' => true,
                'sign' => 'xxx',

            $result = $client->recv();

            $result = json_decode($result, true);
            if ($result['success']) {
                foreach ($result['services'] as $key => $item) {
                    Redis::hset($service, $key, json_encode($item));


Thrift 数据类型

  1. 基本类型(括号内为对应的Java类型):
bool(boolean): 布尔类型(TRUE or FALSE)
byte(byte): 8位带符号整数
i16(short): 16位带符号整数
i32(int): 32位带符号整数
i64(long): 64位带符号整数
double(double): 64位浮点数
string(String): 采用UTF-8编码的字符串
  1. 特殊类型(括号内为对应的Java类型)
  1. Structs(结构):
struct UserProfile {
    1: i32 uid,
    2: string name,
    3: string blurb

struct UserProfile {
    1: i32 uid = 1,
    2: string name = "User1",
    3: string blurb
  1. 容器,除了上面提到的基本数据类型,Thrift还支持以下容器类型:

list(java.util.ArrayList) set(java.util.HashSet) map(java.util.HashMap)

struct Node {
    1: i32 id,
    2: string name,
    3: list<i32> subNodeList,
    4: map<i32,string> subNodeMap,
    5: set<i32> subNodeSet

struct SubNode {
    1: i32 uid,
    2: string name,
    3: i32 pid

struct Node {
    1: i32 uid,
    2: string name,
    3: list<subNode> subNodes
  1. 服务
service UserStorage {
    void store(1: UserProfile user),
    UserProfile retrieve(1: i32 uid)