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Jekyll 3.7.0 in a Docker Container

Build Status

Run jekyll serve by default with livereload support in a Docker container.

Getting Started

Assuming Docker and Docker Compose are installed:

cd dir/of/your/jekyll/site
docker run -p 4000:4000 -p 35729:35729 -v $(pwd):/site linagora/jekyll-serve

That's it!

Details: it will mount your current path into the containers /site, bundle install before running jekyll serve to , serve it at http://localhost:4000.

To make this even easier, copy docker-compose.yml from this repo to your jekyll site root. Then you'll only need to:

cd dir/of/your/jekyll/site
docker-compose up


Q. What if I want to run other jekyll commands?

just add the command to the end (with your -v included) to override the jekyll serve:

docker run -v $(pwd):/site linagora/jekyll-serve jekyll doctor