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Pierre Lindenbaum edited this page Feb 23, 2015 · 5 revisions

##Motivation Add the read group info to the sam file on a per lane basis


See also Compilation.

$ make biostar78400


Option Description
IN=File BAM file to process (or stdin). Default value: null.
OUT=File BAM file (or stdout). Default value: null.
XML=File XML desfription of the groups. See below Required.

XML config

the XML should look like this:

<flowcell name="HS2000-1259_127">
 <lane index="1">
   <group ID="X1">
<flowcell name="HS2000-1259_128">
 <lane index="2">
   <group ID="x2">


$ cat input.sam 
@SQ	SN:ref	LN:45
@SQ	SN:ref2	LN:40
HS2000-1259_127:1:1210:15640:52255	163	ref	7	30	8M4I4M1D3M	=	37	39	
HS2000-1259_128:2:1210:15640:52255	0	ref	9	30	1S2I6M1P1I1P1I4M2I	*	0	

$java -jar dist/biostar78400.jar \
	XML=groups.xml \
	I=input.sam \

@HD	VN:1.4	SO:unsorted
@SQ	SN:ref	LN:45
@SQ	SN:ref2	LN:40
@RG	ID:X1	PL:P1	PU:P1	LB:L1	DS:blabla	SM:S1	CN:C1
@RG	ID:x2	PL:P2	PU:P2	LB:L2	DS:blabla	SM:S2	CN:C1
@PG	ID:Biostar78400	PN:Biostar78400	PP:Biostar78400	VN:1.0	(...)
HS2000-1259_127:1:1210:15640:52255	163	ref	7	30	8M4I4M1D3M	=	37	39	TTAGATAAAGAGGATACTG	*	RG:Z:X1	XX:B:S,12561,2,20,112
HS2000-1259_128:2:1210:15640:52255	0	ref	9	30	1S2I6M1P1I1P1I4M2I	*	0	0AAAAGATAAGGGATAAA	*	RG:Z:x2
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