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Support an alias for a bunch of annotations
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A user may want to define his or her annotations as a custom annotation in order to apply the custom annotation to his or her annotated HTTP services. e.g:
// Define a custom annotation:
@interface MyApiSpecification {}

// Apply it to the annotated HTTP service:
public Something getSomething() {}

- Add `AnnotationUtil` for finding a specific annotation or getting all annotations from an `AnnotatedElement`.
- Use `AnnotationUtil` instead of `ReflectionUtils.getAllAnnotations()`. The old one does not respect the order of the annotations because its return type is a `Set<Annotation>` (more specifically it's `HashSet`).

- Won't depend on the `ReflectionUtils`'s implementation when getting annotations.
  • Loading branch information
hyangtack committed Jan 29, 2019
1 parent e02b9ea commit 25d4d35
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Showing 7 changed files with 978 additions and 193 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions core/build.gradle
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@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
dependencies {
// cglib
testCompile 'cglib:cglib'

// Caffeine
compile 'com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine'

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@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
* Copyright 2019 LINE Corporation
* LINE Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.linecorp.armeria.internal.annotation;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static org.reflections.ReflectionUtils.getMethods;
import static org.reflections.ReflectionUtils.withName;
import static org.reflections.ReflectionUtils.withParametersCount;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.annotation.Native;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;


* A utility class which helps to get annotations from an {@link AnnotatedElement}.
final class AnnotationUtil {
* Options to be used for finding annotations from an {@link AnnotatedElement}.
enum FindOption {
* Get annotations from super classes of the given {@link AnnotatedElement} if the element is a
* {@link Class}. Otherwise, this option will be ignored.
* Get annotations from the meta-annotations which annotate the annotations specified on the given
* {@link AnnotatedElement} as well.
* Collect the annotations specified in the super classes first, the annotations specified on the
* given {@link AnnotatedElement} will be collected at last. This option will work only with
* the {@link #LOOKUP_SUPER_CLASSES}.

* Built-in meta annotations defined in {@code java.lang.annotation} package.
private static final Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> BUILTIN_META_ANNOTATIONS =
ImmutableSet.of(Documented.class, Inherited.class, Native.class,
Retention.class, Repeatable.class, Target.class);

* Returns an annotation of the {@code annotationType} or {@link Optional#empty()}, which is found
* from the specified {@code element}.
* <p>Note that this method will <em>not</em> find annotations from the super classes of
* the {@code element} and will <em>not</em> find annotations from the meta-annotations.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param annotationType the type of the annotation to find
static <T extends Annotation> Optional<T> findFirst(AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> annotationType) {
final List<T> founds = findAll(element, annotationType);
return founds.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(founds.get(0));

* Returns an annotation of the {@code annotationType} if it is found from the specified {@code element}.
* Otherwise, the {@link Optional#empty()} will be returned.
* <p>Note that this method will <em>not</em> find annotations from the super classes of
* the {@code element} and will <em>not</em> find annotations from the meta-annotations.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param annotationType the type of the annotation to find
static <T extends Annotation> Optional<T> findFirstDeclared(AnnotatedElement element,
Class<T> annotationType) {
final List<T> founds = findDeclared(element, annotationType);
return founds.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(founds.get(0));

* Returns the annotations of the {@code annotationType}, which are found from the specified
* {@code element}.
* <p>Note that this method will find annotations from the super classes of the {@code element} and
* the meta-annotations.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param annotationType the type of the annotation to find
static <T extends Annotation> List<T> findAll(AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> annotationType) {
return find(element, annotationType, EnumSet.of(FindOption.LOOKUP_SUPER_CLASSES,

* Returns the annotations of the {@code annotationType}, which are found from the specified
* {@code element}.
* <p>Note that this method will find annotations from the super classes of the {@code element}
* but will <em>not</em> find annotations from the meta-annotations.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param annotationType the type of the annotation to find
static <T extends Annotation> List<T> findInherited(
AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> annotationType) {
return find(element, annotationType, EnumSet.of(FindOption.LOOKUP_SUPER_CLASSES));

* Returns the annotations of the {@code annotationType}, which are found from the specified
* {@code element}.
* <p>Note that this method will <em>not</em> find annotations from the super classes
* of the {@code element} and will <em>not</em> find annotations from the meta-annotations.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param annotationType the type of the annotation to find
static <T extends Annotation> List<T> findDeclared(
AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> annotationType) {
return find(element, annotationType, EnumSet.noneOf(FindOption.class));

* Returns the annotations of the {@code annotationType}, which are found from the specified
* {@code element}.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param annotationType the type of the annotation to find
* @param findOptions the options to be applied when finding annotations
static <T extends Annotation> List<T> find(AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> annotationType,
FindOption... findOptions) {
return find(element, annotationType, EnumSet.copyOf(
ImmutableList.copyOf(requireNonNull(findOptions, "findOptions"))));

* Returns the annotations of the {@code annotationType}, which are found from the specified
* {@code element}.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param annotationType the type of the annotation to find
* @param findOptions the options to be applied when finding annotations
static <T extends Annotation> List<T> find(AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> annotationType,
EnumSet<FindOption> findOptions) {
requireNonNull(element, "element");
requireNonNull(annotationType, "annotationType");

final Builder<T> builder = new Builder<>();

// Repeatable is not a repeatable. So the length of the returning array is 0 or 1.
final Repeatable[] repeatableAnnotations = annotationType.getAnnotationsByType(Repeatable.class);
final Class<? extends Annotation> containerType =
repeatableAnnotations.length > 0 ? repeatableAnnotations[0].value() : null;

for (final AnnotatedElement e : resolveTargetElements(element, findOptions)) {
for (final Annotation annotation : e.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
if (findOptions.contains(FindOption.LOOKUP_META_ANNOTATIONS)) {
final Annotation[] metaAnnotations = annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredAnnotations();
for (final Annotation metaAnnotation : metaAnnotations) {
// If the metaAnnotation is "repeatable", we can try to find the annotation
// from the container annotation which is defined by "@Repeatable" annotation.
// There is no way to know whether the metaAnnotation is a container of
// repeatable annotations.
collectAnnotations(builder, metaAnnotation, annotationType, containerType);
collectAnnotations(builder, annotation, annotationType, containerType);

* Returns the annotations found from the specified {@code element}.
* <p>Note that this method will return every annotation found from the super classes of the
* {@code element} including the annotation specified as a meta-annotation.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
static List<Annotation> getAllAnnotations(AnnotatedElement element) {
return getAnnotations(element, EnumSet.of(FindOption.LOOKUP_SUPER_CLASSES,

* Returns the annotations found from the specified {@code element}.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param findOptions the options to be applied when finding annotations
static List<Annotation> getAnnotations(AnnotatedElement element, FindOption... findOptions) {
requireNonNull(findOptions, "findOptions");
return getAnnotations(element,
findOptions.length > 0 ? EnumSet.copyOf(ImmutableList.copyOf(findOptions))
: EnumSet.noneOf(FindOption.class));

* Returns the annotations found from the specified {@code element}.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param findOptions the options to be applied when finding annotations
static List<Annotation> getAnnotations(AnnotatedElement element, EnumSet<FindOption> findOptions) {
// A user may not be interested in the built-in meta annotations, so the default predicate filters out
// the default Java meta-annotations.
return getAnnotations(element, findOptions,
annotation -> !BUILTIN_META_ANNOTATIONS.contains(annotation.annotationType()));

* Returns the annotations found from the specified {@code element}.
* <p>Note that this method will return every annotation found from the super classes of the
* {@code element} including the annotation specified as a meta-annotation.
* @param element the {@link AnnotatedElement} to find annotations
* @param findOptions the options to be applied when finding annotations
* @param collectingFilter the predicate which decides whether the annotation is to be collected or not
static List<Annotation> getAnnotations(AnnotatedElement element, EnumSet<FindOption> findOptions,
Predicate<Annotation> collectingFilter) {
requireNonNull(element, "element");
requireNonNull(collectingFilter, "collectingFilter");

final Builder<Annotation> builder = new Builder<>();

for (final AnnotatedElement e : resolveTargetElements(element, findOptions)) {
for (final Annotation annotation : e.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
if (findOptions.contains(FindOption.LOOKUP_META_ANNOTATIONS)) {
final Annotation[] metaAnnotations = annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredAnnotations();
for (final Annotation metaAnnotation : metaAnnotations) {
if (collectingFilter.test(metaAnnotation)) {
if (collectingFilter.test(annotation)) {

private static List<AnnotatedElement> resolveTargetElements(AnnotatedElement element,
EnumSet<FindOption> findOptions) {
final List<AnnotatedElement> elements;
if (findOptions.contains(FindOption.LOOKUP_SUPER_CLASSES) && element instanceof Class) {
final Class<?> superclass = ((Class<?>) element).getSuperclass();
if ((superclass == null || superclass == Object.class) &&
((Class<?>) element).getInterfaces().length == 0) {
elements = ImmutableList.of(element);
} else {
final Builder<AnnotatedElement> collector = new Builder<>();
collectSuperClasses((Class<?>) element, collector,
elements =;
} else {
elements = ImmutableList.of(element);
return elements;

private static void collectSuperClasses(Class<?> clazz, Builder<AnnotatedElement> collector,
boolean collectSuperClassesFirst) {
final Class<?> superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
final Class<?>[] superInterfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();

if (!collectSuperClassesFirst) {
if (superInterfaces.length > 0) {
.forEach(superInterface -> collectSuperClasses(
superInterface, collector, collectSuperClassesFirst));
if (superClass != null && superClass != Object.class) {
collectSuperClasses(superClass, collector, collectSuperClassesFirst);
if (collectSuperClassesFirst) {

private static <T extends Annotation> void collectAnnotations(
Builder<T> builder, Annotation annotation,
Class<T> annotationType, @Nullable Class<? extends Annotation> containerType) {
final Class<? extends Annotation> type = annotation.annotationType();
if (type == annotationType) {

if (containerType == null || type != containerType) {

final Method method = Iterables.getFirst(
getMethods(containerType, withName("value"), withParametersCount(0)), null);
if (method == null) {


try {
final T[] values = (T[]) method.invoke(annotation);;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Should not reach here.
throw new Error("Failed to invoke 'value' method of the repeatable annotation: " +
containerType.getName(), e);

private AnnotationUtil() {}

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