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Using Twitter's Streaming API, to compute trends.

Currently at a very early stage.

Authentication to Twitter's API is handled by Leah Culver's oauth module. Can be found at:


  • Main Thread: Initiates worker threads

    • Thread Listener: Connects to the streaming API, reads the stream, splits tweets into tokens, and updates the frequency table.
    • Thread Statistician: Reads the frequency table and computer the trends.
  • Classes:

    • Handles authentication to Twitter API.

      • handler: File-like object that listens to Twitter API.
      • connect(): Opens the connection of the handler to the API.
      • get_tweet(): Transforms a received JSON dictionary to a Tweet instance.
      • close(): Closes the connection of the handler to the API
    • Instances of this class represent tweet information.

      • text: Tweet text
      • get_tokens(): Analyzes the text and returns its tokens.
    • trends.analysis.listener.Listener: Facilitates the Stream class, to retrieve data from the Twitter API.

      • stream: A Stream instance
    • trends.analysis.statistician.Stats: Wrapper class around the data structure that will store token along with their statistics.

      • _scores: Dictionary that stores pairs of token:<TokenStats object>
      • add(token): If no entry exists in dictionary _scores for key token, an entry is created. Else, it's updated.
      • get_stats(): Initiates the computation of stats for the tokens in _scores.
    • trends.analysis.statistician.TokenStats: Instances of this class maintain the statistics that correspond to a single token.

      • observation: Observations of the token, within this round
      • rounds_observed: Amount of rounds that this token has been observed at least once
      • mean: Floating mean.
      • sqr_mean: Floating square mean
      • std: Floating Standard deviation
      • score: Floating average z-score
      • increase(): Increases the amount of observations for the corresponding token, by 1.
      • compute_scores(): Computes the score and all the statistical parameters.
      • zero(): Zeros parameters observation and score
    • trends.analysis.statistician.Statistician: Analyzes the Stats class and computes statistics.


        +---------------  Main Thread   --------------+
        |                ---------------              |
        |                                             |
        |                                             |
        |                                             |
----------------                             --------------------
 Listener Thread                             Statistician Thread
----------------                             --------------------
   Stream   <-----------------+                    Statistician
                              |                    Stats
                              |                    TokenStats
                          Twitter API


Using Twitter's Streaming API to compute trends






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