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Auth API Server for the Test

Demo Server

A running demo is on, which is on a single node kubernetes with arm64 arch.

API Examples

  1. To register an new user: curl --request POST --url --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "email": "", "password": "testpassword", "first_name": "Lingkai", "last_name": "Xu", }'
  2. To login: curl --request POST --url --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "password": "testpassword", "email": "" }'
  3. To get an user's information: curl --request GET --url[USEE_ID] --header 'Authorization: bearer [YOUR_JWT_TOKEN]'
  4. To update an user's information: curl --request POST --url[USER_ID] --header 'Authorization: bearer [YOUR_JWT_TOKEN]' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "phone": "12345678", "first_name": "Simon" }'
  5. To delete (or deactive) current user: curl --request DELETE --url http://localhost:8080/users/[USER_ID] --header 'Authorization: bearer [YOUR_JWT_TOKEN]'

Comment Convention

I put commments with annotation // ? in the source code, including config files, to record my thoughts related to that part.

Other Thoughts

  • Existing tests only prove that the service is available under normal conditions. More tests are needed to cover edge cases and internal util functions.
  • Every user input should be more carefully verified to prevent injection attacks and wrong data from entering the system.
  • The output to users should be checked more carefully to prevent leakage of sensitive information and exposures of attack points, such as internal state of the service.
  • Although the data is stored in the database, the container is ephemeral and the data will be destroyed along with the container. I didn't allocate persistent volume to the container, because I think storage should be treated as an independent layer. If it was a formal deployment, I will use a separately deployed database (or managed database service) and object storage service for high availability and performance.
  • The limit of current implementation is that it uses a fixed database configuration. The data layer ( or say model layer) should be abstracted, to provide a more generalised interface to service layer ( or say controller layer). Ideally, We can flexibly replace (or inject) the underlying storage.
  • I spent too long for setting up my server and trying to use Github Actions to generate images in different architectures.
  • I put other thoughts in code comments.

Container registry

  • For AMD64 server: docker pull
  • For ARM64/v8 server: docker pull
  • the service runs on port 8080

Kubernetes Deployment

This is only a demo deployment via kubectl with single replica, ephemeral storage, and domain:

  1. kubectl apply -f onesgo-deployment.yaml
  2. kubectl apply -f onesgo-service.yaml
  3. kubectl apply -f onesgo-ingress.yaml


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