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First attempt to integrate John's lxa work; we will have to integrate…
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…e the new clexicon class and the older lexicon class.
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JohnAGoldsmith committed Oct 3, 2016
1 parent 82b94ea commit 751b940
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,089 additions and 109 deletions.
379 changes: 379 additions & 0 deletions linguistica/
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@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
# This is just part of documentation:
# A signature is a tuple of strings (each an affix).
# Signatures is a map: its keys are signatures. Its values are *sets* of stems.
# StemToWord is a map; its keys are stems. Its values are *sets* of words.
# StemToSig is a map; its keys are stems. Its values are individual signatures.
# WordToSig is a Map. its keys are words. Its values are *lists* of signatures.
# StemCounts is a map. Its keys are words. Its values are corpus counts of stems.
# SignatureToStems is a dict: its keys are tuples of strings, and its values are dicts of stems.

class CWordList:
def __init__(self):
self.mylist = list()

def GetCount(self):
return len(self.mylist)
def AddWord(self, word):

def at(self, n):
return self.mylist[n]

def sort(self):
self.mylist.sort(key=lambda item: item.Key)
# for item in self.mylist:
# print item.Key
for i in range(len(self.mylist)):
word = self.mylist[i]
word.leftindex = i
templist = list()
for word in self.mylist:
thispair = (word.Key[::-1], word.leftindex)
templist.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
for i in range(len(self.mylist)):
(drow, leftindex) = templist[i]
self.mylist[leftindex].rightindex = i

def PrintXY(self, outfile):
Size = float(len(self.mylist))
for word in self.mylist:
#print ("41", word.Key)
x = word.leftindex / Size
y = word.rightindex / Size
print("{:20s} {:9.5} {:9.5}".format(word.Key, x, y), file = outfile)

class CLexicon:
def __init__(self):
self.WordList = CWordList()
self.WordDictCounts = dict()

self.Signatures = {}
self.SignatureToStems = {}
self.WordToSig = {}
self.StemToWord = {}
self.StemToAffixDict = {}
self.StemCounts = {}
self.StemToSig = {}
self.Prefixes = {}
self.MinimumStemsInaSignature = 1
self.MinimumStemLength = 5
self.MaximumAffixLength =3
self.MaximumNumberOfAffixesInASignature = 10
self.NumberOfAnalyzedWords = 0
self.LettersInAnalyzedWords = 0
self.NumberOfUnanalyzedWords = 0
self.LettersInUnanalyzedWords = 0
self.TotalLetterCountInWords = 0
self.LettersInStems = 0
self.AffixLettersInSignatures = 0

self.TotalRobustInSignatures = 0

def PrintWordList(self, outfile):

def Multinomial(self,this_signature):
counts = dict()
total = 0.0
#print "{:45s}".format(this_signature),
for affix in this_signature:
#print "affix", affix
for stem in self.SignatureToStems[this_signature]:
#print "stem", stem
if affix == "NULL":
word = stem
word = stem + affix
#print stem,":", affix, "::", word
#print "A", counts[affix], self.WordDictCounts[word]
counts[affix] += self.WordDictCounts[word]
total += self.WordDictCounts[word]
frequency = dict()
for affix in this_signature:
frequency[affix] = counts[affix]/total
#print "{:12s}{:10.2f} ".format(affix, frequency[affix]),

class Word:
def __init__(self, key):
self.Key = key
self.leftindex = -1
self.rightindex = -1

def byWordKey(word):
return word.Key

class CSignature:
count = 0

def __init__(self):
self.Index = 0
self.Affixes = tuple()
self.StartStateIndex = CSignature.count
self.MiddleStateIndex = CSignature.Count + 1
self.EndStateIndex = CSignature.count + 2
CSignature.count += 3
self.StemCount = 1

def Display(self):
returnstring = ""
affixes = list(self.Affixes)
return "-".join(affixes)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

class parseChunk:
def __init__(self, thismorph, rString, thisedge=None):
# print "in parsechunk constructor, with ", thismorph, "being passed in "
self.morph = thismorph
self.edge = thisedge
self.remainingString = rString
if (self.edge):
self.fromState = self.edge.fromState
self.toState = self.edge.toState
self.fromState = None
self.toState = None
# print self.morph, "that's the morph"
# print self.remainingString, "that's the remainder"

def Copy(self, otherChunk):
self.morph = otherChunk.morph
self.edge = otherChunk.edge
self.remainingString = otherChunk.remainingString

def Print(self):
returnstring = "morph: " + self.morph
if self.remainingString == "":
returnstring += ", no remaining string",
returnstring += "remaining string is " + self.remainingString
if self.edge:
return "-(" + str(self.fromState.index) + ")" + self.morph + "(" + str(
self.toState.index) + ") -" + "remains:" + returnstring
return returnstring + "!" + self.morph + "no edge on this parsechunk"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

class ParseChain:
def __init__(self):
self.my_chain = list()

def Copy(self, other):
for parsechunk in other.my_chain:
newparsechunk = parseChunk(parsechunk.morph, parsechunk.remainingString, parsechunk.edge)

def Append(self, parseChunk):
# print "Inside ParseChain Append"

def Print(self, outfile):
returnstring = ""
columnwidth = 30
for i in range(len(self.my_chain)):
chunk = self.my_chain[i]
this_string = chunk.morph + "-"
if chunk.edge:
this_string += str(chunk.edge.toState.index) + "-"
returnstring += this_string + " " * (columnwidth - len(this_string))
print >> outfile, returnstring,
print >> outfile

def Display(self):
returnstring = ""
for i in range(len(self.my_chain)):
chunk = self.my_chain[i]
returnstring += chunk.morph + "-"
if chunk.edge:
returnstring += str(chunk.edge.toState.index) + "-"
return returnstring

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
class CAlternation:
def __init__(self, stemcount = 0):
self.Alloforms = list() # list of CAlloforms
self.Count = stemcount

def AddAlloform(self, this_alloform):

def MakeProseReportLine(self):
ReportLine = CProseReportLine()

return ReportLine.MakeReport( )

def display(self):
this_datagroup = CDataGroup("KeyAndList",self.Count)
for i in range(len(self.Alloforms)):
alloform = self.Alloforms[i]
this_datagroup.Count = self.Count
if alloform.Form == "":
key = "nil"
key = alloform.Form
if key not in this_datagroup.MyKeyDict:

return this_datagroup.display()

# for i in range(len(self.Alloforms)):

# return_string = ""
# alloform = self.Alloforms[i]
# if alloform.Form == "":
# key = "nil"
# else:
# key = alloform.Form
# this_datagroup.MyListOfKeys.append(key)
# this_datagroup.MyKeyDict[key]##

# return_string += key
# return_string += " in context: "
# return_string += alloform.Context

# return_list.append(return_string)
# return return_list

def prose_statement(self):
for alloform in self.Alloforms:
print ("G", alloform.Form, alloform.Context)
key = alloform.Form
if key not in alloform_dict:
alloform_dict[key] = list()
if alloform.Context == "NULL":
elsewherecase_form = alloform.Form
number_of_alloforms= len(alloform_dict)

for item in alloform_dict:
temp_alloform = CAlloform(item, "", 0)
print ("W", item, alloform_dict[item])
for subitem in item:
temp_alloform.Context += " "+subitem.Context

return_string = ""
for alloform_no in range(number_of_alloforms):
thisreportline = CReportLine()

#alloform_list[alloform_no] is a list of alloforms, all with the same Key
key = alloform_list[alloform_no][0].Key # take the Key from the first one, because they are all the same

context_list = list()
for n in range(len(alloform_list[alloform_no])):

return_string += key + ":".join(context_list)
return return_string

class CAlloform:
def __init__(self,form, context, stemcount):
self.Form = form
self.Context = context
self.StemCount = stemcount

class CProseReportLine:
def __init__(self):
self.MyList = list()
self.MyLastItem = None

def MakeReport(self):
for item in self.MyList:
returnstring += item.MyHead
for item2 in self.MyTail:
returnstring += " " + item2
if self.MyLastItem:
returnstring += item.MyHead
for item2 in self.MyTail:
returnstring += " " + item2
return returnstring

class CReportLineItem:
def __init__(self):
self.MyHead = NULL
self.MyTail = NULL

class CDataGroup:
def __init__(self, type,count):
self.Type = type
self.MyKeyDict = dict()
self.Count = count

def display(self):
colwidth1 = 20
colwidth2 = 40
countstring = str(self.Count)
returnstring = countstring + " "*(4-len(countstring))
string1 = ""
string2 =""

ItemList = list(self.MyKeyDict.keys())
#if there is a word-finally, put it in last place

for i in range(len(ItemList)):
phone = ItemList[i]
if "\#" in self.MyKeyDict[phone]:
#word final phoneme
word_final_phone = ItemList[i]
del ItemList[i]
#if there is a "NIL", then put it in first place.
for i in range(len(ItemList)):
if phone== "nil":
del ItemList[i]

if self.Type == "KeyAndList":
for key in ItemList:
NULL_flag = False
string1 = "[" + key + "]"
string2 = ""
returnstring += string1 + " "*(colwidth1-len(string1))

FirstItemFlag= True
for item in self.MyKeyDict[key]:
if item == "NULL":
NULL_flag = True
if FirstItemFlag:
string2 += "before "
FirstItemFlag = False
string2 += "/"+item + "/ "
if NULL_flag:
if FirstItemFlag == False:
string2 += "and word-finally."
string2 += "word-finally."
returnstring += string2 + " "*(colwidth2- len(string2))

return returnstring
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion linguistica/VERSION
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@@ -1 +1,2 @@

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