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Bubble Graph Ontology (BGO)

The Bubble Graph Ontology (BGO) is a Semantic Web Application for exploring data partitions in a data-driven document.

BGO is NOT related to the meaning of the data, it's about the presentation layer.

For a live example of web resource that uses BGO, have a look to

The namespace for BGO vocabulary is and the suggested prefix for the BGO namespace is bgo .

BGO contains three core concepts:

  • the Domain, that describes a data driven document that contains quantitative facts that share the same meaning. There is only one Domain per ontology, a domain can be used to describe a Financial Report, the presence of politicians on TV or any other document that contains comparable facts.
  • the Account, that is an a-dimensional quantity (amount) with an optional reference value. An account can be used to describe a fact in a Financial Report, a politician speaking time on TV or any other versionable quantitative value. An Account exposes an accountId that must be unique in the ontology.
  • the Partition, that represents a partition of the all Accounts in a Domain into some disjoined subsets. There are no hierarchies between partitions, but there is always an Overview that represents a partition containing just one subset with all the Accounts of a Domain.

UML diagram


  • the green boxes represent the concepts related to URL addressable data-driven document sections;
  • the blue boxes represent concepts related to user interactions;
  • the orange boxes represent data related concepts;
  • the relations and strings in bold have cardinality "exactly 1", otherwise "max 1" expected (i.e 0 or one)
  • if a default is not specified, it is implementation dependent.
  • the purple represents optional components (i.e. that should be not displayed if not explicitly defined in data).

All accounts in a Domain can be presented in a paged document (TableView) or as a whole in a big picture (Overview).

The overview admits a named list of partitions . A Partition is a collection of disjoined AccountSets organized with some criteria. A partition always contains (implicitly or explicitly) a DefaultAccountSet that identifies all accounts in the domain that are not explicitly defined in the partition. An Partition exposes a partitionId that must be unique in the ontology.

Overview also links some user interface concepts:

  • the SearchPane that exposes a search expression to filter the domain amounts in some way (application dependent)
  • the TagCloud that exposes a set of weighted tags an produce a search expression to feed the search pane (application dependent)
  • the TrendColorScheme that exposes a color map to be used to highlight some account's aspect (application dependent)

Accounts information can be displayed in a Tooltip or in a AccountView. The AccountView exposes some perspectives that highlight specific aspects on an Account like metadata, historical trends, breakdowns, and social impacts.

Besides these, BGO defines some other general concepts useful to a reasoner display numbers:

  • the NumberFormatter that exposes templates and properties to display a generic number.
  • the Totalizer that exposes some templates and properties to display a number related with another one ( usually a ratio with another value)

See above for more information about number management.

Semantic relationships are crucial to the definition of concepts. However, next to these structured characterizations, concepts have to be further defined using human-readable ("informal") documentation. Any BGO concept (Things) can be annotated using a set of properties derived from well-known vocabularies like Dublin Core, Foaf and RDFS:

  • icon: a sub-property of foaf:thumbnail.
  • depiction : a sub-property of foaf:depiction;
  • label: a sub-property of rdfs:label;
  • title, description, abstract : as sub-properties of homonymous Dublin Core terms;

A BGO reasoner can use these properties to build user interface components, providing defaults if needed and taking into account the following conventions:

  • icon is a symbol for a label, that in turn can be considered as a short of the title;
  • the *depiction is an image for description, that is expanded in the abstract; the abstract can contain links and references to other documents.
  • an object id (e.g. partitionId) can be used as a label if such element and title are missing.

Besides classes and properties, BGO defines the some extensions to the default xsd:String datatype:

  • MDString a strings that should be displayed according Markdown rendering specifications.
  • RGB a strings that represents a RGB color matching the following regexp: ^#[0-9a-f]{6}$ (e.g. #b2182b)
  • Route a strings that represents an internal routing. The expected behavior is application dependent.
  • Template is a sprintf compatible template. At minimum a bgo reasoner should be able just to manage the substitution of %s.

It also defines some subclasses for describing grouping functions in partitions: amount sum (default), accounts count, trend average; and some individuals for sort ordering (ascending/descending) and sort criteria (abs/natural)

BGO is expressed in a owl file serialized as RDF xml. You can edit the file by hand or using Protégé

An html rendering of the vocabulary is provided by the lode parser

For some examples of BGO ontologies, have a look at the example directory.

BGO ontology is used by LODMAP2D application and by some public and private projects.

Semantic of numbers

In BGO all quantities are a-dimensionals, so the unit of measure is something that must be managed by the ontology reasoner.

BGO defines two concepts (NumberFormatter and Totalizer) to provide the information needed by a reasoner to display a number in a pleasant format.

bgo:NumberFormatter reasoner requirements

NumberFormatter exposes following functional properties:

  • bgo:format: a string or a bgo:template to be used (default= "%s"^^bgo:template ).
  • bgo:scaleFactor: a multiplier to apply to the number (default = 1)
  • bgo:precision: the number of decimals allowed (round applies)
  • bgo:maxValue: the max value allowed for the number (after scaling)
  • bgo:minValue: the minimum value allowed for the number (after scaling)
  • bgo:lessThanMinFormat: is an alternative format to be used if the number is less than minValue
  • bgo:moreThanManFormat: is an alternative format to be used if the number is greater than maxValue
  • bgo:nanFormat: is an alternative format to be used if the number is not defined, the default is the empty string

In following pseudo-code:

  • store contains all information
  • formatter is the object in datamodel of type bgo:NumberFormatter
  • x is the number to be formatted
  • forceFormat is an optional format that overrides the formatter one
function numberFormatter (store, formatter, x, forceFormat=null ) {
    IF x is a number   
    	  # here some reasonable defaults for missing properties
        scaleFactor = store.getAny(formatter,bgo:scaleFactor) || 1
        precision = store.getAny(formatter,bgo:precision) || 2
        maxValue = store.getAny(formatter,bgo:maxValue) || Infinity
        minValue = store.getAny(formatter,bgo:minValue) || -Infinity
        # apply some transformations to x
        x = x * scaleFactor;
        x = round ( x, precision);
        IF x < minValue 
            format= store.getAny(formatter,bgo:lessThanMinFormat) || "< $minValue"
        ELSEIF x > maxValue 
            format= store.getAny(formatter,bgo:moreThanMaxFormat) || "> $maxValue"
            format= forceFormat || store.getAny(formatter,bgo:format) || "%s"
        format = store.getAny(formatter,bgo:nanFormat) || ""

    return sprintf( format, x )

bgo:Totalizer reasoner requirements

A Totalizer is a bidimensional vector of numbers that is normally used to represent a subtotal and an optional ratio respect to a grand total; This meaning is not mandatory, it can be used to ddescribe how to display two number related in some way. It extends the NumberFormatter with following functional properties:

  • bgo:filteredFormat: bgo:template to be used when the number is a portion of a bigger total
  • bgo:ratioFormatter: a bgo:NumberFormatter individual to be used to format the ratio
  • bgo:ratioBefore: a boolean (default false) that states the print order is ratio then the number.; if true vice-versa

In following pseudo-code:

  • store contains all information
  • formatter is the object in datamodel of type bgo:Totalizer
  • x is the number to be formatted
  • ratio is an optional number that represent the ratio between x and a total (i.e. ratio = x/total )

The pseudo code depends from the numberFormatter functions previously defined:

function totalizer (store, formatter, x, ratio) {
    ratioFormatter = store.getAny(formatter,bgo:ratioFormatter)

    IF NOT ratio is a number OR NOT ratioFormatter
        result = numberFormatter(store, formatter, x)
        filteredFormat = store.getAny(formatter,bgo:filteredFormat) || "%s"
        xString = numberFormatter( store, formatter, x,  filteredFormat )
        ratioString = numberFormatter( store, ratioFormatter, ratio)
        IF store.getAny(formatter,bgo:ratioBefore)
        	result = ratioString+xString
        	result = xString+ratioString
    return result

Sub domains

IN BGO a Domain class describes the totality of the accounts in the ontology. The SubDomain class allows to limit the number of accounts. A SubDomain must expose an unique domainId in the ontology.


The BGO ontology is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported license; see In a nutshell, you are free to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix/adapt the work (e.g. to import the ontology and create specializations of its elements), as long as you attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).

Proper Attribution: include the statement "This work is based on the Bubble Graph Ontology (BGO), developed by Enrico Fagnoni for LinkedData.Center" and add a link to