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linkfy edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 49 revisions

List of scripts

By default all the scripts are async. Use await for concurrent execution.
Verification modes (1 sms, 2 email, 0 otp)

  • login({inputLogin=null, inputPassword=null, inputProxy=null, verificationMode=null, silentMode=false, antiBanMode=false, showRealtimeNotifications = false})
  • loadConfig()
  • removeCookie()
  • getUserInfo
  • getFollowers
  • getFollowing
  • getUserRecentPosts(ig, username)
  • readFollowers
  • readFollowing
  • likeUrl
  • likePost
  • likeMediaId
  • recentHashtagList
  • recentLocationList
  • topHashtagList
  • topLocationList
  • followUser || followUser(ig, accountName, force = true)
  • followById(ig, userId)
  • followUserByPost()
  • unfollowUser(ig, accountName) || unfollowUser(ig, accountName, force = true)
  • getLikeActivityByHours()
  • getFollowActivityByHours()
  • getUnfollowActivityByHours()
  • isTimeInRange()
  • getLikeActivityFromHourToNow()
  • getFollowActivityFromHourToNow()
  • lastLikeMinutesAgo()
  • lastFollowMinutesAgo()
  • likeRecentHashtagsByIntervals()
  • followRecentHashtagsByIntervals()
  • viewStoriesFromId(ig, userId)
  • viewStoriesFromIds(ig, userIds)
  • viewStoriesFromUser(ig, username)
  • viewStoriesFromFollowers(ig, username)
  • viewStoriesFromFollowing(ig, username)
  • getPollsFromStories(ig, username)
  • voteStoryPoll(ig, username, value = 1)
  • getRecentPostLikers(ig, post)
  • getRecentPostLikersByUsername(ig, username)
  • requestLivestream(ig)
  • commentMediaId
  • getMediaIdInfo
  • getMediaUrlInfo
  • uploadPicture(ig, caption, picturePath, namesToTag = [])
  • uploadAlbum(ig, caption, album, namesToTag = [])
  • uploadPictureByUrl(ig, caption, pictureUrl);
  • detectFaces [Doing]
  • imageHaveFaces [Doing]
  • urlToMediaId(ig, url)
  • getMediaType(ig, mediaIdOrUrl) //photo, video, album
  • getPhotoUrl(ig, "", hd = false)) by default HD is true
  • commentPost(ig, post, comment, commentIfAlreadyCommented = false)
  • unfollowById(ig, id)
  • getPostCommentsById(ig, id, maxComments=20)
  • getMyLastFollowers(ig)
  • setAntiBanMode(ig, mode = true)
  • executeAntiBanChecks(ig)
  • getStoriesFromId(ig, id)
  • executeWorker({workerName, accountLoginFile, timeout = Infinity})
  • executeAdvancedWorker({workerName, variables: {}, timeout = Infinity})

Scrapper functions

No login required

  • spider.getUserInfo(username)
  • spider.userHasStories(username)
  • spider.getUserLikers(username, maxUsers, proxyConfig = undefined) //The proxyConfig = {} must follow axios format

Useful functions

  • sleep(seconds) : sleep for desired seconds
  • ig.loggedInUser : gives the user information
  • : save Database
  • id.db : interact with the lowdb Database collection
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