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Contentful JavaScript Cookbook Starter

Create a JavaScript cookbook powered by Contentful.


The homepage of the cookbook website


Quick Start

Follow the steps mentioned below to set up and run the project quickly. For more detailed instructions, follow the steps mentioned in Configuration.

Step 1. Get the source code and install dependencies

Clone the repository.

git clone

Install node dependencies.

npm install

# or

yarn add

Step 2. Set up the content model

The project comes with a Contentful set up command that imports the required content model and adds sample content to your space.

The command asks you for a Space ID, and Content Management API Access Token, and the Conetnt Delivery API Access Token.

Run the following command to set up the content model.


Step 3. Run it locally

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:3000 to view the Cookbook app.


Step 1. Create an account and a space on Contentful

First, create an account on Contentful.

After creating an account, create a new empty space from the dashboard and assign to it any name of your liking.

Step 2. Create a content model

The content model defines the data structures of your application/websites. The structures are flexible and you can tailor them to your needs.

For this example you need to create a content model that defines an ingredient and a recipe content type. You can create these two by running a script or by doing it manually to familiarize yourself with the Contentful user interface.

Run a script to create the content model

This project includes a setup script which you can use to set up the content model expected by the source code.

In your Contentful dashboard go to Settings > General Settings and copy the Space ID.

Next, go to Settings > API keys > Content management tokens and create a new token by clicking Generate personal token. This token has the same access rights as the logged in user. Do not share it publicly, you will only use it to set up your space and can delete it afterwards.

With the space ID and management access token at hand run the following command:


This command will create the needed content structures and set up your Contentful space ready to use. The output should look as follows:

> starter-javascript-cookbook@0.0.1 setup
> node ./contentful/setup.js

│ The following entities are going to be imported: │
│ Content Types                  │ 2               │
│ Tags                           │ 0               │
│ Editor Interfaces              │ 2               │
│ Entries                        │ 34              │
│ Assets                         │ 3               │
│ Locales                        │ 1               │
│ Webhooks                       │ 0               │
(node:8716) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
  ✔ Validating content-file
  ✔ Initialize client (1s)
  ✔ Checking if destination space already has any content and retrieving it (2s)
  ✔ Apply transformations to source data (1s)
  ✔ Push content to destination space
    ✔ Connecting to space (1s)
    ✔ Connecting to space (1s)

Create the content model manually

Create an Ingredient content type

From your contentful space, go to Content model and add a new content type:

  • Give it the Name Ingredient, the Api Identifier should be ingredient

Once the content model is saved, add these fields (you don't have to modify the settings unless specified):

  • Name - Text field (type short text).
  • Quantity Type - Text field (type short text).
    • Click on Create and configure.
    • Under Validation, check Accept only specifed values and enter a few values.
    • You can optionally go to Appearance and select Dropdown.

Save the content type and continue.

Create a Recipe type

From your contentful space, go to Content model and add another content type:

  • Give it the Name Recipe, the Api Identifier should be recipe

Next, add these fields (you don't have to modify the settings unless specified):

  • Title - Text field (type short text)
  • Description - Text field (type short text)
  • Ingredients - Rich Text
    • Go to Validation > Embedded inline entry > Select Accept only specifed entry type > Select Ingredient.
  • Instructions - Rich Text field
  • Images - Media field (type many files)
  • slug - Text field. You can optionally go to the settings of this field, and under Appearance, select Slug to display it as a slug of the title field.

Save the content type and continue.

Step 3. Validate your content model

After setting up the content model (either manually or by running npm run setup or yarn setup), it should look as follows.

Content model overview

Content model overview

Step 4. Populate Content

Go to the Content section in your space, then click on Add entry and select the Ingredient content type:

  • We recommend creating a couple of ingredients

Next, create another entry with the content type Post:

  • We recommend creating at least 2 recipe entries.
  • In the Ingredient field, refer the ingredients: Click on + Embed > Inline entry > Select the ingredient
  • For images, you can download them from Unsplash.

Important: For each entry and asset, you need to click on Publish. If not, the entry will be in draft state.

Published content entry

Step 5. Set up environment variables

From your contentful space, go to Settings > API keys. There will be an example Content delivery / preview token - you can use these API keys. (You may also create a new key.)

Next, copy the .env.example file in this directory to .env (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.example .env

Then set each variable on .env:

  • CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID should be the Space ID field of your API Key
  • CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN should be the Content Delivery API - access token field of your API key

Your .env file should look like this:


Step 6. Run in development mode

npm install
npm run dev

# or

yarn install
yarn dev

Your app should be up and running on http://localhost:3000!


Use the Deploy button below, to deploy the project on Heroku.


NOTE: You'll have to configure the CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID and CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN values.

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