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Spring Boot Starter NATS

Spring Boot 2.x/3.x starter for NATS with Publish/Subscribe, Services Framework, JetStream KV watch support.


Why Spring Boot starter for NATS?

NATS is very simple, why you create a starter for Spring Boot?

  • Nats Microservices framework support: RPC style with json, protobuf, avro data format.
  • JetStream KeyValue watch support: durable Component and state sync between instances.
  • NATS service interface: almost alike Spring HTTP interface to make services call easy
  • Spring Kafka like: @NatsSubscriber to listen subject
  • Subject for instance only: make A/B easy
  • NatsTemplate: friendly with Spring XxxTemplate style
  • Metrics & endpoints: /actuator/nats, NATS information/statistics
  • Health indicator for NATS
  • NATS Protocol Binding for CloudEvents

Get Started with Publish/Subscribe

  • please add following dependency in your pom.xml
  • please add setting in For cluster, please change url to "nats://host1:4222,nats://host2:4222"
nats.spring.server = nats://localhost:4222
  • in you code, use NatsTemplate to send message
   private NatsTemplate natsTemplate;
  • @NatsSubscriber support, method signature of subscriber is "(Message)->void"
    @NatsSubscriber(subject = "topic.a")
    public void handler(Message msg) {

Subject for App Instance only

Every app instance will listen a subject, such as app-name-75454360-49f0-4609-9ed9-1e3bef4219cc(print on console), and you can send the messages to the subject and communicate with the instance only.

It's easy and simple, and you can use AppInstanceOnlyMessageHandler interface to handle the message.

public class NatsDemoApplication implements AppInstanceOnlyMessageHandler {

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

  public void onMessage(Message msg) throws InterruptedException {
    System.out.println("Received message from:" + msg.getSubject());

Some use cases for this feature:

  • Peer-to-Peer communication: send messages to a specific instance.
  • A/B testing: send the message to a specific instance, and not broadcast to all instances.

NATS MicroServices framework

NATS Services Framework is MicroServices RPC framework with Service Discovery support, and you can check NATS Service API Spec for detail.

How to publish NATS MicroServices?

In the server side, create a normal Spring Boot controller with @MessageMapping and @NatsService annotations.

@NatsService(name = "minmax", version = "0.0.1", description = "min/max number service")
public class UserNatsService {

  public int min(@Payload String body) {
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    String[] input = body.split(",");
    for (String n : input) {
      min = Math.min(min, Integer.parseInt(n));
    return min;

Please refer MessageMapping for arguments binding. Now only following annotations supported:

  • @Payload String body or String body: bind the message body to the method parameter
  • @Header("contentType") String contentType: bind the message header to the method parameter
  • @Headers Map<String, Object> headers: bind the destination variable to the method parameter

After server started, and you can use nats micro ls to check services, and use nats request minmax.min "1,2" to make a test.

How to consume NATS MicroServices?

In the client side, create an interface with @NatsExchange and add methods with @ServiceExchange annotations.

public interface UserService {

  Mono<Integer> min(String text);

Then to build service stub proxy to call the service.

public class UserServiceTest {

  public void testServiceCall() throws Exception {
    Connection nc = Nats.connect("nats://localhost:4222");
    UserService userService = NatsExchangeProxyFactory.buildStub(nc, UserService.class);
    Integer min = userService.min("1,2").block();

Attention: NATS MicroServices frameworks is based on request-reply model, and it is async mode, and you need to use Reactive Mono to handle the result.

Object serialization for NATS Services

If you want to use JSON, and you can use @NatsExchange annotation to specify the content type as following:

@NatsExchange(value = "nats://localhost:4222", path = "UserService", contentType = "application/json")
public interface UserService {
  Mono<String> hello(User user);

The following content types are supported:

Durable Component

Durable component is almost like Cloudflare Durable Objects, and you can use NATS JetStream KV watch to sync states between instances.

public class OnlineUserComponent {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OnlineUserComponent.class);
  private int onlineUserCount;

  @NatsKeyWatcher(bucket = "bucket", key = "online.user.count")
  public void setOnlineUserCount(int count) {"Online user count: " + count);
    this.onlineUserCount = count;

After bucket/online.user.count key changed, the setOnlineUserCount method will be called to sync the state between instances.

Tips: If you have a state with many fields, and you can use JavaBean or record as fields. Then call nats kv put bucket online.admin '{"nick": "linux_china", "phone":"138xxx"}' to update JavaBean state.

NATS KeyValue store

NATS KeyValue Store is a nice feature for some cases:

  • Configuration Data: watch support
  • Metadata: Data Schema, such as avro, protobuf, json schema etc under schema-registry bucket.
  • State data: cooperate with instances, such as rate limit, black list etc.

NATS Object Store

NATS Object Store is a nice feature for some cases:

  • Workload binary storage: such as Wasm module, JS bundle etc.
  • Statics Data: some data for report(short-time), such as CSV, JSON etc.
  • Callback support: watch support for bucket.

Spring Cloud Stream Binder for NATS

Use official Spring Cloud Stream Binder for NATS nats-spring-cloud-stream-binder.

Tips: nats-spring-boot-starter is based on spring-nats, and you can use both of them in your project.

Spring Boot Actuator

Please visit /actuator/nats for NATS information and statistics.

  • NATS Server Information
  • NATS Services
  • Nats Subscribers
  • Disconnect from NATS: Graceful shutdown - POST /actuator/nats/offline

NATS Protocol Binding for CloudEvents

Please refer NATS Protocol Binding for CloudEvents.

GraphQL over NATS

GraphQL service interface definition.

public interface GraphqlService {

    Mono<String> query(String query, Map<String, Object> variables);

    Mono<String> mutation(String mutation, Map<String, Object> variables);

    Flux<String> subscription(String subscription, Map<String, Object> variables);


Services Framework(request-reply)


  • Subscribe a subject, such as "graphql.sub.xxxx"
  • Send request-reply, message with "subscribed-to" header, and the value is the subject
  • Received the replied message. If payload is ok, then you can receive the subscription message. otherwise, unsubscribe the subject.


  • Data schema metadata for services: such as json schema, load schema file from classpath or annotation?
  • Graceful shutdown: call actuator endpoint to disconnect from NATS?
