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rajalaxmia edited this page Sep 13, 2018 · 1 revision

System Configuration

Kernel requirement

Minimum of 4.15 or Linux Distribution supporting NVMe-oF (e.g., RHEL 7.5, SUSE12 SP3)

Download the kernel

# git clone

Copy the existing /lib/modules/`uname –r`/source/.config to the downloaded kernel

Install the kernel

Verify openssl-devel package present and installed.

Edit config file and ensure CONFIG_NVME_RDMA, CONFIG_NVME_FC, CONFIG_NVME_TARGET enabled.
make and answer module questions for NVMe Target sub-modules

# make
# make modules_install
# sudo make install

Ensure the system will boot to the new kernel

# grep "^menuentry" /boot/grub2/grub.cfg | cut -d "'" -f2 
# grub2-set-default <zero-based index of the new kernel>

Boot the new kernel