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Jonathan Bayer edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ESLD Beacon Wiki! If you'd like a quick primer on how to use the mod, click here.


This mod allows players to create a network of beacons which can transfer nearby ships to each other. There are various models of beacons, as well as tech advances that can provide extra capability to the beacons. This mod also takes into account things like:

  • Line of Sight - No transfer through planets, moons or the sun.
  • Gravity - Beacons will not operate above certain gravitational limits.
  • Velocity Changes - No free orbit insertions! Transfers retain their source velocity, which can be massive.
  • Fuel - Beacons utilize a highly compressed version of Karbonite called Karborundum to transfer ships.
  • Ship Size - Larger ships will incur higher fuel costs.
  • Ship Weight - Heavier ships will incur higher fuel costs.

All of this aims to make the mod balanced in career mode while providing a time-saving feature as well as a new logistical challenge.

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