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Add basic support for white-listing tests to run on new PRs.
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Currently, the only working option is to say "ok to test" to allow
a PR to be tested.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Gazagnaire <>
  • Loading branch information
samoht committed Jun 13, 2017
1 parent 7e44503 commit 41e6d9d
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Showing 5 changed files with 237 additions and 11 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions src/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
open Datakit_ci
open Datakit_github
open Lwt.Infix
open Astring

let ( >>*= ) x f =
x >>= function
| Ok x -> f x
| Error e -> Utils.failf "Unexpected DB error: %a" DK.pp_error e

let ( // ) = Datakit_client.Path.Infix.( / )

type v = [
| `OkToTest
| `InWhiteList
| `NotAuthorized

let cached_file = Cache.Path.(value // "state")

let string_of_v = function
| `OkToTest -> "ok-to-test"
| `InWhiteList -> "in-whitelist"
| `NotAuthorized -> "not-authorized"

let v_of_string = function
| "ok-to-test" -> `OkToTest
| "in-whitelist" -> `InWhiteList
| "not-authorized" -> `NotAuthorized
| _ -> `NotAuthorized

(* to accept this pull request for testing *)
let ok_to_test = "ok to test"

module Builder = struct
module Key = struct
type t = Whitelist.v
type t = unit
type value = v
type context = Datakit_github.PR.t

let name _ = "LinuxKit PR state"
let title _ _ = "Computing the PR state"

let generate () ~switch:_ ~log:_ tr pr whitelist =
let in_whitelist user = Whitelist.mem ( user) whitelist in
let contains x body =
let re = Re.compile Re.(seq [rep space; str x; rep space]) in
Re.execp re body
let state =
if in_whitelist (PR.owner pr) then `InWhiteList
let is_ok_to_test c =
(* The user doing the comment is in the whitelist and he/she
says "test this" *)
in_whitelist (Comment.user c) && contains ok_to_test (Comment.body c)
let comments = Array.to_list (PR.comments pr) in
if List.exists is_ok_to_test comments then `OkToTest else `NotAuthorized
let file = Cstruct.of_string (string_of_v state ^ "\n") in
DK.Transaction.create_file tr cached_file file >>*= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Ok state)

let load () tree _ =
DK.Tree.read_file tree cached_file >>*= fun file ->
let state = v_of_string (String.trim @@ Cstruct.to_string file) in
Lwt.return state

let branch () whitelist = "state-" ^ Whitelist.hash whitelist


module Result_cache = Cache.Make(Builder)

type t = Result_cache.t

let v t whitelist pr =
let open! Term.Infix in
Result_cache.find t pr whitelist

let make ~logs = Result_cache.create ~logs ()
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions src/PR_state.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
(** Manage pull-request state. *)

open Datakit_ci

type t
(** The type for pull-request state manager. *)

val make: logs:Live_log.manager -> t
(** [make ~logs] create a new pull-request manager. *)

(** The type for pull-request state. *)
type v = [
| `OkToTest
| `InWhiteList
| `NotAuthorized

val v: t -> Whitelist.v -> Datakit_github.PR.t -> v Term.t
(** [v t ~whitelist pr] is a term which evaluates to state of the
pull-request [pr] using the given [whitelist]. *)
55 changes: 44 additions & 11 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -25,14 +25,23 @@ let vms =
Gcp.make ~state:"/ci-state/gcloud-vms" ~prefix

(* Our local Git clone of the LinuxKit source repository. *)
let src_repo =
let repo project =
(* Our local Git clone of the source repository. *)
let remote =
match profile with
| `Production -> ""
| `Localhost -> "/fake-remote/linuxkit" (* Pull from our local "remote" *)
| `Production -> Fmt.strf "" project
| `Localhost -> "/fake-remote/" ^ project (* local "remote" *)
Git.v ~logs ~remote "/repos/linuxkit"
Git.v ~logs ~remote ("/repos/" ^ project)

(* Our local Git clone of the LinuxKit source repository. *)
let src_repo = repo "linuxkit"

(* The repository and branch where the whitelist is stored *)
let whitelist_repo = repo "linuxkit-ci"
let whitelist_ref =
`Ref (Datakit_github.(Repo.v ~user:(User.v "linuxkit") ~repo:"linuxkit-ci"),

(* Cache of built images. Can be deleted without too much trouble, but e.g. if you try to
re-run the tests after deleting the image it will fail and you'll have to rebuild the
Expand All @@ -42,12 +51,30 @@ let build_cache = Disk_cache.make ~path:"/build-cache"
module Builder = struct
open Term.Infix

let whitelist = Whitelist.make ~logs
let pr_state = PR_state.make ~logs
let builder = Linuxkit_build.make ~logs ~pool ~google_pool ~vms ~build_cache
let tester = Linuxkit_test.make ~logs ~google_pool ~vms ~build_cache

(* To build, "git fetch" the head of the branch, tag or PR being tested, then use [builder]. *)
let build repo ~builder ~target =
Git.fetch_head repo target >>=
(* read the whitelist *)
let read_whitelist =
Git.fetch_head whitelist_repo whitelist_ref >>=
Whitelist.v whitelist

(* check if the target can be tested *)
let should_be_tested ~target whitelist = target >>= function
| `Ref _ -> Term.return true
| `PR pr ->
PR_state.v pr_state whitelist pr >|= function
| `OkToTest
| `InWhiteList -> true
| `NotAuthorized -> false

(* To build, "git fetch" the head of the branch, tag or PR being
tested, then use [builder]. *)
let build ~target =
Git.fetch_head src_repo target >>= builder ~target

(* How to test the various images we produce. *)
Expand All @@ -58,13 +85,19 @@ module Builder = struct
| None -> "Output %s not found" x
Term.wait_for_all [
"GCP", get "test.img.tar.gz" >>= Linuxkit_test.gcp tester;
"GCP", get "test.img.tar.gz" >>=
Linuxkit_test.gcp tester
>|= fun () -> "All tests passed"

(* The "linuxkit-ci" status for a target is the result of building it and then testing the images. *)
(* The "linuxkit-ci" status for a target is the result of building
it and then testing the images. *)
let status target = [
"linuxkit-ci", build src_repo ~builder ~target >>= test_images
read_whitelist >>=
should_be_tested ~target >>= function
| false -> Term.return "Not authorized"
| true -> build ~target >>= test_images

(* For the "linuxkit/linuxkit" GitHub repository, use [status]. *)
Expand Down
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
open Datakit_ci
open Lwt.Infix
open Astring

let ( // ) = Datakit_client.Path.Infix.( / )
let ( / ) = Filename.concat

let ( >>*= ) x f =
x >>= function
| Ok x -> f x
| Error e -> Utils.failf "Unexpected DB error: %a" DK.pp_error e

let cached_file = Cache.Path.(value // "whitelist")

type v = string list

module Builder = struct
module Key = struct
type t = Git.commit
type t = unit
type value = string list
type context = job_id
let name _ = "LinuxKit whitelist"
let title _ _ = "Reading the whitelist"

let generate () ~switch:_ ~log tr job_id head =
Git.with_clone ~log ~job_id head (fun path ->
let file = path / "whitelist" in
(if not (Sys.file_exists file) then Lwt.return []
Lwt_io.open_file ~mode:Lwt_io.Input file >>= fun ic ->
Lwt_stream.to_list (Lwt_io.read_lines ic)
) >>= fun lines ->
let lines = String.trim lines in
let file = Cstruct.of_string (String.concat ~sep:"\n" lines ^ "\n") in
DK.Transaction.create_file tr cached_file file >>*= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Ok lines)

let load () tree _head =
DK.Tree.read_file tree cached_file >>*= fun file ->
let lines = String.cuts ~empty:false ~sep:"\n" (Cstruct.to_string file) in
Lwt.return lines

let branch () head = "whitelist-" ^ Git.hash head


module Result_cache = Cache.Make(Builder)

type t = Result_cache.t

let v t src =
let open! Term.Infix in
Term.job_id >>= fun job_id ->
Result_cache.find t job_id src

let mem = List.mem

let make ~logs = Result_cache.create ~logs ()

let hash t =
let t = List.sort t in
let `Hex h = Hex.of_string (String.concat ~sep:" ? " t) in
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/whitelist.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
(** Manage whitelists *)

open Datakit_ci

type t
(** The type for whitelist managers. *)

val make: logs:Live_log.manager -> t
(** [make ~logs] create a new whitelist manager. *)

type v
(** The type for whitelists. *)

val v: t -> Git.commit -> v Term.t
(** [v t c] is the whitelist stored at the root of the commit [c]. *)

val mem: string -> v -> bool
(** [mem name w] checks whether [name] belongs to the whitelist
[w]. *)

val hash: v -> string
(** [hash w] is a deterministic hash of the whitelist [w]. *)

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