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@LinuxServer-CI LinuxServer-CI released this 06 Oct 22:21
· 447 commits to development since this release

LinuxServer Changes:

Switching to new Base images, shift to arm32v7 tag.
Jackett Changes:

vizuk: headers in login block are not supported by cardigann. (Thank you @garfield69)
hachede: headers in login block are not supported by cardigann. (Thank you @garfield69)
elitetorrent: Get title from href to get format info (#6105) (Thank you @sergio Cambra)
Support 8 digit IMDB ID's (#6101) (Thank you @david Pooley)
improve imdb selector matching for a bunch of yml indexers (Thank you @garfield69)
apisearch: support 8 digit imdbid (Thank you @garfield69)
custom: support 8 digit imdbid (Thank you @garfield69)
improve imdbid selector matching for a bunch of c# indexers (Thank you @garfield69)
resultpage: support 8 digit imdbid (Thank you @garfield69)
parseutil: fix #6101 for 8 digit imdbid support (Thank you @garfield69)