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AES Bluetooth Button

A. Skomra edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Many of the "AES" pens that come with tablet PCs include a button where the eraser would be. This button is a Bluetooth device which connects to the paired PC as a keyboard, sends a special (hardcoded) key combination, and then disconnects. It is intended to invoke one of a few desktop shortcuts. Although Linux has support for Bluetooth keyboards, it isn't clear if this particular device is properly handled by the xf86-input-libinput driver. Furthermore, standard Linux desktops do not define default shortcuts for the key combinations sent.

As defined by Microsoft, the button should send one of three possible key combinations when pressed. Note that some pens may only support a few of these actions:

  • Single-click: WIN+F20
  • Double-click: WIN+F19
  • Press and hold: WIN+F18
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