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A headless, framework-agnostic and extendable mindmap editor.


  • Highly extendable, take full control over styling and behavior
  • With default undo, redo, navigation, drag, CRUD, shortcut implementation (but can be replaced)
  • Framework-agnostic, remind can work with vanilla javascript, vue, react or any other framework
  • TypeScript, remind is written is typescript and has great typescript support


Download the example folder in this repo. 
Lin edited below: 
more packages need to be added here.
1. npm i remind-core remind-contributions. 
2. npm install -D vitest
3. npm i remind-core remind-contributions
4. npm i vite 

How to run the index.html file?  
npm run dev

Quick Start

import { createMindmap, TopicData } from 'remind-core'
import 'remind-core/dist/style.css'
import { contributions } from 'remind-contributions'

const customData: TopicData = {
  id: '7bf8fd567273',
  title: 'Central Topic',
  children: [
      title: 'main topic 1',
      id: 'f4cb61397246',
      title: 'main topic 2',
      id: 'fa4df6c9708c',
      children: [
          title: 'sub topic 1',
          id: 'f4cb61397241',

createMindmap(document.querySelector('#app')!, {
  value: customData,


instance: ContributionAPI = createMindmap(containerNode, options)

Render mindmap into containerNode, and return a instance.


option type description default optional
value TopicData set mindmap value - true
onChange (value: TopicData) => void listen to value change - true
layout 'mindmap' | 'structure' set mindmap layout mindmap true
locale 'en' | 'cn' | 'ja' language localization en true
theme Theme custom theme - true
contributions Function extend editor's functionality [] true

Contribution let you extend editor's functionality, custom editor's behavior or add custom render content. For more information, see packages/contributions/src


interface ContributionAPI {
  model: IModelStructure & IModelTrait
  viewModel: IViewModelStructure & IViewModelTrait
  view: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>
  locale: IntlContent
interface TopicData {
  id: string
  title: string
  children?: TopicData[]
  depth?: number
interface Theme {
  link: {
    stroke: string
    strokeWidth: number
  topic: Record<string, unknown>
  mainColor: string


MIT License




  • TypeScript 97.8%
  • Other 2.2%