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E2E tests for the new namespacemapping logic
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1 - cluster_label_test: this test aims to verify that the labels inserted at installation time are actually put on the virtual nodes.
2 - remote_namespaces_creation_test: this test aims to verify that by inserting and removing the liqo enabling label from the local namespace, the remote namespaces are correctly created and removed.
3 - conflict_remote_namespace_test: this test aims to verify that if there is already a remote namespace with the same name, the namespaceMap notifies a conflict. If that remote namespace is deleted, the conflict is resolved and the remote namespace enforcedby the NamespaceOffloading is correctly created inside this cluster.
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Andreagit97 committed Jul 12, 2021
1 parent 0edb724 commit 55d8022
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Showing 10 changed files with 816 additions and 38 deletions.
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions test/e2e/cluster_labels_e2e/cluster_labels_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
package clusterlabels

import (

. ""
. ""
. ""
corev1 ""
apierrors ""
metav1 ""
k8shelper ""

configv1alpha1 ""
offloadingv1alpha1 ""
sharingv1alpha1 ""
liqoconst ""
liqoutils ""
testutils ""

func TestE2E(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "Liqo E2E Suite")

const (
// Name of the ClusterConfig in every cluster with Liqo.
clusterConfigName = "liqo-configuration"
// Name of the test namespace for this test with cluster labels.
testNamespaceName = "test-namespace-labels"

var _ = Describe("Liqo E2E", func() {
var (
ctx = context.Background()
testContext = tester.GetTester(ctx)
interval = 1 * time.Second
// shortTimeout is used for Consistently statement
shortTimeout = 5 * time.Second
timeout = 10 * time.Second
// longTimeout is used in situations that may take longer to be performed
longTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
localIndex = 0

Context("Assert that labels inserted at installation time are in the right resources: clutserConfig,"+
" resourceOffer and virtualNodes", func() {

DescribeTable(" 1 - Check labels presence in the ClusterConfig resources for every cluster",
// Every cluster must have in its ClusterConfig Resource, the labels inserted at installation time.
func(cluster tester.ClusterContext, clusterLabels map[string]string) {
clusterConfig := &configv1alpha1.ClusterConfig{}
Eventually(func() error {
return cluster.ControllerClient.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: clusterConfigName}, clusterConfig)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())
Entry("Check the ClusterConfig resource of the cluster 1", testContext.Clusters[0], testutils.GetClusterLabels(0)),
Entry("Check the ClusterConfig resource of the cluster 2", testContext.Clusters[1], testutils.GetClusterLabels(1)),
Entry("Check the ClusterConfig resource of the cluster 3", testContext.Clusters[2], testutils.GetClusterLabels(2)),
Entry("Check the ClusterConfig resource of the cluster 4", testContext.Clusters[3], testutils.GetClusterLabels(3)),

DescribeTable(" 2 - Check labels presence in the ResourceOffer resources for every cluster",
// In every Local Tenant Namespace there must be the ResourceOffer sent by the cluster under examination
// with the expected labels in the field ResourceOffer.Spec.Labels.
func(cluster tester.ClusterContext, index int, clusterLabels map[string]string) {
resourceOffer := &sharingv1alpha1.ResourceOffer{}
// The name prefix is useful in order to get every ResourceOffer by name.
resourceOfferNamePrefix := "resourceoffer"
// For every peering get the resourceOffer sent by the cluster under examination.
for i := range testContext.Clusters {
if i == index {
By("Getting the local tenant namespace corresponding to the right cluster and getting the " +
"ResourceOffer sent by the cluster under examination")
Eventually(func() error {
tenantNamespaceName, err := liqoutils.GetLocalTenantNamespaceName(ctx,
cluster.ControllerClient, testContext.Clusters[i].ClusterID)
if err != nil {
return err
return cluster.ControllerClient.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: tenantNamespaceName,
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", resourceOfferNamePrefix, cluster.ClusterID),
}, resourceOffer)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())
Entry("Check the ResourceOffer resources of the cluster 1", testContext.Clusters[0], 0, testutils.GetClusterLabels(0)),
Entry("Check the ResourceOffer resources of the cluster 2", testContext.Clusters[1], 1, testutils.GetClusterLabels(1)),
Entry("Check the ResourceOffer resources of the cluster 3", testContext.Clusters[2], 2, testutils.GetClusterLabels(2)),
Entry("Check the ResourceOffer resources of the cluster 4", testContext.Clusters[3], 3, testutils.GetClusterLabels(3)),

DescribeTable(" 3 - Check labels presence on the virtual nodes for every cluster",
// Each virtual node representing the cluster under examination in the remote clusters must have the
// expected labels.
func(cluster tester.ClusterContext, index int, clusterLabels map[string]string) {
virtualNode := &corev1.Node{}
liqoPrefix := "liqo"
virtualNodeName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", liqoPrefix, cluster.ClusterID)
for i := range testContext.Clusters {
if i == index {
Eventually(func() error {
return testContext.Clusters[i].ControllerClient.Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Name: virtualNodeName}, virtualNode)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())
for key, value := range clusterLabels {
Expect(virtualNode.Labels).To(HaveKeyWithValue(key, value))

Entry("Check the virtual node of the cluster 1", testContext.Clusters[0], 0, testutils.GetClusterLabels(0)),
Entry("Check the virtual node of the cluster 2", testContext.Clusters[1], 1, testutils.GetClusterLabels(1)),
Entry("Check the virtual node of the cluster 3", testContext.Clusters[2], 2, testutils.GetClusterLabels(2)),
Entry("Check the virtual node of the cluster 4", testContext.Clusters[3], 3, testutils.GetClusterLabels(3)),


// In this test cases is created a namespace only inside one cluster
Context(fmt.Sprintf("Create a namespace in the cluster '%d' with its NamespaceOffloading and check if the remote namespaces"+
"are created on the right remote cluster according to the ClusterSelector specified in the NamespaceOffloading Spec ", localIndex), func() {

It("Creating the namespace and checks the presence of the remote namespaces", func() {
By(" 1 - Creating the local namespace without the NamespaceOffloading resource")
Eventually(func() error {
return testutils.CreateNamespaceWithoutNamespaceOffloading(ctx, testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient,
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())

By(" 2 - Create the NamespaceOffloading resource associated with the previously created namespace")
Eventually(func() error {
return testutils.CreateNamespaceOffloading(ctx, testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient, testNamespaceName,
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())

By(fmt.Sprintf(" 3 - Getting the virtual nodes in the cluster '%d'", localIndex))
virtualNodesList := &corev1.NodeList{}
Eventually(func() error {
return testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient.List(ctx, virtualNodesList,
client.MatchingLabels{liqoconst.TypeLabel: liqoconst.TypeNode})
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())
Expect(len(virtualNodesList.Items)).To(Equal(testconsts.NumberOfTestClusters - 1))

By(" 4 - Checking the remote clusters on which the remote namespaces are created")
for i := range virtualNodesList.Items {
match, err := k8shelper.MatchNodeSelectorTerms(&virtualNodesList.Items[i], testutils.GetClusterSelector())
remoteClusterID := virtualNodesList.Items[i].Annotations[liqoconst.RemoteClusterID]
if match {
// Check if the remote namespace is correctly created.
By(fmt.Sprintf(" 5 - Checking if a remote namespace is correctly created inside cluster '%s'", remoteClusterID))
Eventually(func() error {
namespace := &corev1.Namespace{}
if err = testContext.ClustersClients[remoteClusterID].Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Name: testNamespaceName}, namespace); err != nil {
return err
value, ok := namespace.Annotations[liqoconst.RemoteNamespaceAnnotationKey]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("the annotation '%s' is not present", liqoconst.RemoteNamespaceAnnotationKey)
if value != testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ClusterID {
return fmt.Errorf("the value of the annotation is not correct: '%s'", value)
return nil
}, longTimeout, interval).Should(Succeed())

} else {
// Check if the remote namespace does not exists.
By(fmt.Sprintf(" 5 - Checking that no remote namespace is created inside cluster '%s'", remoteClusterID))
Consistently(func() metav1.StatusReason {
namespace := &corev1.Namespace{}
return apierrors.ReasonForError(testContext.ClustersClients[remoteClusterID].Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Name: testNamespaceName}, namespace))
}, shortTimeout, interval).Should(Equal(metav1.StatusReasonNotFound))



It("Delete the local namespace and check if the remote namespaces are deleted", func() {
By(" 1 - Getting the local namespace and delete it")
namespace := &corev1.Namespace{}
Eventually(func() metav1.StatusReason {
err := testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: testNamespaceName}, namespace)
_ = testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient.Delete(ctx, namespace)
return apierrors.ReasonForError(err)
}, longTimeout, interval).Should(Equal(metav1.StatusReasonNotFound))

// When the local namespace is really deleted the remote namespace must be already deleted.
By(" 2 - Checking that all remote namespaces are deleted")
for i := range testContext.Clusters {
if i == localIndex {
Eventually(func() metav1.StatusReason {
return apierrors.ReasonForError(testContext.Clusters[i].ControllerClient.Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Name: testNamespaceName}, namespace))
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(metav1.StatusReasonNotFound))
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions test/e2e/conflict_remote_namespace_e2e/conflict_creation_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package conflictremotenamespace

import (

. ""
. ""
corev1 ""
apierrors ""
metav1 ""

offloadingv1alpha1 ""
liqoconst ""
testutils ""

func TestE2E(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "Liqo E2E Suite")

const (
// local name of the test namespace.
testNamespaceName = "test-namespace-conflict"

var _ = Describe("Liqo E2E", func() {
var (
ctx = context.Background()
testContext = tester.GetTester(ctx)
interval = 1 * time.Second
timeout = 10 * time.Second
// longTimeout is used in situations that may take longer to be performed
longTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
localIndex = 0
// index of the cluster on which a remote namespace with the same name already exists.
remoteIndex = 2
localClusterID = testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ClusterID
remoteTestNamespaceName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", testNamespaceName, localClusterID)

Context(fmt.Sprintf("Create a namespace inside the cluster '%d' and check what happen if a remote namespaace in the cluster "+
"'%d' already exists. Remove the label and check the deletion of the remote namespaces.", localIndex, remoteIndex), func() {

It(fmt.Sprintf("Create a namespace inside the cluster '%d' and check what happen "+
"if a remote namespaace in the cluster '%d' already exists.", localIndex, remoteIndex), func() {
namespace := &corev1.Namespace{}
namespaceOffloading := &offloadingv1alpha1.NamespaceOffloading{}

By(fmt.Sprintf(" 1 - Creating the remote namespace inside the cluster '%d'", remoteIndex))
Eventually(func() error {
return testutils.CreateNamespaceWithoutNamespaceOffloading(ctx, testContext.Clusters[remoteIndex].ControllerClient, remoteTestNamespaceName)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())

By(fmt.Sprintf(" 2 - Creating the local namespace inside the cluster '%d'", localIndex))
Eventually(func() error {
return testutils.CreateNamespaceWithNamespaceOffloading(ctx, testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient, testNamespaceName)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Succeed())

By(" 3 - Getting the NamespaceOffloading resource")
Eventually(func() error {
if err := testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient.Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespaceName, Name: liqoconst.DefaultNamespaceOffloadingName}, namespaceOffloading); err != nil {
return err
if namespaceOffloading.Status.OffloadingPhase != offloadingv1alpha1.SomeFailedOffloadingPhaseType {
return fmt.Errorf("the NamespaceOffloading resource has the wrong OffloadingPhase: %s",
return nil
}, longTimeout, interval).Should(Succeed())

By(fmt.Sprintf(" 4 - Deleting the remote namespace inside the cluster '%d'", remoteIndex))
Eventually(func() metav1.StatusReason {
err := testContext.Clusters[remoteIndex].ControllerClient.Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Name: remoteTestNamespaceName}, namespace)
_ = testContext.Clusters[remoteIndex].ControllerClient.Delete(ctx, namespace)
return apierrors.ReasonForError(err)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(metav1.StatusReasonNotFound))

By(fmt.Sprintf(" 5 - Checking that the remote namespace inside the cluster '%d' has been recreated", remoteIndex))
Eventually(func() error {
if err := testContext.Clusters[remoteIndex].ControllerClient.Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Name: remoteTestNamespaceName}, namespace); err != nil {
return err
if value, ok := namespace.Annotations[liqoconst.RemoteNamespaceAnnotationKey]; !ok || value != localClusterID {
return fmt.Errorf("the remote namespace has not the right Liqo annotation")
return nil
}, longTimeout, interval).Should(Succeed())


It("Delete the local namespace and check if the remote namespaces are deleted", func() {
By(" 1 - Getting the local namespace and delete it")
namespace := &corev1.Namespace{}
Eventually(func() metav1.StatusReason {
err := testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: testNamespaceName}, namespace)
_ = testContext.Clusters[localIndex].ControllerClient.Delete(ctx, namespace)
return apierrors.ReasonForError(err)
}, longTimeout, interval).Should(Equal(metav1.StatusReasonNotFound))

// When the local namespace is really deleted the remote namespace must be already deleted.
By(" 2 - Checking that all remote namespaces are deleted")
for i := range testContext.Clusters {
if i == localIndex {
Eventually(func() metav1.StatusReason {
return apierrors.ReasonForError(testContext.Clusters[i].ControllerClient.Get(ctx,
types.NamespacedName{Name: testNamespaceName}, namespace))
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(metav1.StatusReasonNotFound))

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