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Releases: liquibase/liquibase


19 Mar 22:06
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Liquibase 3.8.8 Released, Provides Minor Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

For both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro users, the following bugs were fixed in version 3.8.8:

  • rollbackOneChangeSetSQL now works correctly with the Liquibase Maven plugin.
  • Liquibase Pro no longer generates procedural code with incorrect SQL syntax when running generateChangeLog against a MySQL database.


24 Feb 16:55
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Liquibase 3.8.7 Overview

Liquibase 3.8.7 Extends Targeted Rollbacks Capabilities for Liquibase Pro

We are excited to announce with the release of Liquibase 3.8.7, Liquibase Pro users now have additional targeted rollback capabilities with two brand new commands! The creation of the rollbackOneUpdate command allows users to rollback their last update, or target any previous update with a --deploymentId parameter, and our new rollbackOneUpdateSQL command allows you view the SQL your rollbackOneUpdate command would produce prior to deploying it. That way, you can ensure you don't encounter any unintended consequences before rolling back.

Each one of these commands come with their own --help to give you friendly command-specific assistance when you need it most. Just type liquibase rollbackOneUpdate --help or liquibase rollbackOneUpdateSQL --help to find what you need.

To also help you navigate the Targeted Rollback waters, our fantastic engineers have created a brand new command available to both Liquibase Open Source and Pro users, we call this command history. The history command lists out all of your deploymentIds and all changeSets associated with each deploymentId so you can inspect a group of changes to ensure they have been applied to the database. Just type liquibase history into your command line to see it in action. Don't forget, you can also use a --outputFile parameter to write this information to a text file!

Bug Fixes

Liquibase 3.8.7 also continues our initiative to make Liquibase bigger, badder, and even better than before. For both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro users, the following bugs were fixed in version 3.8.7:


07 Feb 20:55
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Liquibase 3.8.6 Overview

Windows and MacOS installers

In addition to the existing zip/tar distributions, there are now liquibase-installer.exe and liquibase-installer.dmg graphical installers.

These installers include everything you need to run Liquibase (including Java) to make getting started easier than ever.


Regardless of how you install Liquibase, there is now a GETTING_STARTED.txt file that points you to some sample projects to start trying Liquibase as quickly as possible.

Targeted Rollbacks for Liquibase Pro with 'rollbackOneChangeset' command

You asked, and we listened! With the release of Liquibase 3.8.6, Liquibase Pro users will now have additional rollback capabilities with Targeted Rollback, a powerful new feature that allows you to target one changeSet to rollback, without affecting all the other changeSets which followed it. Think "git cherry pick" for rollbacks.

We even added a helper command "rollbackOneChangsetSQL", which will show you the SQL that will be used in the rollbackOneChangeset command.

You can now also receive command specific help for Targeted Rollback by typing in either
liquibase rollbackOneChangeSet --help or
liquibase rollbackOneChangeSetSql --help.

Bug Fixes

Liquibase 3.8.6 also continues our initiative to re-engage with our users by bringing new bug fixes to our Liquibase platform. For both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro users, the following bugs were fixed in version 3.8.6:

  • excludeObjects& includeObjects parameters now works correctly when running diff.
  • dataOutputDirectory parameter will now specify statement csv files appropriately.
  • Updated default MySql driver to com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver


09 Jan 21:32
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Liquibase 3.8.5

We've fixed a number of issues with this release.

Bug Fixes

For both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro users, the following bugs were fixed in version 3.8.5:

  • Fixes issue in which Liquibase did not add DESC to an id column
  • CLI once again accepts sqlFile, delimiter, rollbackScript, and outputSchemaAs arguments
  • Fixes Stored Procedure whitespace impacting update calls
  • Fixes generateChangelog failure when there are missing NOT NULL constraints
  • Fixes updateSQL, which was not including schemaName for package bodies
  • Fixes bug in which Liquibase was not always capturing create package body while generating changeLog
  • Liquibase CLI now gives a more useful error message when an invalid character is passed to a command
  • Fixes an MSSQL issue, which threw an exception when doing diff/diffChangeLog between offline connections (such as when snapshotting json files)
  • Fixes an MSSQL issue, which incorrectly generated datetime data type column when using diff & diffChangeLog Liquibase Maven plugin fails while executing/using "diff" and "generateChangeLog" with PostgreSQL)


20 Dec 20:18
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Liquibase 3.8.4 improves support for Liquibase in Spring Boot with Java 9+

For both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro users, the following bugs were fixed in version 3.8.4:

  • Fixed a 'Class not Found' exception error when using Java +9.
  • Fixed a 'Cannot Use Default Schema Name' error when users diff against an SQL Server snapshot file.
  • Fixed an 'Unexpected type: java.util.Date' error when using a defaultValueDate attribute in a YAML changelog.


18 Dec 17:58
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Liquibase 3.8.3 improves support for Liquibase-Maven plugin and Java 9+

It is true, sometimes things break. Sorry! However, with the release of Liquibase 3.8.3, users of both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro can enjoy improved Liquibase-Maven plugin experiences, especially when using Java 9+.

Bug Fixes

For both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro users, the following bugs were fixed in version 3.8.3:

  • Liquibase-Maven plugin now works with Java 9+.
  • Expired license messages should be far less verbose and excitable.


26 Nov 16:48
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With the release of Liquibase 3.8.2, Liquibase Pro users, along with support, can now enjoy even more database change control with the capability to capture and export Stored Logic objects, such as triggers, procedures, functions, and more.


Liquibase Pro Only: Stored Logic Objects are now captured for Postgres and DB2, so users can reverse engineer database changes, and capture triggers, functions, procedures, and more using generateChangeLog, snapshot, diff, and diffChangeLog commands.

Liquibase Pro Only: Stored logic objects will now export into local directories and files.


For both Liquibase Open Source and Liquibase Pro users, the following bugs were fixed in version 3.8.2:

  • Using generateChangeLog/diffChangeLog to generate formatted sql changelogs now works with Liquibase Pro's stored logic support
  • CDI-related classes moved back out of the main liquibase jar into an optional jar
  • Fixed issue with indexes backing foreign keys not always being caputured in diffChangeLog/generateChangeLog
  • Fixed issue with diffChangeLog/generateChangeLog generating primary keys when column order doesn't match the table's column order


06 Nov 22:50
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  • [PRO] Oracle and SQL Server users can now reverse engineer database changes for stored logic such as triggers, functions & procedures using generateChangeLog, snapshot, diff, and diffChangeLog commands. 

  • Bugfixes in logging and outputFile
  • Bugfixes in SQL Server index snapshot


19 Aug 23:09
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Liquibase now comes in two modes:

  • Liquibase Open Source
  • Liquibase Pro

The 3.8.0 release adds the ability to enter a license key for a Liquibase Pro trial or full Liquibase Pro license.

Liquibase Open Source

Liquibase is open source now and always. We’ll continue to provide the great Apache v2-licensed database change and version control tool you know and love. We’re excited to provide better documentation, better community support and more functionality for many future releases.

Liquibase Pro

Liquibase Pro gives teams an option to get support and expert answers for their use case so they don’t have to go it alone. Liquibase Pro also adds functions to change sets for updating procedural database code. Liquibase Pro is available under a commercial license as a yearly subscription.

Issues addressed

[CORE-3462] - Add new procedural database code change types for Liquibase Pro


19 Aug 23:10
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  • [CORE-3303] - Allow disabling shouldRun configuration via CDI integration
  • [CORE-3388] - DB2 LUW supports boolean data type column from version
  • [CORE-3400] - add "manifoldclass:" to list of skipped URL protocols in DefaultPackageScanClassResolver
  • [CORE-2377] - Using replaceIfExists with generates DROP statements
  • [CORE-2971] - Comments at end of statements are incorrectly parsed
  • [CORE-3124] - Indexes with DESC sorting are not created for PostgreSQL
  • [CORE-3159] - class cast exception when running command line
  • [CORE-3174] - Plugin does not create parent directory
  • [CORE-3211] - Firebird does not support RESTRICT option on Foreign Keys
  • [CORE-3251] - SQL Server Changesets Not Escaping Keywords
  • [CORE-3365] - PrimaryKeySnapshotGenerator throws NPE for SQLite
  • [CORE-3375] - addNotNullConstraint on h2 still requires (unused) columnDataType
  • [CORE-3386] - includeAll can't resolve relativeToChangelogFile path within a jar file
  • [CORE-3437] - MariaDB 10.3.4+ problem with add column PERIOD
  • [CORE-2235] - Support priority-based selection of Precondition implementation
  • [CORE-3205] - Change Log Parameters from Environment Variable