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nojhan edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 21 revisions


Liquid Prompt can be configured in several ways:

  • templates: reorganize the location of the sections,
  • presets: configure set of variables (enable a feature, change a color or a marking character),
  • themes: change the whole design of the prompt.

All of them may be compatible with each other. For instance, most themes come with alternate presets to change their color scheme. This page list some themes, but do not show the extent of all the configuration combination that can be done with them. See each theme repository and look for the presets they provide, for more information.

How to install

To install and use a theme, download its repository somewhere, source its *.theme file after sourcing liquidprompt, and then call lp_theme with the theme name:

source <your_path_to_LP>/liquidprompt
source <your_path_to_theme_X>/X.theme
lp_theme X

Notes: some theme files actually load several themes, you can check their names after having sourced it by calling lp_theme --list.

About Themes

If you would like to find more themes for Liquidprompt, you can browse the list below or the liquidprompt-theme topic on Github.

If you would like your theme featured here, you can open an issue with a link to your theme, and a short description of what it aims to do. You can also tag it with the liquidprompt-theme topic.

Note that the screenshots displayed here are of the very long prompts, a rare event you would see only if your session is in a "surprising" state. In most common states, the Liquid Prompt may be very compact (the default theme being just [:~] $, for instance).

Nonetheless, the screenshots here should be (more or less) in the same states, and show the same information (to the extent that they actually support it).

Packaged Themes

The following themes are provided along with Liquid Prompt.



The default theme for Liquid Prompt targets a simple, one-line, classical prompt, while having all the features.

It also comes with several presets. Below an example of the default theme with both the "256-colors-dark" and the "more-unicode" presets.


Alternate VCS


The alternate_vcs theme is included with Liquid Prompt. It is designed to be more flexible than the default theme in terms of what Version Control Systems information is shown in the prompt.



The unfold theme is included with Liquid Prompt. It rearranges the default prompt.

It spreads the prompt in three sections on two lines: the main segments are on the first line, left-aligned, while less important ones are right-aligned. The second line shows the prompt, along with only immediate information (errors, etc.), which makes the prompt location more stable on the screen.

Official Themes

The following themes are provided as separated repositories, but are officially supported by the liquidprompt team, which update them every time a new version of Liquid Prompt is released..


This set of four themes use the classical design of colored segments with fancy separators, which was famously introduced by the Powerline project.

The "powerline" theme emulates the (limited) features of the original project, but if you want to get the full features provided by Liquid Prompt, you will want to use the "powerline_plus" theme.

Additional themes allow the actual prompt to be on a new line ("power2lines") or spread the sections more largely on two lines, with right alignement ("powerpuff").

Those themes also comes with presets for dark or light backgrounds, and a high-contrast version.

Third-party Themes

This themes are provided as separated repositories, but there is no guarantee that they would be updated along with each new feature of Liquid Prompt.


DotMatrix is a unique prompt theme, very carefully designed, that will completely change the way you imagine the prompt.

It is focused on improving the user experience, by vastly improving the ability of the user to immediately spot what she should do following her system's state changes. As such, you may find it a little bit disconcerting at first. But we believe that the advantages of this design make it worth the effort.

It is also accessible to most colorblind people and comes with many style variants.


The neon theme is an extension of the default theme, featuring a "techno-ascii-art" style.

This prompt is a fully usable theme, designed to be easier to visually parse than the default theme.

It is also an example of how to build a theme by modifying the colors and structure of the sections.

The theme features three rows:

  1. the first one hosting "secondary" information, in blue (jobs, sensors, dev context, etc.),
  2. the second row displays "primary" information (user, path, VCS, etc.), in green,
  3. the third one is dedicated to the prompt (runtime, error code, prompt mark), in cyan.

Within each row, important notices are displayed in bold (and thus probably in a slightly lighter color, depending on your terminal configuration).


The objective of GitCrux is to help you find which Git command to use, given the current state of your Git repository. Hints are given in a visual way, helping the user to understand what commands will change.

It targets users who are starting out with Git and struggle to remember the classical Git workflow.


The solid theme is a didactic theme. Its aim is not to actually be used as a day-to-day prompt (but you do you), but to expose everything that Liquid Prompt actually watches.

It shows a table with the full state of the system, as seen by Liquid Prompt. All data sources that Liquid Prompt handles are shown at all times, along with their state:

  • either "no state" (blank space in purple),
  • "some state" (value in cyan),
  • "warning state" (value in yellow)
  • or "disabled data source" (stroke through).


Pureship is actually a set of 3 themes.

All of them are emulating the design of other prompt systems, namely starship (and spaceship, which share the same design), and pure.

The third theme —liquidship— is an improved version of starship, with all the features of Liquid Prompt and some ergonomics improvements.

Status bar

While not really a theme in itself, Liquid Prompt can be used as a status bar for your favorite desktop environment. The directory contrib/status-bar shows an example of a configuration able to display an X window holding an up-to-date Liquid Prompt as a status bar.

The following screenshot shows an i3 session, with Liquid Prompt used as a status bar on top of the screen, and a classical i3bar at the bottom of the screen, for reference:
