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#12 created Lattice and SemanticDomain interfaces
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lucaneg committed Nov 10, 2020
1 parent 0b09453 commit b40f50c
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Showing 5 changed files with 370 additions and 0 deletions.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions lisa/src/main/java/it/unive/lisa/analysis/
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package it.unive.lisa.analysis;

* A base implementation of the {@link Lattice} interface, handling base cases
* of the methods exposed by that interface. All implementers of {@link Lattice}
* should inherit from this class for ensuring a consistent behavior on the base
* cases, unless explicitly needed.
* @param <L> the concrete {@link BaseLattice} instance
* @author <a href="">Luca Negrini</a>
public abstract class BaseLattice<L extends BaseLattice<L>> implements Lattice<L> {

public final L lub(L other) {
if (other == null || other == bottom() || this == top() || this == other || equals(other))
return (L) this;

if (this == bottom() || other == top())
return other;

return lubAux(other);

* Performs the least upper bound operation between this lattice element and the
* given one, assuming that:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code other} is not {@code null}</li>
* <li>{@code other} is neither <i>top</i> nor <i>bottom</i></li>
* <li>{@code this} is neither <i>top</i> nor <i>bottom</i></li>
* <li>{@code this} and {@code other} are not the same object (according both to
* {@code ==} and to {@link Object#equals(Object)})</li>
* </ul>
* @param other the other lattice element
* @return the least upper bound
protected abstract L lubAux(L other);

public final L widening(L other) {
if (other == null || other == bottom() || this == top() || this == other || equals(other))
return (L) this;

if (this == bottom() || other == top())
return other;

return wideningAux(other);

* Performs the widening operation between this lattice element and the given
* one, assuming that:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code other} is not {@code null}</li>
* <li>{@code other} is neither <i>top</i> nor <i>bottom</i></li>
* <li>{@code this} is neither <i>top</i> nor <i>bottom</i></li>
* <li>{@code this} and {@code other} are not the same object (according both to
* {@code ==} and to {@link Object#equals(Object)})</li>
* </ul>
* @param other the other lattice element
* @return the least upper bound
protected abstract L wideningAux(L other);

public final boolean lessOrEqual(L other) {
if (other == null)
return false;

if (this == other || this == bottom() || other == top() || equals(other))
return true;

if (this == top() || other == bottom())
return false;

return lessOrEqualAux(other);

* Yields {@code true} if and only if this lattice element is in relation with
* (usually represented through &le;) the given one, assuming that:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code other} is not {@code null}</li>
* <li>{@code other} is neither <i>top</i> nor <i>bottom</i></li>
* <li>{@code this} is neither <i>top</i> nor <i>bottom</i></li>
* <li>{@code this} and {@code other} are not the same object (according both to
* {@code ==} and to {@link Object#equals(Object)})</li>
* </ul>
* @param other the other lattice element
* @return {@code true} if and only if that condition holds
protected abstract boolean lessOrEqualAux(L other);
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions lisa/src/main/java/it/unive/lisa/analysis/
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package it.unive.lisa.analysis;

* An interface for elements that follow a lattice structure. Implementers of
* this interface should inherit from {@link BaseLattice}, unless explicitly
* needed.
* @param <L> the concrete {@link Lattice} instance
* @author <a href="">Luca Negrini</a>
public interface Lattice<L extends Lattice<L>> {

* Performs the least upper bound operation between this lattice element and the
* given one. This operation is commutative.
* @param other the other lattice element
* @return the least upper bound
L lub(L other);

* Performs the widening operation between this lattice element and the given
* one. This operation is not commutative.
* @param other the other lattice element
* @return the least upper bound
L widening(L other);

* Yields {@code true} if and only if this lattice element is in relation with
* (usually represented through &le;) the given one. This operation is not
* commutative.
* @param other the other lattice element
* @return {@code true} if and only if that condition holds
boolean lessOrEqual(L other);

* Yields the top element of this lattice. The returned element should be unique
* across different calls to this method, since {@link #isTop()} uses reference
* equality by default. If the value returned by this method is not a singleton,
* override {@link #isTop()} accordingly to provide a coherent test.
* @return the top element
L top();

* Yields the bottom element of this lattice. The returned element should be
* unique across different calls to this method, since {@link #isBottom()} uses
* reference equality by default. If the value returned by this method is not a
* singleton, override {@link #isBottom()} accordingly to provide a coherent
* test.
* @return the bottom element
L bottom();

* Yields {@code true} if and only if this object represents the top of the
* lattice. The default implementation of this method uses reference equality
* between {@code this} and the value returned by {@link #top()}, thus assuming
* that the top element is a singleton. If this is not the case, override this
* method accordingly to provide a coherent test.
* @return {@code true} if this is the top of the lattice
public default boolean isTop() {
return this == top();

* Yields {@code true} if and only if this object represents the bottom of the
* lattice. The default implementation of this method uses reference equality
* between {@code this} and the value returned by {@link #bottom()}, thus
* assuming that the bottom element is a singleton. If this is not the case,
* override this method accordingly to provide a coherent test.
* @return {@code true} if this is the bottom of the lattice
public default boolean isBottom() {
return this == bottom();
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions lisa/src/main/java/it/unive/lisa/analysis/
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package it.unive.lisa.analysis;

import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.Identifier;
import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.SymbolicExpression;

* A domain able to determine how abstract information evolves thanks to the
* semantics of statements and expressions.
* @param <D> the concrete {@link SemanticDomain} instance
* @param <E> the type of {@link SymbolicExpression} that this domain can
* process
* @param <I> the type of variable {@link Identifier} that this domain can
* handle
* @author <a href="">Luca Negrini</a>
public interface SemanticDomain<D extends SemanticDomain<D, E, I>, E extends SymbolicExpression, I extends Identifier> {

* Yields a copy of this domain, where {@code id} has been assigned to
* {@code value}.
* @param id the identifier to assign the value to
* @param value the value to assign
* @return a copy of this domain, modified by the assignment
D assign(I id, E value);

* Yields a copy of this domain, that has been modified accordingly to the
* semantics of the given {@code expression}.
* @param expression the expression whose semantics need to be computed
* @return a copy of this domain, modified accordingly to the semantics of
* {@code expression}
D smallStepSemantics(E expression);

* Yields a copy of this domain, modified by assuming that the given expression
* holds. It is required that the returned domain is in relation with this one.
* A safe (but imprecise) implementation of this method can always return
* {@code this}.
* @param expression the expression to assume to hold.
* @return the (optionally) modified copy of this domain
D assume(E expression);

* Checks if the given expression is satisfied by the abstract values of this
* domain, returning an instance of {@link Satisfiability}.
* @param expression the expression whose satisfiability is to be evaluated
* @return {@link Satisfiability#SATISFIED} is the expression is satisfied by
* the values of this domain, {@link Satisfiability#NOT_SATISFIED} if it
* is not satisfied, or {@link Satisfiability#UNKNOWN} if it is either
* impossible to determine if it satisfied, or if it is satisfied by
* some values and not by some others (this is equivalent to a TOP
* boolean value)
Satisfiability satisfy(E expression);

* The satisfiability of an expression.
* @author <a href="">Luca Negrini</a>
public enum Satisfiability {
* Represent the fact that an expression is satisfied.
public Satisfiability negate() {

public Satisfiability and(Satisfiability other) {
return other;

public Satisfiability or(Satisfiability other) {
return this;

* Represent the fact that an expression is not satisfied.
public Satisfiability negate() {

public Satisfiability and(Satisfiability other) {
return this;

public Satisfiability or(Satisfiability other) {
return other;

* Represent the fact that it is not possible to determine whether or not an
* expression is satisfied.
public Satisfiability negate() {
return this;

public Satisfiability and(Satisfiability other) {
if (other == NOT_SATISFIED)
return other;

return this;

public Satisfiability or(Satisfiability other) {
if (other == SATISFIED)
return other;

return this;

* Negates the current satisfiability, getting the opposite result.
* @return the negation of this satisfiability instance
public abstract Satisfiability negate();

* Performs a logical and between this satisfiability and the given one.
* @param other the other satisfiability
* @return the logical and between the two satisfiability instances
public abstract Satisfiability and(Satisfiability other);

* Performs a logical or between this satisfiability and the given one.
* @param other the other satisfiability
* @return the logical or between the two satisfiability instances
public abstract Satisfiability or(Satisfiability other);

* Transforms a boolean value to a {@link Satisfiability} instance.
* @param bool the boolean to transform
* @return {@link #SATISFIED} if {@code bool} is {@code true},
* {@link #NOT_SATISFIED} otherwise
public static Satisfiability fromBoolean(boolean bool) {
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lisa/src/main/java/it/unive/lisa/symbolic/
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package it.unive.lisa.symbolic;

public interface Identifier {

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package it.unive.lisa.symbolic;

public abstract class SymbolicExpression {


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