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Upgrade Guide

Upgrading from v4.1 to v4.2

Layer Props

Coordinate system related props have been renamed for clarity

Layer Old Prop New Prop Comment
Layer projectionMode coordinateSystem Any constant from COORDINATE_SYSTEM
Layer projectionOrigin coordinateOrigin


TODO: add a document explaining the hierarchies and recommended practices of using the provided viewports.

Upgrading from v4 to v4.1 v4.1 is a backward-compatible release. Most of the functionality and APIs remain unchanged but there are smaller changes that might requires developers' attention if they develop custom layers. Note that applications that are only using the provided layers should not need to make any changes issues.

  • shouldUpdateState - v4.1 contains additional optimizations of the layer lifecycle and layer diffing algorithms. Most of these changes are completely under the hood but one visible change is that the default implementation of Layer.shouldUpdate no longer returns true if only the viewport has changed. This means that layers that need to update state in response to changes in screen space (viewport) will need to redefine shouldUpdate:
  shouldUpdateState({changeFlags}) {
    return changeFlags.somethingChanged; // default is now changeFlags.propsOrDataChanged;

Note that this change has already been done in all the provided layers that are screen space based, including the ScreenGridLayer and the HexagonLayer. Model class API change

  • v4.1 bumps to from v3 to v4. This is major release that brings full WebGL2 enablement to This should not affect you if you are mainly using the provided layers but if you are writing your own layers using classes you may want to look at the upgrade guide of

The gl parameter is provided as a separate argument in v4, instead of part of the options object.

// v4
new Model(gl, {opts});
// v3
new Model({gl, ...opts});

Shader Assembly

Custom layers are no longer expected to call assembleShaders directly. Instead, the new Model class from v4 will take shaders and the modules they are using as parameters and assemble shaders automatically.

// v4
const model = new Model(gl, {
  modules: ['fp64', ...],
  shaderCache: this.context.shaderCache

// v3
const shaders = assembleShaders(gl, {
  modules: ['fp64', 'project64'],
  shaderCache: this.context.shaderCache
const model = new Model({
  vs: shaders.vs,
  fs: shaders.fs,

Upgrading from v3 to v4

Changed Import: The DeckGL React component

A small but breaking change that will affect all applications is that the '' import is no longer available. As of v4.0, the app is required to import as follows:

// V4
import DeckGL from '';
// V3
import DeckGL from '';

While it would have been preferable to avoid this change, a significant modernization of the build process and preparations for "tree-shaking" support combined to make it impractical to keep supporting the old import style.

Deprecated/Removed Layers

Layer Status Replacement
ChoroplethLayer Deprecated GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
ChoroplethLayer64 Deprecated GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
ExtrudedChoroplethLayer Deprecated GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer
EnhancedChoroplethLayer Moved to examples PathLayer
  • ChoroplethLayer, ChoroplethLayer64, ExtrudedChoroplethLayer

These set of layers are deprecated in v4, with their functionality completely substituted by more unified, flexible and performant new layers: GeoJsonLayer, PolygonLayer and PathLayer.

Developers should be able to just supply the same geojson data that are used with ChoroplethLayers to the new GeoJsonLayer. The props of the GeoJsonLayer are a bit different from the old ChoroplethLayer, so proper testing is recommended to achieve satisfactory result.

  • EnhancedChoroplethLayer

This was a a sample layer in v3 and has now been moved to a stand-alone example and is no longer exported from the npm module.

Developers can either copy this layer from the example folder into their application's source tree, or consider using the new PathLayer which also handles wide lines albeit in a slightly different way.

Removed, Changed and Deprecated Layer Properties

Layer Old Prop New Prop Comment
Layer dataIterator N/A Prop was not functional in v3
ScatterplotLayer radius radiusScale Default has changed from 30 to 1
ScatterplotLayer drawOutline outline
ScreenGridLayer unitWidth cellSizePixels
ScreenGridLayer unitHeight cellSizePixels

Note about strokeWidth props

All line based layers (LineLayer and ArcLayerand theScatterplotLayerin outline mode) now use use shaders to render an exact pixel thickness on lines, instead of using theGL.LINE` drawing mode.

This particular change was caused by browsers dropping support for this feature (Chrome and Firefox).

Also GL.LINE mode rendering always had signficant limitations in terms of lack of support for mitering, unreliable support for anti-aliasing and platform dependent line width limits so this should represent an improvement in visual quality and consistency for these layers.

Removed prop: Layer.dataIterator

This prop has been removed in v4. Note that it was not functioning as documented in v3.

Renamed Props: The ...Scale suffix

Props that have their name end of Scale is a set of props that multiply some existing value for all objects in the layers. These props usually correspond to WebGL shader uniforms that "scaling" all values of specific attributes simultaneously.

For API consistency reasons these have all been renamed with the suffix ..Scale. See the property table above.

Removed lifecycle method: Layer.willReceiveProps

This lifecycle was deprecated in v3 and is now removed in v4. Use Layer.updateState instead.

Changes to updateTriggers

Update triggers can now be specified by referring to the name of the accessor, instead of the name of the actual WebGL attribute.

Note that this is supported on all layers supplied by v4, but if you are using older layers, they need a small addition to their attribute definitions to specify the name of the accessor.

AttributeManager changes

Removed method: AttributeManager.setLogFunctions

Use the new static function AttributeManager.setDefaultLogFunctions to set loggers for all AttributeManagers (i.e. for all layers).

Removed method: AttributeManager.addDynamic

This method has been deprecated since version 2.5 and is now removed in v4. Use AttributeManager.add() instead.