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Max sustained dps graph

EmilyBjoerk edited this page Sep 8, 2013 · 3 revisions

This graph shows your maximum sustained dps at different ranges and which weapons are used to achieve that DPS.

Reading the graph

The graph contains lots of information if you know how to read it. The graph shows stacked DPS, meaning that the top of the graph is the total sustained DPS for that range.

The height of a weapon's stack at a given range is how much DPS that weapon is contributing to the total sustained DPS at that range. Thus if a weapon is not showing up at a certain range, the weapon should not be fired at that range because it is absolutely ineffective when looking at sustained DPS. If a weapon is not present at all in the graph, that means that when considering sustained DPS, that weapon is a waste of tonnage and slots and you're better of taking something else such as heat sinks or more ammo.

One other interesting thing that one can see from the graph is that if the addition of another weapon doesn't change the graph, then that weapon isn't affecting your effectiveness and it may be better to bring something else.

The shapes and proportions of the weapons show you which weapons to prioritize at what ranges.

Using the graph

The graph supports basic zoom and other functions. Try dragging and right clicking in the graph.