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MVP List

lisza edited this page Sep 23, 2017 · 3 revisions
  1. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login
  2. A production README
  3. Hosting on Heroku
  4. Stories
    • Users can create, edit, and delete stories.
    • Stories Index (homepage / main feed)
    • Story Show page
  5. User Profile
    • A user's profile shows a feed of their own stories
  6. Commenting on stories
    • Users can comment on stories and delete their comments.
  7. Follows
    • Usesr have followers and can follow and unfollow other users.
    • The follower and following count is displayed on their profile.
  8. BONUS: Likes
    • Users can 'like' and 'unlike' stories. Like count is displayed for each story.
  9. BONUS: Follows Feed
    • A feed of stories by followed users
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