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little-brother edited this page Nov 20, 2023 · 22 revisions


  • Use ABC as a column filter to find rows containing "ABC"
  • Use =ABC to find rows with column values equal to "ABC"
  • Use !ABC to find rows without "ABC"
  • Use >N or <N to find rows with more or less N

How to use 64-bit plugin with 32-bit Office

The x64 plugin version requires x64 ODBC drivers. With Office x32 you need to install x64 drivers and overwrite NLS support files (\1033, \1049 and the same).

  1. Install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable or Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 x64

    accessdatabaseengine_X64.exe /quiet

    The next steps are optional (if the plugin still doesn't work)

  2. Run regedit32, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\FilesPaths and remove mso.dll (16 if you have Office2016)

  3. Copy all files from c:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE16\1033\ into C:\Windows\System32 or %COMMANDER_PATH%.

  4. Try to open xlsx files and try again on falling.

Check a discussion about it here (russian).

Hot keys

Key Description
Ctrl + Mouse wheel Change font size
Tab Switch focus to the next control
Ctrl + Tab Switch focus to the previous control
F1 Open Wiki
F11 Toggle full screen mode
Ctrl + C Copy current value
Shift + C Copy selected row(s)
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy column
Ctrl + Column click Hide column
Ctrl + Space Restore all hidden columns
Alt + Cell click Extract an url from the cell and open it in a browser
Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, ... Sort by column number
Ctrl + 0 Sort by current column


Settings are stored in odbc-wlx-section in c:\Users\%User%\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER\lsplugin.ini.
If the plugin folder contains odbc-wlx.ini then settings will be read from it.
Check default.ini in a distributive to get available options and their descriptions.

RGB colors are integer values. You can use Get Color Picker.

Performance cons

Because of ODBC doesn't support limit ... offset ...-clause, the full table read into memory each time and therefore the plugin is not supposed to be used for large tables (1KK+ rows).

Data Source Name files (*.dsn)

To create dsn file use ODBC Data Source Administrator (Win + R > odbcad32).
The dsn file is a simple ini-file like below

DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)
FIL=MS Access

You can create these files to any RDBMS if you have appropriate ODBC driver e.g. MySQL, PosgreSQL, Mongo to view remote DBMS.

How to build

del odbc-wlx.wlx
del odbc-wlx.wlx64

rem 32bit, mingw64
set PATH=c:\mingw64\mingw32\bin;%PATH%
gcc.exe -Wl,--kill-at -shared -static main.c -o odbc-wlx.wlx -m32 -s -Os -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -lodbc32 -luxtheme

rem 64bit, mingw64
set PATH=c:\mingw64\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
gcc.exe -Wl,--kill-at -shared -static main.c -o odbc-wlx.wlx64 -m64 -s -Os -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -lodbc32 -luxtheme