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implementations of various sorting algos for the Z80


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implementations of various sorting algos for the Z80

For each sorting routine the next information is provided: its size, whether it uses stack or not, required amount of additional memory, the size of code for its call. All sizes are in bytes. Benchmark results are clock cycles. One clock cycle is equal to one millionth of a second for the Z80 at 1 MHz. All results were gotten using Z80-sim Release 1.37 by Udo Munk.

Quicksort depends on its stacklvl parameter, it must be more than binary logarithm of the number of elements in the sorted array. Number 26 is used as its default value (16 is enough for any case but it is slower). Total amount of stack space required may be calculated by stacklvl*N+stackint where N=6 for quick and N=4 for quick-nr (nr means no recursion), stackint is amount of stack space reserved for interrupts, it can be, for instance, 20 but this value is not used by code. If interrupts are disabled stackint may be equal to 0. You can check if your stack space is large enough before the sort invocation.

Shellsort depends on its shelltabidx parameter which is used in a normal Shellsort invocation. For the benchmarks, the value 7 has been used for 1000 element arrays, and the value 11 has been used for 30000 and 60000 element arrays.

Various kinds of filling have been used for testing and benchmarking:

  • random-1 – every byte is generated randomly by the standard C random number generator function, numbers in range 0 and 255 are generated;
  • random-2 – every byte is generated randomly by a quick and simple homebrew random number generator, numbers in range 0 and 255 are generated;
  • 2-values – every byte is generated randomly by the standard C random number generator function, only numbers 0 and 1 are generated;
  • 4-values – every 16-bit word is generated randomly by the standard C random number generator function, only numbers 0, 1, 256 and 257 are generated;
  • killer-qs-r – this sequence kills Hoare's Quicksort from its right edge;
  • killer-qs-l – this sequence kills Hoare's Quicksort from its left edge;
  • reversed – every next element is equal or lower than the previous;
  • sorted – every next element is equal or higher than the previous;
  • constant – all elements are equal.

The killer sequence generators may be taken from this file, seek for fill_for_quadratic_qsort_hoare routines. The random-2 generator is available within the same file, seek for fill_homebrew_randomly routine.

The standard C random generator (GCC) is initializared with srand(0).

Byte sorting

Routine Size Stack Memory Startup
quick 136 178¹ 0 9
quick-nr 162 126² 0 9
shell 145 4 0 11
selection 56 4 0 9
insertion 58 4 0 9
radix8 104 2 512 11

¹ - stacklvl*6+stackint+2

² - stacklvl*4+stackint+2

1000 byte benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion radix8
random-1 883,128 915,005 1,843,009 35,674,816 28,878,343 204,713
random-2 891,203 908,092 1,798,339 35,672,965 22,496,347 204,713
2-values 894,137 864,946 982,544 35,661,547 14,049,135 204,733
reversed 717,064 794,384 1,279,823 35,857,240 56,873,005 204,713
sorted 680,902 757,909 895,643 35,660,026 135,048 204,713
constant 811,001 790,684 895,643 35,660,026 135,048 204,743

60000 byte benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion radix8
random-1 77,270,026 75,585,298 169,277,763 127,934,952,030 102,211,287,455 9,944,754
random-2 77,570,788 75,878,999 162,645,693 127,935,004,194 101,653,426,549 9,945,554
2-values 79,907,044 78,051,373 101,150,601 127,934,127,906 51,101,831,035 9,946,894
reversed 62,993,150 61,786,498 125,707,217 127,945,609,713 204,493,798,627 9,944,754
sorted 60,843,906 59,639,814 92,315,475 127,934,037,372 8,103,051 9,944,754
constant 75,976,637 74,666,080 92,315,475 127,934,037,372 8,103,051 9,946,904

Word sorting

Routine Size Stack Memory Startup
quick 167 178¹ 0 9
quick-nr 193 126² 0 9
shell 162 4 0 11
selection 73 4 0 9
insertion 75 4 0 9

1000 word benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion
random-1 1,504,087 1,608,183 2,786,334 56,734,545 48,940,866
random-2 1,502,319 1,594,525 2,767,763 56,735,454 41,846,478
4-values 1,442,949 1,410,265 1,473,617 56,721,462 36,646,675
kill-qs-r 2,623,831 2,612,699 2,329,927 56,723,517 32,202,093
kill-qs-l 6,105,287 2,865,651 2,310,531 56,722,722 32,201,585
reversed 843,000 822,683 1,889,321 57,468,234 96,075,429
sorted 775,220 754,903 1,180,025 56,718,234 173,066
constant 1,325,078 1,304,761 1,180,025 56,718,234 173,066

30000 word benchmarking

  quick quick-nr shell selection insertion
random-1 59,745,096 62,544,459 147,349,040 50,918,498,814 43,247,740,411
random-2 59,355,352 61,341,456 141,033,666 50,918,502,168 43,013,279,365
4-values 61,677,795 60,784,004 69,305,677 50,917,808,217 32,278,898,846
kill-qs-r 103,456,298 102,755,656 119,606,055 50,917,870,428 28,820,597,113
kill-qs-l 198,970,477 127,941,471 119,252,416 50,917,845,840 28,820,595,461
reversed 34,896,198 34,241,001 93,275,905 51,592,710,852 86,446,438,341
sorted 32,870,601 32,215,404 59,047,713 50,917,710,852 5,193,017
constant 59,587,826 58,932,629 59,047,713 50,917,710,852 5,193,017

Check also 6502-sorting, 6809-sorting, and Benchmark Comparisons.


implementations of various sorting algos for the Z80







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