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Liu-Cheng Xu edited this page Jul 15, 2018 · 4 revisions


Every Vim configuration or so-called Vim distribution is essentially a single vimrc, see :h vimrc, :h vimrc-intro and :h defaults.vim.

In short, space-vim is a mere Plug 'foo' list, apparently with much of my own personal taste.

Why you should use space-vim?

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. -- Newton

My understanding is to always stand upon the shoulders of giants when you try to master something new. It's nothing but the methodology. 1 plus 9 equals 10, 9 plus 1 still equals 10, all roads lead to Rome.

At the every beginning, I tried ma6174/vim(deprecated now). It looks less modern today, but it's good enough for me at that time. I really appreciate his effort, which helped me survive in the vim world. Afterwards I studied spf13-vim(also dormant) a lot and start to write my config from zero. You could still see lots of elements from spf13-vim in the branch vundle. Much later, I replaced Vundle with vim-plug(see the branch vim-plug). After I had some experience with spacemacs and dived into the design of vim-plug, I rebuild space-vim based on the philosophy of spacemacs and vim-plug.

Without these giants, space-vim will never be born. I hope space-vim could become one of your giants as well.

Why you shouldn't use space-vim?

You definitely ought to abandon it when you grow up.

A real vimmer never use anyone else's vimrc. With enough knowledge, you should write your own config from scratch, do things exactly what you want.